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公共常识基础知识? 生活常识基础知识?英文双语对照


公共常识基础知识? 生活常识基础知识?英文双语对照



1. 大地的自转和公转:地球自转是指地球绕着自己的轴心旋转一圈,一个自转周期为24小时,这导致了白天和黑夜的交替。地球公转是指地球绕着太阳运行,一个公转周期为一年。

2. 水的沸点和冰点:水的沸点是100摄氏度(212华氏度),指的是水在标准大气压下从液态转变为气态的温度。水的冰点是0摄氏度(32华氏度),指的是水在标准大气压下从液态转变为固态的温度。

3. 人类的基本需求:人类的基本需求包括食物、水、空气、住所和睡眠。

4. 七大洲:地球上按照陆地分布划分为七大洲,分别是亚洲、非洲、北美洲、南美洲、欧洲、大洋洲和南极洲。

5. 长江和亚马逊河:长江是中国最长的河流,总长度超过6300公里,是世界第三长的河流。亚马逊河是世界上最长的河流,总长度超过6400公里。

6. 季节变化:地球的倾斜导致了季节的变化。太阳直射点在赤道上方或下方移动,导致了春夏秋冬的交替。

7. 五大洋:地球上的水分布在五大洋中,分别是太平洋、大西洋、印度洋、南极洲洲际海、北冰洋。

8. 电池极性:电池有正极和负极,正极是带有“+”符号的一侧,而负极是带有“-”符号的一侧。







公共基础知识的考试内容列出来参考下: 马克思主义哲学原理:辩证唯物论、唯物辩证法、辩证唯物主义认识论、历史唯物主义。

















1. 刺绣针:刺绣针有很多种,其中最常用的有绣花针、绕线针、铅笔针、水针等。每种针都有不同的形状和用途,例如绣花针适合刺绣花卉等小巧图案,而水针则适合刺绣比较粗大的线条。

2. 色彩搭配:刺绣所用的线材大多数是棉线、毛线、丝线等,颜色也比较多样。在进行刺绣时,需要根据图案和布料的颜色选择合适的线材颜色,以达到理想的艺术效果。

3. 线迹技巧:刺绣的线迹技巧有很多种,例如平绣、针描、填充、撒花等,每种技巧都有其特点和应用场合。平绣是最基本的线迹技法,适合刺绣线条、边框等;针描适合刺绣线条、表现轮廓等;填充则适合刺绣一些填充性质的设计等。

4. 布料选择:刺绣布料有很多种材质和纹理,例如麻布、棉布、丝绸等。在进行刺绣时,需要根据不同的刺绣场合和需求选择合适的布料。

5. 刺绣图案:刺绣的图案可以是各种各样的,例如花鸟、山水、人物、文字等。在选择图案时,需要考虑到刺绣难度、布料材质、颜色搭配等因素。




















ABC of common common sense?

It is the example of ABC of a few common common sense below:

1.The rotation of the earth and revolution: Earthly rotation is to show the earth is circling his axes to rotate circuit, cycle of a rotation is 24 hours, this was brought about mix by day of the night alternant. Earthly revolution is to show the earth is circling the sun to move, cycle of a revolution is a year.

2.The boiling point of water and freezing point: The boiling point of water is 100 Celsius (212 degree Fahrenheit) , those who point to is the temperature that water issues to be gaseous state from liquid state change in standard atmosphere. The freezing point of water is 0 Celsius (32 degree Fahrenheit) , those who point to is the temperature that water issues to be solid state from liquid state change in standard atmosphere.

3.Main demand of the mankind: Main demand of the mankind includes food, water, air, abode and Morpheus.

4.7 continent: Distributing according to land on the earth differentiate for 7 continent, it is Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, the Oceania and Antarctica respectively.

5.The Yangtse River and Amazon: The Yangtse River is China's longest river, total length exceeds 6300 kilometers, it is the 3rd long river of world. Amazon is the longest river on the world, total length exceeds 6400 kilometers.

6.Season changes: Of the earth tilt the change that caused season. The sun is bit more point-blank square on equator or lower part is mobile, those who brought about Chun Xiaqiu winter is alternant.

