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1. 鸡蛋酒,如何做成,先把蛋清过滤只剩蛋黄,装入一个我喜欢的玻璃杯里(要不怕高温的),再加些酒(大概20度左右),有洋酒就用洋酒啦。最后一步是放烤箱里加热,这样就做好了。

2. 将酒25毫升倒进锅里煮,蒸发掉酒精后再打入1个鸡蛋,搅散后加1匙白糖,并对开水冲淡饮用。然后,患者盖被休息。次日鼻塞.流涕.喉痛等症状就可大部消失。

3. 蛋一个、酒一碗、砂糖一茶匙、姜汁适量。在温热中的酒,慢慢的加入打散的蛋,再加入砂糖、姜汁调味,拌匀即可食用。制作蛋酒不必使其沸腾,用小火煮至去除蛋的腥臭味为止。感冒虽然不是什么大病,如果一不小心受了风寒,身体软趴趴的,头也昏昏沉沉的,做任何事都没起劲,此时,您可以自己煮些蛋酒来喝。酒可以使血液循环更好,使身体温暖,并有催眠作用,加了蛋之后营养更丰富;睡前喝一点蛋酒,睡觉后发汗解热,感冒即不药而愈。

4. 锅内倒入50~ 100克红葡萄酒,上火加热烧开,选一个新鲜鸡蛋,打开倒入酒中,用筷子搅匀,出锅晾温后服用:这就是防感冒鸡蛋酒。


















Life common sense, how is fast ice cup used?

If be,be such glacial cup: The cup takes an interlining, there is the liquid of sample inside interlining. Use method is: The first pace puts empty cup freezer freezer compartment, make the water aspic of cup interlining becomes ice; The 2nd pace, take out a glass from freezer, the drink such as the beer that will drink, fruit juice enters glacial cup; Wait for 3 paces, just a minute, the drink temperature in glacial cup is reduced gradually, achieve the low temperature that you like to spend, can drinkable.

Put the convenience of the cup on the ice: Often need not prepare ice cube; The 2 concentration that prevented ice cube to reduce drink; 3 redemptive drinks need not put freezer to drop in temperature directly.

Aluminous common sense, in the life aluminous what is used?

Generally speaking, aluminous and main use is to be used in chemical respect, aluminous most the function that the masses knows is clean water agent, use the foreign matter in precipitation water, purify water quality, besides, aluminous the effect that still has convergence actually, can restrain the skin excessive perspire as hemostatic as small cut, also can use as resist, make the pattern of cloth clear-cut, color is stable. Aluminous a kind be food accretion, most often use in deep-fried twisted dough sticks make, aluminous more be regarded as loose agent of a kind of Peng, those who help deep-fried twisted dough sticks is puffy, make deep-fried twisted dough sticks becomes crisp, especially part of surface layer of deep-fried twisted dough sticks, added aluminous deep-fried twisted dough sticks more not easy molten, the appearance after having pot looks more beautiful also.

Life little common sense: Fur clothing maintains method, does fur clothing maintain with what oil?

We know leather product shoulds not be puissant high temperature sirocco and the complementary color that acquire an agent, especially derma is to should nurse certainly, ability keeps bright bright beautiful.

Fur clothing maintains basically see two: It is rich, that proposal sends maintain technically inn nurses, the companionate meeting ground that nurse is coriaceous choose suitable fur clothing to maintain oily, of course the price is more expensive also;

2 be how people do not want to spend this money, can go up some treasure is abroad perhaps buy on sb's behalf, choose the leather that purifies blandly to nurse fluid, cannot anxious to get things on the cheap, choose otherwise nurse badly the agent can bring about leather dry fission is hard, serious still abandon your beloved article.

The suit that what my home uses all the time is entrance of Australian former outfit nurses fluid, force of neuter and gentle cleanness is powerful, feel the result is quite right, if the original poster wants to choose fur clothing to maintain oily, write down pitch on sex is blandly.

Remind incidentally, at ordinary times if fur clothing does not take care to touch sail upstream suffer corrupt, must handle in time, water works with respect to light graze, besmirch uses cleaner first clean reoccupy maintains oil maintains, do not wear at ordinary times there had better be a plastic pocket to protecting suspension when putting chest.

What goods makes an unit with 1000 grams in life common sense?

In daily life, we often use elephantine rice, vegetable to wait for those who use kilogram to become an unit more, although small articles for daily use such as elephantine vegetable is commonly used to 500 grams, it is 0.5 kilogram actually.

Elephantine cement, rice this this is a bit more largish, used unit is kilogram. Resemble the carring capacity of the car, also write how many kilogram sometimes.

Elephantine mineral water, like mark 500 Bo rise, actually quality is 500 grams, namely 0.5 kilogram.

Is life little common sense says to use wine carbonado egg how burn a law?

