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根据放养鸭的数量及园地面积划定轮放区,用高50厘米的尼龙网围栏成几个区轮放。为便于 管理一般每区0.335公顷放养400只左右为宜。果园面积小,养鸭数量少时,可以不分区,但应根据园内杂草及昆虫等的生长繁殖情况实行间断放牧。在轮放区内要为鸭子备足饮用水。










Our country is big country of duck breed aquatics, 69.7% what the gross of our country duck occupies gross of duck of world breed aquatics, be on world first place. And still rising steadily, breed foreground capacious, so the profit of duck breed aquatics how? How much should invest?

One, raise duck investment

1, hire charge: Every mus of ground can build two duck canopy, 10 duck canopy needs at least 5, 6 mus of ground. Suppose, the hire of every mus of ground is 500 yuan, 10 mus of ground are 5000 yuan.

2, build cost: If the construction cost of every canopy is 600 yuan, calculate on charge of artificial, material, the construction of duck canopy is controlled in 10 thousand yuan.

3, duck seedling charge: Now, the duck seedling price on the market is in 1.5 yuan / , 2000 cost is 3000 yuan.

4, implemental charge: Investor still needs to buy feeding trough to provide, crib, net wearing, about 5000 yuan or so.

5, feed charge: Suppose, each duck from arrive into canopy a column, need 10 jins of feed in all. The cost of every jins of feed is 1 yuan / jin, 2000 feed cost is 20 thousand yuan.

6, artificial charge: Open a farm, investor wants invite applications for a job at least 6 employee, each every months 2000 yuan, 6 people pay is 12 thousand yuan.

7, vaccinal charge: To prevent the happening of all sorts of diseases, investor still wants duck inject vaccine. Every only vaccinal charge 10 yuan, 2000 are 20 thousand yuan.

2, raise duck cost and profit analysis

Because the duck grows,cycle does not grow a column fast, friend of a lot of countries also can raise a duck when slack season. We will calculate next is in below the country's common family condition, raise the cost of the duck and profit.

1. with one-time breed aquatics 3000 ducks are exemple

(Cost of 1) duck seedling: Value of duck seedling market is 1.5 yuan are controlled probably only, 3000 cost is: 3000*1.5=4500 yuan

(Cost of 2) duck makings: Duck expects 1.7 yuan a jin, a duck from raise 45 days into canopy, have 13 jins of stuff probably, cost of feed of a duck: 1.7*13=22.1;3000 the feed cost of the duck: 22.1*3000=66300 yuan

The cost that raise duck adds up to: 4500+66300=70800 yuan

Raise duck profit analysis: A duck goes out column is controlled 6.5 jins probably, every jins 3.9 yuan, a duck can sell 25.35 yuan, add up to: 25.35*3000=76050 yuan

Profit = benefit - cost =76050 yuan - 70800 yuan of =5250 yuan

The family breeds a batch of ducks, it is a cycle with 45 days, can earn 5250 yuan, breed 6 batches word one year to be able to earn 30 thousand control.

3, raise duck recipe

1, observation produces egg time. The yield of the duck egg time is centered in before dawn commonly 2 when to early 8 when, if produce egg time to cannot be centered everyday, produce an egg by day even, be about to fill in time feed concentrated feed

2, the feather that observes egg duck. If feather is smooth and close together close-fitting, show nutrient in order, otherwise, want to improve the quality of feed.

3, observation appetite. No matter encircle,depasture, duck of high yield egg forages force is very powerful, appear rob the state that feed. Otherwise, want to prove a cause.

4, the play water condition that observes a duck. Time of the dive after duck of high yield egg enters the water is long, the feather after toing disembark is smooth not wet hair. If be afraid of,enter the water, after do not wash bath or entering the water wet hair, the action is faint, want to prove a cause right now, add feed animal albumen feed and cod-liver oil.

5, observation psychosis. Healthy duck spirit is lively, the action is quick, rest quiet, ill duck criterion spirit is dispirited, from group slow-witted stand, shrink the head hangs down wing.

6, color of observation excrement and urine. Healthy duck group excrement and urine is not hard not soft, color grey black, the surface has deposit of a few uric acerbity salt. Ill duck excrement and urine has the abnormal rare excrement and urine such as green, white, golden color.

