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雨打芭蕉。蕉叶是长安的箜篌,被唐女千百年来弹奏。 昆山玉碎,裂成无数惊心的雨点,引凤凰一声长鸣、腾空而去;湘女屹立君山,横吹一支斑竹,潋滟千里洞庭秋波。



再打芭蕉。 蕉叶是一张新鲜的诗笺。绿肥红瘦中,永远站着一位怜怜清秀的中国才女,垂手握一管斗笔,不写不画,却凝神聆听天神与地母的音乐,一任夺目的绿色,清新在明眸里。




你听关西大汉铜琶铁板惊天动地; 你听江南好手红牙拍板清格漫漫;





This night, night is cool be like water, whose steal steal murmurous the noise that return float is by the side of my ear, nan move oath, not the wind that from time to time crosses drives sleeve, saw clearly all features, be like the valve of that wither incomplete, scatter one ground, put in Chun Ni 's charge not to have content after all, and first the soft bowel of bone of a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct when is paintinged with this by who draw is far the administrative levels fall of hill close water, shade the Yun Danfeng that do not have mark is clear with respect to the dream in, element annotation wipes gold to join paper thin.

flower begins to season flies and go in this, from arrive nearly far, be like the grain of the centre of the palm, fine look finely, cannot find as before initiative with the end, the woman with that picturesque features, wander in He Fang nowadays, a season another seasonal story, and he in the story and she, bleak photograph closes, jian plaice depend on each other, in Yun Guangli, light and go, be like familiar fairy tale tale, those who pass is very good, without who again can careful want, the time of homely fare, the heart that Dan berth travels faraway, one every day precipitation, hoary head arrives old affection, a few but all leans on Yun Banhe to lie listen to wind, chilly of scanty rain banana is breathed. One shade hangs clear Qiu Wan high, 9 lis of canalage ask Song Teng.

That remembers the river in, bow shaking the person of Lu, see not clear prospect of a solution dimly, remember that path graduating with cutter only grain, deep like terraced fields, of that years leave Lian Rushui, from flow to other way at the same time, had eroded flood land, had eroded Shan Ye, still put in the state of person syncretic 's charge this day after all, leave a clear and bright laugh, it is by the side of the lip, blame mock is not mock, it is be clear is not had only language, time shakes in this come to those who go shake ripple in, lost sight of today the migrant with future, bore yesterday the float with the past, as before as before sound of a cicada is sung wave duckweed, attack inside spun yarn shade shed firebug. Green light Gong Zhushuang shakes shadow, hold month of thin unlined upper garment to step Qiu Xin.

Shake the hand of Lu is in drag when, the persistence with the move is coarse and warm feeling, the dimple that swings is like bramble, of not aculeate bone painful, can get how tangy sweet, with the person that ferries then in fokelore similar, and never see who to cross, who had taken, everything all heart shadow, and of the piscine caper in water joyous, chasing illusive, play at life in another is nodded.

Whose Yan Heqing is not pitiful, day of full moon of midnight Gu shadow. Swing wears daughter laugh, silver-colored fine long hair of the age in the dream shows.

Faint desolate all the way follow at sb' heels and go, give rippling lunar shadow a company, below the month of chilly chilly, lightly and the dream that go, those who stay not to see an end is lukewarm, without the day with hill high long water, without fresh and green branches and leaves, some just heaves a sigh several times, brewed layer upon layer frost, leave from heart lake diffuse come, the place that garment unlined upper garment is blown by wind, that gauze is in which instant basket the ornamental columns erected in front of palaces of moon, break up leaves go the murmuring of another cloudlet, that is geminate butterfly dance appearance is like as one used to do, very closely associated with each other is worn this night.

Autumn night, cool be like water, a thin unlined upper garment knows to who be, frost heavy dew is cold, rain hits banana annual year old!

Rain hits banana. Broadleaf plant leaf is an ancient plucked stringed instrument of Chang'an, was played by Tang Nv 100000. Kun Shanyu is broken, crack the raindrop of countless Jing heart, bring phoenix to grow cry, rise high into the air and go; Hill of gentleman of Hunan female stand erect, the horizontal stroke blows a mottled bamboo, billow leer of front courtyard of hole of a thousand li.

Hit banana again. Banana is the lovely wowan of Mi collect. Broadleaf plant leaf is the water sleeve of lovely wowan wide easy. Do not know anxious ground to hang between the waist like soft snake.

Be filled with it is like that in the harships sound of ear, wu Shi sings commonly drowned the Bei chant that bends a doctor. After how many years, south driftage mountain, lead a wandering life the Changjiang Delta woman of southern Asia, scatter the water sleeve that issues oneself, plunge into a string to string together a zhongzi, cast all semi-tropical rivers in? ? ? ? ? ?

Hit banana again. Broadleaf plant leaf is a piece of fresh Shi Jian. Green manure Gong Shouzhong, standing forever the Chinese talented woman with comely pity of a pity, hang down the hand grasps one canal to fight a pen, do not write do not draw, however the music of deity of listen respectfully of wirh fixed attention and ground mother, allow dazzing green, pure and fresh in bright eye.

Hit banana again. There is a green Yun An in broadleaf plant leaf. In Cheng Tang's aureola, that dignitary is planted issued banana of 10 thousand individual plant. With big the Tang Dynasty daring, with crackers spoony, law name conceives the bonze of element to take Xie Dai paper, write full later generations to say on broadleaf plant leaf " taste absolutely " mad grass.

Hit banana again.

You listen to the Zuo on a place of strategic importance to rode so that step to break Tian Shanxue; You listen to big desert a reed instrument used by the northern tribes in ancient China to be blown in succession old the edge passes a month;

You listen close on the west iron plate of Pa of big fellow copper is earthshaking; You listen to Qing Dynasty of clappers of red tooth of Changjiang Delta ace case is boundless;

You listen " other people of little bridge running water " mutter murmurous kind; You listen " Chang'an a month, 10 thousand sound that pound the garment " a long time ago? ? ? ? ? ?

In wet austral rainy season, in banana the tree falls, are you knowable is that a kind of excellent enjoyment?

Rain hits banana- - is that the lection that Tian Yu beats ground leaf? ? ? ? ? ?
