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1、能显示专业特点 2、具有保密功能 3、能够提供适当宽敞舒适的空间 4、配置舒适的座椅 5、配置必须的设备(原则:一切配备都应该服从于咨询,即所有配备都是咨询所必需的,不能起干扰作用)



















1. 学校心理咨询中心:很多学校都设有心理咨询中心,提供免费的心理咨询服务,帮助学生解决情感问题。

2. 社区心理咨询中心:一些社区设有心理咨询中心,为需要帮助的人们提供咨询服务,帮助他们解决心理问题。

3. 专业心理咨询机构:市面上有很多专业的心理咨询机构,有专业的心理咨询师和心理医生为青少年提供咨询服务。

4. 在线心理咨询:一些在线平台也提供心理咨询服务,方便青少年在家里就能得到帮助。












One, content of job of advisory division of teenage mental health?

I have a few friends do psychology to seek advice from division, I understand this:

Above all, psychological advisory division does not help us give counsel, the person that seek advice through psychological knowledge and methodological help however realises its essence, of self-help of the person that final implementation seeks advice.

So, the main content that psychological advisory division works is:

(1) the question that listens the person that seek advice, let Ta people come down to behave true ego in the environment that does not have pressure easily.

(2) the method that adopts major, help clear main threads of an affair of manage of the person that seek advice, discover the knot disease of the problem.

(3) in the smallest participate in spent circumstance to fall, solve a problem independently by the person that seek advice.

2, education of teenage mental health?

1, the country takes education of teenage mental health seriously particularly now, every high school school asks to deserve to compare mental health teacher according to student scale first.

2, every school has mental health center, have special funds safeguard, mental health teacher undertakes administrative, undertake to having the student of need psychology coachs.

3, mental health teacher must hold card mount guard, teenage mental health is the happiness that matters to child lifetime.

3, project of teenage mental health?

Project of teenage manage health is a plan that aims to help level of teenage tall mental health. This project includes a variety of forms move, like mental health education, psychology seeks advice, psychological support group. These activities aim to help adolescent understand his affection and act, raise ego acknowledge and ego to adjust force, enhance the ability that answers pressure and setback, promote positive human impact and gregarious skill, raise self-respect and self-confident heart.

Reasonable health teachs a respect, the project can provide the knowledge of concerned mental health and technical ability, be like mood management, pressure government, decision-making make etc. Psychology seeks advice can offer for adolescent individual psychology is held and coach, help them solve problem and answer carry. Psychology supports a group to be able to provide a safe environment, let adolescent share each other experience and feeling, support each other and encourage.

The purpose of project of teenage mental health is to help adolescent build active mental health to be used to, the self-awareness that raises them and run ability oneself, promote their full-scale development. Problem of this teenage to precaution and cure psychology, be like angst, depressed, shut disease to wait oneself, have important sense.

4, does teenage mental health teach a literature?

" teenage mental health is taught " was November 2003 the books that press of Hua Dong Normal University publishs, the author is Mo Lei.

Whole book cent is education of topical, group, individual education 3 much. Main content has teenage mental health to teach overview, teenage psychology to develop characteristic, teenage mental health to teach academic, teenage mental health to teach content, teenage mental health to teach mentality of activity, group to coach, the method of the psychological behavior problem with common adolescent and processing and technology.

5, the requirement that opens mental health to seek advice?

Have the following characteristic:

1, can show professional characteristic 2, have confidential function 3, can offer proper and capacious comfortable space 4, the seat with comfortable configuration 5, configuration must equipment (principle: Everything is deployed should be subject to at seeking advice, namely all equipment is advisory place is indispensible, cannot have interference effect)

6, what does knowledge of teenage mental health have?

Mental health little knowledge

1, understand oneself, admit oneself, him affirmation.

2, responsible to oneself life.

3, have a great dream, establish specific life target.

4, institutional ego control, overcome temptation, live between reality.

5, the society is slow the Shu Jie anger, low, blue, mood that be tired of.

6, should encourage constantly to oneself enhance self-confident heart.

7, does Wuhan adolescent psychology seek advice?

Kang Zhengxin manages is the mental health service center that psychology of first attention adolescent grows. Provide evidence of specific aim, abide for the person that children adolescent calls in and its family, comprehensive, unifinication mental health serves, to promote children adolescent mental health is mixed drive social harmony development to offer important knowledge base and science to prop up.

If you feel at ordinary times

? Mood management is difficult

? Be disgusted with of the child in the home learns suspend one's schooling

? The program on on-the-job field is confused

? Won't handle affinity

In Kang Zheng, the help with advisory can better division we are relearned how to gain joy and confidence

8, is advisory where of teenage teenage psychology good?

Teenage psychology seeks advice the help can seek in the following place:

1.School psychology referral center: A lot of schools set psychological referral center, offer free psychology to seek advice from a service, help student solves affection problem.

2.Community psychology referral center: A few community set psychological referral center, the people that helps for need provides advisory service, help them solve psychological problem.

3.Professional psychology seeks advice from an orgnaization: The mentality that there are a lot of majors on market seeks advice from an orgnaization, the mentality that has major seeks advice from division and psychological doctor to provide advisory service for adolescent.

4.Online psychology seeks advice: A few online platform also offer psychology to seek advice from a service, convenient adolescent can get assistance in the home.

9, what does mental health advisory room need to deploy?

Have the following characteristic:

1, can show professional characteristic

2, have confidential function

3, can offer proper and capacious comfortable space

4, the seat with comfortable configuration

5, configuration must equipment (principle: Everything is deployed should be subject to at seeking advice, namely all equipment is advisory place is indispensible, cannot have interference effect)

10, Zhengzhou mental health seeks advice from a hospital, which are best?

Referral center of psychology of Zhengzhou of academy of medicine of psychology of life of happiness of Beijing heart path.

It is academy of medicine of psychology of life of happiness of Beijing heart path the grader compose in Zhengzhou.
