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例如:6752 + 1629 = ?

运算过程和方法: 首位6+1是7,看后位(7+6)满10,进位进1,首位7+1写8,百位7减去6的补数4写3,(后位因5+2不满10,本位不进位),十位5+2是7,看后位(2+9)满10进1,本位7+1写8,个位2减去9的补数1写1,所以本题结果为8381。




= AB×C0 +A×D×C0/C+B×D

= AB×C0 +A×D×10+B×D

= AB×C0 +A0×D+B×D

= AB×C0 +(A0+B)×D

= AB×C0 +AB×D

= AB×(C0 +D)




即A =nC时,

AB×CD=(AB+n D)×C0+B×D




计算任意位数的加法速算,方法很简单学习者只要熟记一种加法速算通用口诀 ——“本位相加(针对进位数) 减加补,前位相加多加一 ”就可以彻底解决任意位数从高位数到低位数的加法速算问题。


计算任意位数的减法速算方法也同样是用一种减法速算通用口诀 ——“本位相减(针对借位数) 加减补,前位相减多减一 ”就可以彻底解决任意位数从高位数到低位数的减法速算问题。





速算嬗数Ⅲ=a×d-‘b’(补数)×c 。 更是独秀一枝,无以伦比。


比如 :26×28, 47×48,87×84-----等等,其嬗数一目了然分别等于“8”,“20 ”和“8”即可。

(2), 用第二种速算嬗数=(a+b-10)×c+(d-c)×a适用于一因数的二位数之和接近等于“10”,另一因数的二位数之差接近等于“0”的任意二位数乘法速算 ,

比如 :28×67, 47×98, 73×88----等等 ,其嬗数也同样可以一目了然分别等于“2”,“5 ”和“0”即可。

(3), 用第三种速算嬗数=a×d-‘b’(补数)×c 适用于任意二位数的乘法速算。


Full head fast calculate

Full head fast it is program of imitate computer operation and the fast head of research and development calculates technical tutorial, it can make children learns a head to calculate arbitrary number to add quickly, decrease, by, except, power and checking computations. Raise operation speed of the child and accuracy rate quickly thereby.

Full head fast the operation principle that calculate:

The activity that carries both hands will stimulate cerebrum, make cerebrum logarithm word direct produce sensitive condition to reflex action, achieve fast calculative goal.

(1) serve as arithmetic unit with the hand and produce intuitionistic operation course.

(2) as memory the process operation produces reaction quickly and express with cerebrum.

For example: 6752 + 1629 = ?

Operation process and method: Chief 6+1 is 7, after looking (7+6) full 10, carry is entered 1, chief 7+1 is written 8, 100 7 subtractive the filling number of 6 4 write 3, (hind resent because of 5+2 10, standard not carry) , 10 5+2 are 7, after looking (2+9) full 10 into 1, standard 7+1 is written 8, 2 subtractive the filling number of 9 1 write 1, so the subject eventuate 8381.

Full head fast calculate principle of multiplication operation part:

Hypothesis A, B, C, D decides a number to wait for, aleatoric of two factor indigestion can express as:

D of × of C0+B of × of D/C) of AB × CD=(AB+A ×

× D of C0/C+B of × of D of × of C0 +A of = AB ×

D of × of 10+B of × of D of × of C0 +A of = AB ×

D of × of × D+B of C0 +A0 of = AB ×

C0 + of = AB × (A0+B) × D

× D of C0 +AB of = AB ×

= AB × (C0 +D)

CD of = AB ×

This method applies to the multiplication of D of × of C aliquot A quite, special apply to two factor " head several " it is times more integral, there perhaps is a factor in two factor " mantissa " be " head several " times more integral.

Of two factor indigestion, wanting a number of two factor only is times more integral relation, can apply this method law to have operation,

Namely when A =nC,

D of × of C0+B of × of AB × CD=(AB+n D)

For example:

3=299 of × of 10+3 of × of 23 × 13=29

Addition of 2=396 of × of 10+3 of × of 33 × 12=39 fast calculate

The addition of computational random digit fast calculate, very simple learner should memorize the method only a kind of addition fast calculate current a pithy formula -- " standard addition (in the light of carry digit) decrease add fill, before addition is added more one " the addition that can solve aleatoric digit to count low digit from perch thoroughly fast calculate a problem.

For example: (1) , 67+48= (6+5) × 10+ (7-2) =115, (2) 758+496=(7+5) × 100+ (5-0) × 10+8-4=1254 can. Subtration fast calculate

The subtration of computational random digit fast calculating a method is to use a kind of subtration as much fast calculate current a pithy formula -- " standard photograph is decreased (in the light of borrow digit) add decrease fill, before decrease decrease more one " the subtration that can solve aleatoric digit to count low digit from perch thoroughly fast calculate a problem.

For example: (1) , 67-48= (6-5) × 10+ (7+2) =19, (2) , 758-496= (7-5) × 100+ (5+1) × 10+8-6=262 can. Multiplication fast calculate

Multiplication fast calculate current formula: Family name of the Kingdom of Wei of D+ of × of 100+b of × of C of Ab × Cd=(a+1) × fast × of number calculating Shan 10.

Fast number calculating Shan | = (A-c) × D+ (B+d-10) × C, ,

Fast = of ‖ of number calculating Shan (A+b-10) × C+ (D-c) × A,

Fast D- of × of =a of Ⅲ of number calculating Shan ' B ' (filling number) × C. More alone beautiful one branch, beyond challenge.

(1) , use the first kind fast = of number calculating Shan (A-c) × D+ (B+d-10) × C, the random that applies to a random that be the same as end 2 digit multiplication fast calculate.

For instance: 26 × 28, 47 × 48, 87 × 84-----Etc, several be clear at a glance are equal to its Shan respectively " 8 " , "20 " and " 8 " can.

(2) , use the 2nd kind fast = of number calculating Shan (A+b-10) × C+ (D-c) the 2 digit the sum that × A applies to one factor is adjacent be equal to " 10 " , the difference of the 2 digit of another factor is adjacent be equal to " 0 " random 2 digit multiplication fast calculate,

For instance: 28 × 67, 47 × 98, 73 × 88----Etc, its Shan is counted as much can be clear at a glance is equal to respectively " 2 " , "5 " and " 0 " can.

(3) , use the 3rd kind fast D- of × of =a of number calculating Shan ' B ' (filling number) × C applies to random the multiplication of 2 digit fast calculate.

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