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2、在健身房里,我们经常听到RM这个概念,它代表的是一项重要的训练指标——最大重量。RM是英文Repetition Maximum的缩写,意为最大重复次数。它是指一个人在一次动作中所能承受的最大重量,通常以1RM、2RM、3RM等方式表示。首先,选择一项你想测试的动作,比如卧推。然后,选择一个适当的重量进行测试,通常建议选择你能完成1-3次的重量。接下来,进行测试,一次只进行一次动作,每次增加重量,直到你无法继续完成动作为止。最后,记录下你最后一次成功完成动作的重量。




    1RM = 已知重量 ÷ (1 - 0.025 x 完成次数)


    1RM = 100 ÷ (1 - 0.025 x 5)= 118.75公斤



    1RM = 重量 x (1 + 0.025 x 重复次数)


    1RM = 100 x (1 + 0.025 x 5)= 118.75公斤



    2RM = 1RM x 0.95

    3RM = 1RM x 0.90


    2RM = 1RM x 0.95 = 95公斤

    3RM = 1RM x 0.90 = 90公斤





    重量 RM 次数

    60公斤 12RM 3组

    70公斤 10RM 3组

    80公斤 8RM 3组

    90公斤 6RM 3组

    95公斤 4RM 3组

    100公斤 3RM 3组




1, index of quality of body of gymnastical weight Rm= (Bmi) × weight (Kg) .

2, in gym, we often hear RM this concept, of its representing is a main training index -- the greatest weight. RM is the abbreviate of English Repetition Maximum, meaning for the biggest repeat a time. It is to show a person is in in the movement can susceptive is the biggest weight, express with the means such as 1RM, 2RM, 3RM normally. Above all, choose a motion that you consider to check, lie for instance push. Next, choose an appropriate weight to have a test, normally the proposal chooses you to be able to finish 1-3 second weight. Next, have a test, have an action only, add weight every time, cannot continue to complete an action till you till. Finally, the record issues you to finish behavioral weight successfully for the last time.

   1RM has two kinds of methods to be able to calculate:

   Method one: Use foregone weight calculation

  The greatest weight that if you had known you are OK,finishs, so you can use 1RM of the following and formulary computation:

   ÷ of 1RM = foregone weight (1 - 0.025 X finishs a time)

  For example, if you can be finished 5 times,lie push, the weight that uses every time is 100 kilograms, so your 1RM is:

   ÷ of 1RM = 100 (1 - 0.025 X 5) = 118.75 kilogram

  Method 2: Use weight and repeat frequency calculation

  The greatest weight that if you do not know you are OK,finishs, so you can use 1RM of the following and formulary computation:

   X of 1RM = weight (1 + 0.025 X repeats a time)

  For example, if you can be finished 5 times,lie push, the weight that uses every time is 100 kilograms, so your 1RM is:

   1RM = 100 X (1 + 0.025 X 5) = 118.75 kilogram

  The computational method of 2RM, 3RM

  Had the data of 1RM, we can be calculated the weight that gives other RM. The computational method of 2RM, 3RM is below:

   2RM = 1RM X 0.95

  3RM = 1RM X 0.90

  For example, if your 1RM is 100 kilograms, so your 2RM, 3RM is respectively:

   2RM = 1RM X 0.95 = 95 kilogram

  3RM = 1RM X 0.90 = 90 kilogram

  Those who need an attention is, these formula are a kind of reference only, the body state of everybody and training level are different, so specific training plans to need to undertake adjustment according to individual circumstance.

   How to use RM computation formula

  Formula of use RM computation can help us make more scientific training plan. Pass computational 1RM, we can decide our the greatest weight, next the computational method according to 2RM, 3RM, decide the RM below different weight, will make different training plan with this.

   For example, if your 1RM is 100 kilograms, so you are OK the computational method according to 2RM, 3RM, make the training plan that be as follows:

   Weight RM frequency

  60 kilograms of 12RM 3 groups

  70 kilograms of 10RM 3 groups

  Group of 80 kilograms of 8RM 3

  Group of 90 kilograms of 6RM 3

  Group of 95 kilograms of 4RM 3

  Group of 100 kilograms of 3RM 3

  Adopt such training plan, we can raise our RM stage by stage, improve training result thereby.

   RM is a very main training index, it can help us train intensity and plan certainly, and make sound training plan. Through using RM computation formula, we can be calculated the weight such as the 1RM that gives oneself, 2RM, 3RM, make training plan next according to these data. Those who need an attention is, the body state of everybody and training level are different, so specific training plans to need to undertake adjustment according to individual circumstance.