7.5 ocean: Tellurian moisture cloth is in 5 ocean, it is sea of intercontinental of Pacific Ocean, Atlantic, the indian ocean, Antarctica, the Arctic Ocean respectively.

8.Batteries polarity: Batteries has positive electrode and negative pole, positive electrode is to contain " + " symbolic a side, and negative pole is to contain " - " symbolic a side.

These are a few ABC of common common sense, it is very important that they know all sorts of phenomena in the world and daily life and thing to us.

ABC of life common sense?

When dumpling knead dough, infiltrate a few eggs are clear, face skin will be strong path, boil not easily sodden, enough water should be added when the dumpling that boil, the salt of 2% is joined after waiting for water to leave, dumpling falls again after dissolving, can increase the tenacity of gluten, dumpling won't stick a skin, stick a bottom, the colour and lustre of dumpling will be whiten, soup clear dumpling is sweet.

Does knowledge of communal foundation common sense carry content on the back surely?

Communal ABC needs back content has: Knowledge of ABC of knowledge of the professional morality of working personnel of office of the government of system of theory of socialism of characteristic of generality of Marxism philosophy principle, Mao Zedong Thought, China, contemporary China and politics, state, law, Chinese and archives writing, economy and knowledge of science and technology are waited a moment.

Communal ABC and post common sense?

The exam content row of communal ABC comes out to consult below: Marxism philosophy principle: Epistemological of adj materialism, materialist dialectics, dialectical materialism, historical materialism.

Generality of Mao Zedong Thought: Mao Zedong Thought forms as academic as revolution of development, New Democracy, socialism to transform theory.

System of theory of Chinese characteristic socialism: Deng Xiaoping theory, " 3 delegates " serious thought and scientific progress view.

The government of contemporary China and politics: The right of Chinese polity and regime, administration and local government, citizen and compulsory, communal administration, public policy, public service.

The professional morality of national office working personnel: Training of orientaton of the basic content of morality of profession of national office working personnel, value, ethics, behavior is normative.

Legal knowledge: Procedural law of standard of law foundation theory, constitution, criminal law, civil code, commercial law, economy, administrative law, administration.

Is common sense of science and technology common 2021 ABC?

The exam 2021, common sense is occupied promote than be in, especially common sense of science and technology: Date of goddess in the moon, day asks, eye of weather of deep-sea, China, when politics common sense is occupied control than be as high as 20% . To the understanding of science and technology, it is for the exam not just, also be cut down of the ride instead of walk when one individual follow closely, care the affairs of state, enhance ethical sense of pride and self-confident heart reflect.

The cent studying a law of common sense of science and technology is two kinds of main way, it is science and technology when union politics give a title, from when politics release what change is common sense to study a law. For instance: Series of date of goddess in the moon scales month of plan, a from 2007, the goddess in the moon to 2020 5, inspect the characteristic that has backdate and newer couple. The 2 knowledge memory that are common sense of archaic science and technology and western science and technology study a law, the content of science and technology of Chinese ancient time is rich: The 4 big inventions, maths, astronomy, account to solar eclipse lunar eclipse, macula, galaxy, it is a huge system.

Does communal ABC incorporate office work general knowledge?

Communal ABC is basic everybody should be known and know, and office work general knowledge is basic demarcate knows in the staff member inside mechanism. So communal ABC does not incorporate office work general knowledge.

Does knowledge of communal foundation common sense carry nursery school on the back surely content?


Fair base full name is public ABC, it is an omnibus exam, content covered foundation of politics, economy, law, management, science and technology, history, Chinese and archives writing to wait for a lot of respect, its inspect a requirement main test should try the personnel control to communal ABC degree and apply knowledge to analyse the problem, ability that solves real problem, and the necessary ability that fulfils service obligation and quality.

Feel useful to nod an assist

Inwrought foundation common sense?

Embroidery is a kind of traditional handicraft, have history of more than 2000 years. It is material with the line of different color, needle and cloth, in fabric apparently all sorts of design come to lunge expressional aesthetic feeling and artistic effect. It is inwrought foundation common sense below:

1.Inwrought needle: Inwrought needle has a lot of kinds, among them the most commonly used the embroider needle, needle that wind a string, pencil needle, water needle waits. Every kinds of needle has different figure and use, for example embroider needle fits the cabinet pattern such as inwrought flowers, and water needle suits embroidery to compare bulky line.

