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长沙市雨花区邮编? 长沙市雨花区小学排名?英文双语对照


长沙市雨花区邮编? 长沙市雨花区小学排名?英文双语对照


地区 地址 邮政编码

长沙市雨花区 水院巷 410007

长沙市雨花区 桂花路2-282号(双号) 410007

长沙市雨花区 曾家湾 410007

长沙市雨花区 体院路 410019

长沙市雨花区 洞井镇和平村 410114

长沙市雨花区 洞井镇天华村 410116

长沙市雨花区 长岭上街 410007

长沙市雨花区 王公塘街 410001

长沙市雨花区 航空路(1号) 410014

长沙市雨花区 劳动中路364-600号(双号) 410014

长沙市雨花区 赤新路 410014

长沙市雨花区 韶山北路289-507号(单号) 410007

长沙市雨花区 韶山北路288-1000号(双号) 410007

长沙市雨花区 阿弥岭街 410007

长沙市雨花区 劳动东路1-287号(单号) 410014

长沙市雨花区 芙蓉中路二段123-395号(单号) 410007

长沙市雨花区 韶山南路 410018

长沙市雨花区 长沙大道1-341号(单号) 410014

长沙市雨花区 妹子山街 410007

长沙市雨花区 长塘里 410007

长沙市雨花区 南二环一段314-1000号(双号) 410018

长沙市雨花区 洞井镇大塘村 410116

长沙市雨花区 洞井镇湘府路 410116

长沙市雨花区 劳动东路(208号) 410019

长沙市雨花区 时代阳光大道1-499号(单号) 410117

长沙市雨花区 黎托乡平阳村 410129

长沙市雨花区 洞井镇洞井村 410116

长沙市雨花区 洞井镇洪塘村 410117

长沙市雨花区 洞井镇牛头村 410117

长沙市雨花区 新塘冲巷 410018













电脑电器城前面的维修店我也去过,价格贵。靠后面有个维修店 价格还比较实惠 好像是7栋 多少号忘记了。好像是叫博思惠电脑的。




























侯家塘街道,东以韶山北路为界,与 左家塘街道 相邻;南至劳动路,与 东塘街道 相依;西到芙蓉路,与天心区金盆岭街道相接;北至人民中路,与芙蓉区 文艺路街道 接壤;总面积1.8平方千米。

侯家塘街道,地处 雨花区 西北部,东以韶山北路为界,与 左家塘街道 相邻;南至劳动路,与 东塘街道 相依;西到芙蓉路,与天心区金盆岭街道相接;北至人民中路,与芙蓉区 文艺路街道 接壤;总面积1.8平方千米。

圭塘街道,地处 雨花区 东南部,是雨花区委、区政府所在地,东与 黎托乡 接壤;南抵省森林植物园,与 洞井镇 相邻;西以圭塘河为界,与 雨花亭街道 相连,北与 高桥街道 接壤;总面积11.4平方千米。

东塘街道,地处 雨花区 西北部,位于芙蓉路与韶山南路、劳动路与二环线之间,东与 砂子塘街道 相邻,南与天心区 新开铺街道 接壤,西与天心区 金盆岭街道 相邻,北与 侯家塘街道 接壤,总面积2.3平方千米。

高桥街道,地处 雨花区 东北部,东临浏阳河支流圭塘河,与 黎托街道 相邻;南以劳动东路为界,与圭塘、雨花亭街道为邻,西以京广铁路为界,与左家街道相依,北以人民路为界,与芙蓉区 马王堆街道 相连,距雨花区人民政府2.2千米,总面积4.5平方千米。

黎托街道,地处 雨花区 东北部,东与 长沙县 、 芙蓉区 隔河相望,南与 长沙县 接壤,西与 圭塘街道 毗邻,西北与 高桥街道 、芙蓉区 马王堆街道 相邻,总面积14.7平方千米。

洞井街道,地处 雨花区 南部,东靠长沙县 跳马乡 ,南抵长沙县,西与天心区 桂花坪街道 接壤,北与雨花亭、圭塘两街道相邻,距雨花区人民政府3.4千米,总面积43.1平方千米。


Does rain of the Changsha City spend area postcode?

