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As be brought up in Gansu Province as a child, dissolute for me at Qinghai say. This time paragraph it is travel busy season, also be the inning that be away for the summer holidays nevertheless.

1. changes washed clothing and other articles of daily use a few sets, small fairy people had better have ~ of skirt of beautiful beautiful Da gorgeous color is optimal. Because difference in temperature of northwest day and night is big, the night of summer is colder also, take a coat that add cloth with soft nap very be necessary (it is especially in hill, when river of a dark horse) notice heat preservation, prevent a cold.

2. prepares a pair of easy before set out comfortable, close a base, facilitate walking shoe, had better be flat bottom shoe. Still have slipper, tea blocks saline and desert to need.

3. northwest compares south really dry, take water cup oneself, notice compensatory moisture at any time please, water more, fairy people the frost that protect a hand and embellish lipstick are necessary.

4. ultraviolet ray is very strong, with respect to me this is dark color of skin, also do not support, sunglasses, gauze kerchief, sunbonnet, fancy prevent bask in frost, sun umbrella, prevent bask in take, this belt is taken. 5. Provide clear heat, satisfy one's thirst, moist medicaments or medicine to be taken after being mixed with boiling water at the same time (like Xia Sangju medicine to be taken after being mixed with boiling water, 10 drops) , avoid bear hard temporarily too dry with broiling climate, northwest is given priority to with flesh of flocks and herds more, easy also get angry.

6. because the journey is longer, climate difference is too big, may appear natural environment refuses to obey symptom, portable concerned medicaments and a few standing treat a disease medicaments (if achieve,can stick, patulin or remedial intestines and stomach are unwell medicaments, fluid of healthy atmosphere of wrinkled giant hyssop, capsule of red red-spotted stonecrop) . To prevent natural environment to refuse to obey, bit of old mature vinegar can be drunk before having a meal or eat bit of unripe garlic

Because 7. suffers religious effect, custom habit differs somewhat, big temple of for example Islamic, need woman cannot be exposed overly (trousers needs to have)

8. northwest region is vast, tourist attraction and tourist attraction apart are very far, have carsick shift to an earlier date please ready-made.

The cash with necessary 9. , because some of place is owed,develop, shop can cash. The need such as the bus is certain pocket money.

10. forgot to take a picture importantly, sheet is turned over best, alone amuse oneself belt takes staff oneself.

Hahaha, put a few pieces of beautiful figures, alluring you.

Still a few need to notice particularly (Qinghai, gansu Province minority is much)

Tibetian area:

1, flesh of diet dog meat, horseflesh, ass;

2, Tibetian proposes a toast, tea, want to be drunk as far as possible, if cannot be drunk really, want what earnest specification acquires each other to forgive. Xining altitude already on the high side, the green perry of special local product very intoxicate, unfavorable drink is gotten exorbitant. Drink with oneself of capacity for liquor of ferial and average white spirit 2/3 advisable;

3, when hada of Tibetian Jing Xian, need both hands to catching is hanged on the neck or be hanged on the neck directly, cannot get off instantly.

Moslem area (include northwest area to answer, Weiwuer, scatter pull, the) of more than 10 nations such as Kazakstan:

1, diet pig, dog, horse, mulish wait not the flesh of ruminant and the blood of all animals, do not feed from dead animal;

2, prohibit smoking drink.

Finally, wish every come traveller, can be at ease ~

Hum, I opened green stay away from home of wife and children in Xining

The friend that the welcome will come to play comes Lao crack with teeth in mouth

Hey, the man that chases wind people

What still waiting for?

The most beautiful scenery is on the road

The most beautiful person be in distance

Black force of evening herd ballad, the story has alcoholic drink again. . .