4, how to put in a suitable place to breed duck

1, put in a suitable place to breed density

The basis puts in a suitable place to breed the size of duck, strong weak decision puts in a suitable place to breed density, abide by appropriate rare the principle that shoulds not be close. General 0.067 hectare orchard puts nurturance duck 20-30.

2, delimit annulus puts a division

The basis puts in a suitable place to breed the amount of duck and garden ground accumulate delimit annulus to put a division, with 50 centimeters tall nylon net crawl becomes a few area annulus to put. Manage to facilitate general every area 0.335 hectare put in a suitable place to breed it is advisable to be controlled 400 times. Orchard area is small, when the amount that raise duck is little, need not divisional, dan Yinggen occupies what the fireweed inside garden reachs the insect to wait to grow progenitive circumstance is executed discontinuous depasture. In annulus put duck equipment enough drinking water should is inside the area.

3, put in a suitable place to breed method

It is in every sky midday was controlled to 11 o'clock at 10 o'clock commonly when duck group put selected put in a suitable place to breed well area, in put in a suitable place to breed area wants to prepare enough drinking water, controlled to 3 o'clock at 2 o'clock in midday of every the world at the same time go putting in a suitable place to breed area puts in feed in fixed position, use complement they grow needs nurture is qualitative, wait namely next can undertaking filling expecting after the farm in the evening can. In the process that put in a suitable place to breed we should be strengthened right field with the management between garden, prevent natural enemy to be harmed to theirs, had better be everyday person specially assigned for a task has guard.

4, fill on time raise

Put in a suitable place to breed for complement the inadequacy of period feed, timely to putting in a suitable place to breed duck wants filling raise. Cheeper duck puts in a suitable place to breed begin from 4 week age, early days is brood period, can encircle raise and basket raise. Cheeper duck fills each in morning and evening raise 1, with the inadequacy of complementary capabilities. By half full evening feeds sufficient principle to decide filling raise is measured in the morning, chase reduce the frequency that feed raise and amount, make duck freedom collect feed. As the growth of cheeper duck, can put in a suitable place to breed according to putting in a suitable place to breed duck peck fireweed, potherb, insect decides the filling raise of duck. Give priority to period in order to put in a suitable place to breed, answer in the evening filling raise has after abandoning canopy, have enough drinking water, contented and drinkable. Spring young before age cheeper duck puts in a suitable place to breed, want what undertake accommodative external temperature metabolic first to take exercise, enter gradually put in a suitable place to breed field.

5, strengthen superintend

Take strict precautions against rat to kill: Put in a suitable place to breed duck wants to take strict precautions against the enroach on of beast of and so on of lyncean, weasel. The beasts of enroach on duck is fear of a net to provide, because this uses nylon net to surround a circle to put in a suitable place to breed the area is significant safe defence step, no matter put in a suitable place to breed how many, also without giving thought to area size, want to surround a circle with the net, want to secure management of person specially assigned for a task. Put in a suitable place to breed especially young age duck,

6, epidemic prevention destroys ill

Put in a suitable place to breed the epidemic prevention of duck holds to likewise " precaution is given priority to, prevent overweight to treat " guiding principle. Want to press program of defense of as usual compasses, undertake vaccinal have an inoculation regularly, do good epidemic prevention to destroy disease works. Exercise next water ducks to belong to waterfowl. Cheeper duck enters the water can close to its activity, increase collect appetite. Accordingly, answer to exercise its to enter the water after giving case 5 days. The method is: Fall first " urine " (the) in the birdbath that puts water National People's Congress or cement pool, and temperature cannot too low, deepness with can playing wet duck base advisable, everyday 2, after exceeding 10 minutes of; every time, depth of water increases gradually, time is lengthened gradually. When does cheeper duck fall " flood " (the flood face) such as brook, pond, need to be decided according to circumstance of weather and air temperature, insist to enter the water everyday when the fine is warm, can not enter the water when next wet, air temperature is low. Enter the water after toing disembark, should let cheeper duck be in calm, warm place to comb feather air to hurried back again duck is abandoned. Prevent a disease. Brood room, playground should change mat material frequently, strengthen ventilated, insist to be swept regularly and be disinfected, maintain cleanness, Gan Shuang. Crib, cistern needs often rinse and disinfection, the opportunity that bacterium lives and breeds in order to reduce cause of disease. In addition, be opposite even in time cheeper duck vaccination, disease of prevention and cure.