Area address zip code

Alley of courtyard of water of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 410007

Date of 2-282 of road of sweet-scented osmanthus of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City (even numbers) 410007

Rain of the Changsha City spends 410007 of area Ceng Jiawan

Road of courtyard of system of beautiful region of rain of the Changsha City 410019

Well of hole of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City presses down peaceful village 410114

Rain of the Changsha City spends area hole well to press down Tian Huacun 410116

Long mountain range of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City goes into the street 410007

Street of pond of princes and dukes of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 410001

Road of aviation of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City (1) 410014

Date of 364-600 of the road in labor of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City (even numbers) 410014

New way of bare of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 410014

Date of 289-507 of road of north of Shaoshan of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City (odd numbers) 410007

Road of north of Shaoshan of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 288-1000 date (even numbers) 410007

Street of mountain of cover of A of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 410007

Beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City works east road 1-287 date (odd numbers) 410014

The road in lotus of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City date of 2 paragraphs of 123-395 (odd numbers) 410007

The road austral Shaoshan of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 410018

Date of 1-341 of highway of Changsha of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City (odd numbers) 410014

Street of hill of girl of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 410007

In long pond of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 410007

The 2 annulus austral beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City date of a paragraph of 314-1000 (even numbers) 410018

Well of hole of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City presses down big pool village 410116

Road of government office of Hunan of town of well of hole of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 410116

Beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City works east road (208) 410019

Date of 1-499 of highway of sunshine of times of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City (odd numbers) 410117

Goosefoot of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City holds countryside in the palm to make the same score in relief village 410129

Village of well of hole of town of well of hole of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 410116

Well of hole of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City presses down big pond village 410117

Village of head of ox of town of well of hole of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City 410117

New pool of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City develops alley 410018

Does rain of the Changsha City spend rank of area elementary school?

1, elementary school of experiment of the Changsha City

2, elementary school of pond of sand of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City

3, elementary school of Ou Yoying of lotus of the Changsha City

4, elementary school of hill of maple of beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City

5, elementary school of Great Harmony of area of lotus of the Changsha City

6, Hunan institute of the first normal school the 2nd accessary elementary school

7, elementary school of experiment of international of hill of the foot of mountain

8, Hunan Normal University is accessary elementary school

9, elementary school of green garden of area of heart of day of the Changsha City

10, swallow hill elementary school

Does rain of the Changsha City spend area computer maintenance?

I also had gone to the maintenance shop before city of computer electric equipment, the price is expensive. Lean from the back a maintenance shop price still compares material benefit to seem is 7 how much date forget. Seeming call Bo Saihui computer.

Does rain of the Changsha City spend an area to a few annulus belong to?

Answer: Some places belong to beautiful area of rain of the Changsha City east 2 annulus, some places belong to the urban district.

For instance goosefoot asks a division, vaulting horse piece area, kui pond piece area, area of cloud of dusk of area of pluvial beautiful booth belong to 2 annulus.

The house price of inside and outside of 2 link line is relatively cheaper than the urban district 2000 the left and right sides, and link is chief, individual plant, pool. Traffic relatively develop, have city time, the subway, : Long-distance station stands south the car namely, a little as far as urban be apart nevertheless, but be far from the urban district, air quality is relatively better.

What does rain of the Changsha City spend area state-owend enterprise to have?

Rain of the Changsha City spends an area to have a few famous state-owend enterprises, include the following two:

Industry of the Changsha City invests group limited company, the address is located in rain of the Changsha City to spend an area to work east road 238.

Construction of the Changsha City expands group limited company, the address is located in a the Changsha City to visit region of north of Venus of the city zone 3 paragraphs of garden sale centers of 360 Marie 2 buildings.

The state-owend enterprise that above mentions, it is the important economy pillar of pluvial beautiful area. Additional, still a lot of other state-owend enterprises spend district operation in rain, specific list suggests you inquire net of official of government of the Changsha City to get.

Does rain of the Changsha City spend an area what to university there is?