2.Colour is tie-in: The wire great majority that inwrought place uses is cotton thread, wool, silk thread, color is more diversiform also. When undertaking embroidery, need chooses proper wire facial expression according to the color of design and cloth, in order to achieve ideal artistic result.

3.Line slash skill: Inwrought line slash skill has a lot of kinds, make the same score draw of embroider, needle, fill for example, scatter a flower to wait, every kinds of skill has its characteristic and applied situation. Smooth embroider is standard of the basiccest line slash ability, suit inwrought line, frame to wait; Needle draw suits outline of inwrought line, expression to wait; Fill suits embroidery the design of property of a few fill.

4.Cloth choice: Inwrought cloth has a lot of kinds of material to be mixed character grain, for example flax, cotton cloth, silk. When undertaking embroidery, the inwrought situation with need different basis and demand choose proper material.

5.Inwrought design: Inwrought design can be various, for example painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style, landscape, character, character. When choosing design, need considers capable person of inwrought difficulty, cloth the element such as collocation of qualitative, color.

Above is the brief introduction of inwrought foundation common sense, inwrought art still has a lot of detail and skill to need learns and master.

Is duty surveys the general knowledge in communal ABC?

The commonsensible content that involves in professional evaluation belongs to communal ABC category commonly. These common sense covered the basic idea of each domains, principle, term to wait, it is the basic knowledge that broad crowd must master and skill.

What communal ABC regards check knowledge as face and integrated quality normally in professional evaluation is important check a place, the level of the respect such as ability of the culture inside information that can reflect a person that be measured, study, integration analysis ability. Accordingly, in for reference when the profession is evaluated, besides the professional knowledge that should master place adroitly to need, the study that still needs to pay attention to pair of communal ABC and accumulate.

The profession evaluates the tool that evaluates individual ability and inclination as a kind, pay attention to the communal ABC level that inspects examinee especially. For example, certain profession needs to involve mastery of a skill or technique of certain science knowledge, computer knowledge of plan of law of relevant perhaps law, because this profession is evaluated,pass the intellectual level that tests these aspects possibly to assess the ability of examinee and potential.

What does common common sense take an examination of?

The exam content of communal ABC incorporates politics, economy, law, current affairs, science and technology commonly humanitarian, administration, archives. Those who need an attention is not all the examination is comprehensive knowledge is communal ABC, want to look according to specific exam, for example the content of integrated knowledge exam of Fujian and Sichuan includes communal ABC to include professional ability test again already.

The institution is public ABC key:

1, Marxism philosophy principle: Epistemological of adj materialism, materialist dialectics, dialectical materialism, historical materialism.

2, generality of Mao Zedong Thought: Mao Zedong Thought forms as academic as revolution of development, New Democracy, socialism to transform theory.

3, system of theory of Chinese characteristic socialism: Deng Xiaoping theory, " 3 delegates " serious thought and scientific progress view.

4, the government of contemporary China and politics: The right of Chinese polity and regime, administration and local government, citizen and compulsory, communal administration, public policy, public service.

5, the professional morality of national office working personnel: Training of orientaton of the basic content of morality of profession of national office working personnel, value, ethics, behavior is normative.

6, legal knowledge: Standard of law foundation theory, constitution, criminal law, civil code, commercial law, economy, administrative law and administrative procedural law (enter oneself for an examination of position of major of law of system of complete province court, procuratorate add try content, include) of knowledge of afore-mentioned limits and criminal procedural law, code of civil law.

7, Chinese ABC and archives writing: Common sense of Chinese character, vocabulary, syntactic, rhetorical, literature, archives of Party and goverment officials is writing of basic knowledge, commonly used archives, commonly used processing of clerical writ writing, archives.

8, economic knowledge and knowledge of science and technology: Microcosmic economy, macroscopical economy, international economy, finance economy, industry economy, common sense of innovation of science and technology, scientific forward position, science and technology.

9, historical knowledge: China is modern contemporary history of Shi Heshi bound.

10, other knowledge: Newest when politics knowledge.
