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悲催! 英国一男子遭到一群海豹围攻(英语双语阅读)


悲催! 英国一男子遭到一群海豹围攻(英语双语阅读)

A British fisherman has been rescued after fleeing an aggressive colony of about 50 gray seals and their young pups. 近日,在躲过了由大约50只灰海豹和它们的幼崽组成的凶猛海豹群的追逐之后,一名渔民最终获救。 The angler was plucked from a cliff face by a coast guard team. 这名渔民是被海岸警卫队从悬崖壁上救下的。 The Maritime and Coastguard Agency said Monday the fisherman was walking on a beach in northern Scotland when he came across the seals, who became agitated and aggressive. 国海事与海岸警卫队管理局周一表示,这名渔民是在苏格兰北部的海滩上漫步时遇到的这群海豹,随即它们就变得焦躁、充满攻击性。

He climbed up a cliff face but became trapped before reaching the top and used his phone to call for emergency aid. 随后他爬上了一处悬崖,但在到达山顶前被困住了,于是他用自己的手机紧急呼救。 Rescue teams were able to lower the man into a lifeboat and take him to safety. He is being treated for exposure to the cold. 最终,救援队将这名男子救到了救生艇上,并将其送往安全地带。目前他因受冻正在接受治疗。 Coast guard officer Jonathan Mustard said people walking along the coast should beware of seals protecting their young. 海岸警卫队官员乔纳森·马斯塔德表示,沿着海岸行走的人应该提防海豹为保护幼崽而发动攻击。

下一篇:悲催! 英国一男子遭到一群海豹围攻(英语双语阅读)