One, liquor carbonado egg treats a stomach cold: High liquor 50 grams (wine precision is in 46 degrees of above) , fall in tea handleless cup, lay an egg, ignite wine, wine is burned did an egg ripe also, morning empty stomach eats. Light person eat one, can heal 2 times. Notice the egg does not add any condiment. Because the stomach is uncomfortable,keck may be the defect with cold stomach

Treat a stomach cold 3 laws

① Xian Jiang, white sugar treats a stomach cold painful: Xian Jiang 500 grams (delicate last stage) , white sugar 250 grams, bloat together; is daily 3, anteprandial eat, eat 1 spoon every time (common spoon) ; insists to eat one week, can get effective commonly if; is done not have thoroughly good, continue to eat again, till good till.

Egg of ② liquor carbonado treats a stomach cold: Liquor of a strong spirit usu. made from sorghum 50 grams, fall in tea handleless cup, lay an egg, ignite wine, wine is burned did an egg ripe also, morning empty stomach eats. Light person eat one, can heal 2 times. Notice the egg does not add any condiment.

③ eats an apple to be able to alleviate hydrochloric acid in gastric juice: Some people in the winter at the beginning of end spring, meet gloomy and cold day or food is undeserved, constant extensive hydrochloric acid in gastric juice, very afflictive. If eat right now or half big apple, the stomach is very fast comfortable

2, liquor carbonado egg still has the effect that studies a cold! Have 4 kinds of ways

1.Egg wine, how make it, filter egg white first a remnant yoke, in the glass that loads me to like (otherwise is afraid of high temperature) , add some of alcoholic drink again (probably 20 degrees or so) , wine having ocean uses foreign wine. Last pace is to put heat in oven, had been done so.

2.wine 25 milliliter are boiled into boiler, evaporate infiltrate again after alcohol an egg, 1 spoon white sugar is added after agitate comes loose, diluent to boiled water drinkable. Next, patient lid is rested. Morrow n&v snuffle. Shed tears. Larynx is painful wait for a symptom but greater part disappears.

3.Egg, wine one bowl, saccharic juice of one teaspoon, ginger is right amount. Be in tepid medium wine, slowly the egg that adds break up, rejoin juice of saccharic, ginger flavors, mix divide evenly can edible. Wine of the egg that make need not make his boiling, till the stink of raw meat or fish that uses small fire to boil to purify egg. Although the cold is not what a serious illness, if did not take care to get cold, the body is soft bend over bend over, the head is befuddled also, do anything to do not have vigorously, right now, you oneself can boil some of egg wine to drink. Wine can make haemal circulation better, make the body warm, have hypnotic effect, nutrition is richer after adding an egg; Wine of a bit egg is drunk before sleeping, sudoriferous solution is hot after sleeping, cold namely not medicine and more.

4.Claret is overcome into 50~ 100 inside boiler, suffer from excessive internal heat heats burn, choose a new egg, open, with chopstick agitate divide evenly, take after air giving boiler is warm: This prevents cold egg wine namely.

What method does life little common sense use can fast is a hard rice bubble soft?

OK without method a rice bubble is soft, just use the word of meal of warm water steam, rice will be ripe a few faster and the meal that evaporate gives will be very sweet

Life little common sense, the quick-freeze that the supermarket buys wraps around how is Sa baked with oven, want defrost?

Froze wrap around Sa does not enter oven directly as far as possible, make lining is not baked easily reach the designated position, proposal first defrost next reentry oven.

Material: Wrap around Sa cake skin 1, cheese of Ma Su lira is 120 grams, red 1/3 of any of several hot spice plants, green pepper 1/3, 1/3 of yellow any of several hot spice plants, holy female fruit 3, wrap around Sa sauce is right amount.


1, green pepper, will red any of several hot spice plants, Huang Jiaoxi cuts small completely, unlock Shui Lichao to be ironed again, scoop drop to do water portion to reserve next.

2, wipe Bei Sa sauce equably go up in base of Bei Sa cake.

3, scatter on cheese of lira of a few Ma Su, put female fruit of on 3 any of several hot spice plants and emperor next.

4, scatter Su Li of mount a horse to pull cheese to be in again the surface.

5, fluctuation fire is controlled 180 degrees bake 15 minutes, those who bake is the temperature that moment must control oven, the temperature of oven is too high, it is easy to be answered desiccate of occurrence cake edge, harden. Cake edge shows golden scene is optimal effect. Cooling can edible.

Whether does the sofa mat that life little common sense just bought wash reoccupy first, it is OK to be used directly?

The sofa that buys newly actually is filled up, we had better be to wash wash reoccupy, be being carried because of sofa mat or in the process of sale, meeting incomplete has a bacterium above the person contact that is differred, additional, certain chemical material is contained inside or coloring agent, the reoccupy after we clean disinfection is best.

Everybody knows, magnet and coil combination rise to be able to generate electricity, in why living however does nobody generate electricity with this device for private use?

Coil must have ability of cut lines of force to produce electric energy, add magnet with coil only and can not generate electricity, however can make it accepts electromagnetic wave energy, and the coil of translate into electric energy.

The happening that there must be an electromagnetic wave around device, powerful perhaps electromagnetic wave source, the ability on coil can produce voltage difference.

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