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Full-fledged adults should stop whining about how arduous it is to write a decent résumé, because this five-year-old kid in China has just mastered the art of self-aggrandizing. 已经长大成人的各位,可别再抱怨写一份得体的简历有多费劲了,因为中国有个5岁的孩子都已经知道该怎么在简历中表现自己了。 An extensive résumé (in Chinese) by an anonymous kindergarten kid became the hottest topic on Chinese social media. 近日,一位不知名的幼儿园小朋友的简历成为中国社交媒体的热门话题。 in the form of a 15-page PDF document, the résumé gives an incredibly comprehensive overview of the child's awe-inspiring history. 这份简历内容丰富详实,是一份长达15页的PDF文档,全面介绍了孩子的成长史,让大家颇为惊叹。 "I was born in a family where both parents are graduates from Fudan University," the kid proudly states of his family background in the first part. 在简历一开头,孩子就骄傲地简述了家庭背景。他写道:“我的父母都毕业于复旦大学。” He even makes a pun out of the name of the university, calling himself a "typical fuerdai," where the fu of the phrase for "second-generation rich" is replaced with the fu of Fudan University. "I hope I can outperform my parents," he adds. 他还把“富二代”中的“富”换成了“复旦大学”的“复”,用双关语调侃自己是个“典型的复二代”。他还说:“我要青出于蓝而胜于蓝”。 The kid moves on to describe himself as "confident," "considerate," and "strong." 接下来,他在简历中将自己的性格描述为“灵动自信、友善贴心、耐挫坚强”。

To give examples, he relates that he never cried over vaccine shots and that one and a half years after his birth, he managed to stand up without help from others if he fell to the ground. "Everyone said praises about how I was so brave," the kid says. 为了举例证明,他说自己打针从来没哭过,而且在一岁半之后,摔倒了就自己爬起来,不用别人扶。这个孩子在简历中说:“大家都夸我勇敢”。 He also explains how he excelled in four things -- literature and history, science and math, arts, and sports. "I write three English essays per week to express my feelings," he says, adding that he has a variety of hobbies outside school, such as piano, hip-hop dance, soccer, and Go. 他还描述了自己在文史、数理、艺术和运动方面的突出表现。他写道:“我每周写三篇英语日记来记录我当天的心情”。他还说自己有丰富的课外爱好,比如钢琴、街舞、足球和围棋。 In addition, the document includes the kid's daily schedule, comments from his teachers, and a map that indicates every place he has traveled to. 此外,简历还列出了孩子的日程安排,老师的评语,还有一幅标记了他所去过的国家和城市的地图。 One admirable quality of the kid's that really stands out is that the boy is a big reader. He says that he read over 500 English books in the past year. At the end of the résumé, there are five pages listing all the English books he has read so far. 这位5岁的孩子最让人钦佩的一个优点是“读万卷书”。他说自己去年一共读了500本英文书。简历末尾用5页的篇幅列出了他读过的全部英语书目。 On a related note, it's worth mentioning that a recent study suggests that nearly two-thirds of all Chinese over the age of 18 read no books in their leisure time in 2017. 值得一提的是,最近一项调查指出,中国近三分之二的18岁以上成年人在2017年没有在空闲时间读过一本书。

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