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我们知道苏轼的名字,大都是从读他的诗和词开始。宋人说,“士大夫不能诵坡诗,自觉气索。”苏轼一写诗词,许多内容被他“垄断”,无人再能超越了,但也没有人能抱怨。最有名的如《水调歌头 明月几时有》,今天的小学生都能背。“东坡咏月词一出,余词尽废。”这话说在宋朝,今天还是管用。




苏轼三位妻妾都姓王。十六岁的王弗嫁与十九岁的苏轼,夫妻情深。可惜恩爱夫妻不到头,十年后王弗去世。又是一个十年,苏轼写下《江城子 十年生死两茫茫》,世上便有了这首千年难忘的悼亡诗。但凡读过这首诗的人,想要忘记“十年生死两茫茫”,是要化大力气的。



苏轼似乎一生不顺,却一生灿烂,他留下多少无价的诗文书画,又留下多少有趣的故事佳话。或许,不顺,就是灿烂的序幕?读读他自己题的画像诗:“问汝平生功业?黄州惠州儋州。”再读一读他的《定风波》:“莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。竹杖芒鞋轻胜马,谁怕?一蓑烟雨任平生。 料峭春风吹酒醒,微冷,山头斜照却相迎。 回首向来萧瑟处,归去,也无风雨也无晴。”“这样的诗,一切解释都是皮毛。”——刘小川所说极是。





Read when idle, the hand grasps hank, coulee seeing Liu how " taste Chinese bookman " . Su Shi is the author's fellow villager, write this giant, the author is to be in not simply article, be in however pay homage to. Bookman tastes bookman, eyebrow hill person keeps eyebrow hill person, the flavor of meantime and feeling, can clear experience does not get average person, I also cannot. What I just understood Su Shi from inside article is very much " the first " , perhaps say of a lot of " absolutely " , did reading notes for this.

Year of take an examination entering capital of Su Shi weak coronal, the literary quotation of emperor of holy Jun Yao is fabricated in examination paper, be troubled by so that take an examination of Guan Meiyao's official to examine historical data water of a mist. Ask Su Shi later, reply " ear of assume sth as a matter of course " . I am in this thing of Lin Yutang " Su Dongpo passes " in also saw: Mei Yaochen big Jing, su Shi says however, "Holy heart of Di Yao, this Yan Yiyi ear of the thing in makings. " Mei Yaochen is terrible say his book is read not quite more, keen on face-saving dare not make public interrogate, let Su Shi however " deceive pass a barrier " . Nevertheless, su Shi's implied meaning is real too good, ou Yangxiu of official of be in charge of an examination thinks out the hand of his child Ceng Gong, to avoid doing anything that may arouse suspicion, promote is the 2nd, su Shi is in fact the whole nation the first. Press exam regulation, fabricate literary quotation absolutely cannot. What fabricate what is more,the rather that still is a sage. But, this is Su Shi. Liu Xiaochuan says: "Do not have method, this is a talent. This is a talent..

We know Su Shi's name, it is from what read him poem and word begin mostly. Song Ren says, "Scholar-bureaucrat cannot Song slope poem, enrage all alone self-consciously. " Su Shi writes poetic speech, a lot of content by him " forestall " , nobody can be surmounted again, but also can complain without the person. The famousest be like " when does bright moon of head of water air song have " , today's pupil can be carried on the back. "Slope chants lunar word east, yu Ci all is abandoned. " this word says to be in Song Chao, today still is the canal is used.

"... be about to compare the west lake on the west child, weak makeup thick wipe always appropriate. " Liu Xiaochuan says " write a west lake, this poem is recommend by the public the first, of unmanned nay. " the west lake that does not have denominate all the time because this poem, the name is placed, fame far raise.

"... do not know a the truth of sth. , it is along the body only in this hill. " the poet sees hill, saw the world, renown hill gets a poem, the poet also is philosopher.

And that " great river east go, billow is cleaned out, thousand ancient talented person... " , who can say it is not Song Daihao one in putting a statement!

3 wife concubine surname Su Shi king. Wang Fu of 16 years old is married the Su Shi with 19 years old, situation of husband and wife is difficult. Regrettablly conjugal love husband and wife is less than a head, the Wang Fu after 10 years dies. It is one 10 years, su Shi is written down " Jiangchen child 10 years of life and death two boundless and indistinct " , there was grieve to die on the world poem. In every case has read the person of this poem, want to forget " 10 years of life and death two boundless and indistinct " , should turn great effort.

Eunuch of Su Shi lifetime swims 40 years, footmark pervades half China. Demote a few times a few times reinstate, the point that reachs, for civilian for the country, lv of exhaust essence exhaust. Be in the Hangzhou of rich and popular, the beneficent hospital that Su Shi ran the first public illicit of Chinese to aid " always install lane " , see a doctor not to receive fund. Reside the Hainan with far at that time barren, teach the first a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations that gave local throughout history Jiangtangzun.

After case of black stage poem, su Shi lives in exile Huang Zhou, write down famous essay -- around " Chibi is endowed with " . Huang Zhou is viceregal the city east the sloping field that discards together gave Su Shi, su Shi took cultivate land of family open up wasteland to build a house, join reclaim wasteland the he comes from afar friend of the team, farmer around, still have poor scholar, hobo. The coming year, su Shi had cropland to have a house on this sloping field eventually, "Su Dongpo " be born from now on, 3 words resound through chiliad China. Reclaim wasteland the frequenter that team member became Su Dongpo your native place. "The Jade Emperor can be accompanied on me, beg of low cropland courtyard can be accompanied below. " Liu Xiaochuan thinks, "Fluctuate thousands of years, the person that can give this signal, be afraid have Su Dongpo only. " of Su Dongpo pass through up and down each estate, its are benefited cover a range cannot estimation.

Su Shi appears to be not arranged all one's life, however lifetime is bright, he leaves how many impayable poem writ to draw, leave how much interesting story a much-told story again. Probably, not suitable, namely bright prelusive? Read the picture poem that reads him himself to inscribe: "Ask you achievement of all one's life? City of Dan of Huang Zhouhui city. " reread reads him " calm disturbance " : "Mo Ting is worn forest hit Xie Sheng, howl of chant of might as well and creep. Shoe of bamboo bastinado awn gets the better of a horse gently, who is afraid of? One Suo misty rain assumes all one's life. Chilly spring breeze blows wine to wake, small cold, hilltop is inclined according to greet however. All along of turn one's head is bleak place, return, also also do not have a fine without harships. " " such poem, all explanations are fur. " -- what Liu Xiaochuan says is extremely.

What Su Shi of Sinology home exclaim answers the force of cross is strong; Japanese wants to commit suicide, read Su Shi with respect to bosom expanse...

Acting bookman of the Song Dynasty of a China, pass through 900 old and spatio-temporal, put reputation nobly: What can an old fellow like me let contemporary Chinese know?

Up and down 5000, a Su Dongpo.

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