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纯音乐1967吧最近心里很烦躁只有在听的时候心才会平静下来 很温柔的一首





《time》和《the dream is collapsing》,出自电影《盗梦空间》,两者都很厚重,强调梦境深入的同时给人以似梦非梦的感觉 《arrival to earth》,《prime》和《sentinal prime》,出自电影《变形金刚》三部曲,恢宏大气的配乐使得这个系列更上一层楼 《The Fifth Estate Trailer Music- Pusher Music - The Opening (Francois-Paul Aïche)》,出自电影《第五维度》的预告片背景音乐,舒缓但又不低沉的音乐。

《true strenth》,出自独立配乐师John Dreamer之手,舒缓大气的配乐又不单调。《welcome Chris》,出自电影《当幸福来敲门》的配乐。《For The Love Of A Princess》,出自电影《勇敢的心》的配乐,优美而感伤的音乐带有极强的情感渲染力。


比较经典的 忧伤还是快乐; Joanie Madden - The Edge Of The White Rock ; 夜的钢琴曲 - no.5 ;Various Artists - 阳光舞甜橙;其实去酷狗电台里。里面的音乐挺不错的!










推荐几首史诗级背景音乐:【1】Chase The Light【2】Strength Of A Thousand Men【3】For The Win【4】Age Of Gods【5】Moving Mountains【6】Vengeance【7】Ocean Princess【8】Master Of Shadows
















关闭纯音乐可以采取以下几种方法:1. 手动关闭:在播放器或手机等设备上点击停止或关闭按钮即可停止播放纯音乐。2. 调整音量:将音量调整为最小或关闭声音。3. 退出应用程序:在应用程序中退出或关闭播放纯音乐的功能。4. 关闭电源或设备:直接关闭电源或设备也可以停止播放纯音乐。无论采取哪种方法,都可以很容易地关闭纯音乐,让你的环境恢复安静。


One, beg curing is pure music, want pure music only?

Pure tone is happy 1967 in the closest heart very when be agitated is listening only, the heart just meets a calm is very tender

2, pure music characteristic?

Pure tone is happy: It is the music that compose original intention does not include compose a poem to a given tune of ci. Pure tone is happy: Pure music also is changeful on the style, light music arrives heavy metal, you can see the figure of pure music on the arena of all music style.

Pure tone is happy: OK and effective adjustment your mood, edify your sentiment, let you can be comprehended somewhat even, extend your mind thereby, perfect your character.

3, Orphean pure tone is happy, or is the pure tone that is encourage annals happy?

" Time " and " The Dream Is Collapsing " , out film " pilfer dream space " , both very massiness, stress the feeling that the dream is not with seeming a dream to the person while dream is thorough " Arrival To Earth " , " Prime " and " Sentinal Prime " , out film " be out of shape King Kong " trilogy, is extensive baronial does angry dub in background music make this series further upward " The Fifth Estate Trailer Music- Pusher Music - The Opening (Francois-Paul A? Che) " , out film " the 5th dimension is spent " prevue background music, slow but not grave music.

" True Strenth " , out matchs the hand of musician John Dreamer independently, slow atmospheric dub in background music is moved not simply again. " Welcome Chris " , out film " will knock when happiness " dub in background music. " For The Love Of A Princess " , out film " brave heart " dub in background music, beautiful and sad music accompanies force of extremely powerful affection apply colours to a drawing.

4, pure music is recommended! Can when reading a novel, you listen is pure tone happily?

Compare classical sadness or joy; Joanie Madden - The Edge Of The White Rock; Piano music of night - No.5; Orange of dance of sunshine of Various Artists - ; Go actually in cruel dog broadcasting station. The music inside is quite good!

5, what good music is there (pure music) ?

Pure music has Japanese Great Master, (The former scenery of birthplace) , it is a kind of very classical pure music. Melody is beautiful, give a person different sense. Still have still have several classical, it is the pure music background that Japanese makes, inside a lot of film, teleplay has. But the returns hereat country former view that I like most. Still one is plant is Sa Kesi musical instrument, pushed a lot of a few classical with the CCTV those who sow weather forecast come home, jasmine flower of a lot of, below one pursues even if I download the pure music that often hears. Can search listen.

6, how does interior music pure music download?

Above all, should open your mobile phone to go up or the musical software on computer, netease Yun Yin is for instance happy, let the software audition a song such as person music

The 2nd, pure tone of search heart music is happy

The 3rd, click the pure music that broadcasts you to want to listen,

The 4th, the pure tone that likes to you is happy, computer clicks download, can download U dish in perhaps saving the folder that in computer you found directly. The mobile phone downloads mobile phone folder directly, can break a net to listen, do not need flow.

To downloading U dish the music in also can be put to the car to listen, the mobile phone is OK also blue tooth hears even Che Zaiyin sound.

7, recommend background music (pure music) ?

Recommend a few epic course background music: [1] Chase The Light [2] Strength Of A Thousand Men [3] For The Win [4] Age Of Gods [5] Moving Mountains [6] Vengeance [7] Ocean Princess [8] Master Of Shadows

8, how is download pure tone happy?

1, open a mobile phone, open music to broadcast software;

2, the search icon that clicks top right corner;

3, enter search page, the input wants the musical name of download;

4, click only music option, those who click musical music edge to go up at 3 o'clock icon;

5, occurrence dialog box, click download option;

6, occurrence dialog box, the choice downloads acoustic quality;

7, occurrence dialog box, click the music that I like, can begin download.

9, how is pure music sung?

Pure tone calls a way happily:

1. inserts the frequency output signal of VCD, DVD above all result put the frequency of machine to input end. Mike inserts reverberant unit, arrange knob of reverberation delay time hour hand to twist 1/4 circle.

2. is opened result put machine, volume potentiometer knob suitable hour hand is twisted half rounds.

3. foretaste tries mike, see sound like hall speech result, adjust reverberation knob.

4. adjusts volume size control, it is good to make sensitivity moves mike to will give out weak filar silk tone, do not have harsh howl cry, mike is far from sound box inside horn.

10, how to shut pure music?

Shut pure music to be able to adopt the following kinds of methods: 1. The hand moves shut: Click on the equipment such as player or mobile phone stop or shut pushbutton to be able to stop to broadcast pure music. 2. Adjust volume: Adjust volume for the smallest or shut sound. 3. Exit applied process: Be exited in using a program or shut the function that broadcasts pure music. 4. Close power source or facility: Shut power source or equipment to also can stop to broadcast pure music directly. No matter adopt which kinds of method, can shut pure music easily, the environment that lets you restores quiet.