Changsha cheeper normal school is advanced hill of the foot of mountain of institute of profession of science and technology of institute of woman of university of worker of petrifaction of institute of traditional Chinese medical science of university of worker of industry of schools, the Changsha City, Hunan, Hunan, Hunan, Hunan, Changsha specializes in Wu of duty of institute, Hunan institute of profession of art of institute of profession of sports of advanced schools, Hunan, Hunan.

Does rain of the Changsha City spend area public security bureau?

Rain spends director of public security substation: Huang Jian director of substation of public security of Yuan Yuelu area; Tan Yinglin

Does rain of the Changsha City spend an area zip code?

Rain of the Changsha City spends the zip code of the area

 : 410000.

Rain spends area introduction

Long-distance area size: 0731

Zip code: 410000

Plate number: Hunan A

Administrative code

 : 430111

Subject politics area: Rain spends an area

Administrative level: Street

How does rain of the Changsha City spend an area to buy car allowance to use?

Rain of the Changsha City spends an area to buy the use method of car allowance to be as follows: Came on July 17, 2023 on September 30 during the activity, buy car of family expenses fuel, new energy resources to take the individual customer that uses a car, can buy the data such as car bill to get corresponding electron to consume certificate allowance through appointing platform to declare by new car. Allowance cent is 3 archives: Fuel car allowance 1000 yuan - 3000 yuan - differ 5000 yuan; Allowance of car of new energy resources 2000 yuan - 4000 yuan - differ 6000 yuan. The use method of specific allowance can seek advice from rain of the Changsha City to spend bureau of region business affairs or bureau of business affairs of the Changsha City, also can inquire relevant policy through official website.

Does rain of the Changsha City spend an area are each street limits?

Hou Jiatang is street, with Shaoshan north the road is a bound east, adjacent of as street as Zun Jiatang photograph; Work way reachs south, with east the pond is street depend on each other; Lotus road reachs on the west, street and as conterminous as mountain of basin of gold of day heart area; North comes the road in people, as literary as lotus area road is street border on; Gross area 1.8 square kilometre.

Hou Jiatang is street, be located in rain to spend area northwest ministry, with Shaoshan north the road is a bound east, adjacent of as street as Zun Jiatang photograph; Work way reachs south, with east the pond is street depend on each other; Lotus road reachs on the west, street and as conterminous as mountain of basin of gold of day heart area; North comes the road in people, as literary as lotus area road is street border on; Gross area 1.8 square kilometre.

Pond of an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions is street, be located in rain to spend area southeast ministry, it is pluvial beautiful area appoint, district government seat, countryside border on is held in the palm with goosefoot east; Province forest arboretum is touched south, press down photograph adjacent with hole well; With pond of an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions the river is a bound on the west,

East the pond is street, be located in rain to spend area northwest ministry, be located in between lotus road and way of the road austral Shaoshan, work and 2 link line, east adjacent of as street as sand pond photograph, south open a store newly with day heart area street border on, on the west adjacent of as street as mountain of basin of gold of day heart area photograph, street border on of north and Hou Jiatang, gross area 2.3 square kilometre.

Gao Qiao is street, be located in pluvial beautiful area, river of pond of an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions of affluent of clear in relief river is overlooked east, ask street photograph neighbour with goosefoot; South in order to work east the road is a bound, as beautiful as pond of an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions, rain booth is street for adjacent, with Beijing wide railroad is a bound on the west, with depend on each other of Zun Jiajie path, north is a bound with people road, with lotus area horse Wang Duijie path is linked together,

Li Tuo is street, be located in pluvial beautiful area, east with area of Changsha county, lotus the photograph that lie between a river looks, south with Changsha county border on, on the west as street as pond of an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions border, king of horse of area of street, lotus piles northwest and tall bridge street photograph adjacent, gross area 14.7 square kilometre.

Hole well is street, be located in rain to spend division southern part, countryside of Changsha county vaulting horse leans east, changsha county is reached south, on the west as street as level ground of sweet-scented osmanthus of day heart area border on, pond of north and pluvial beautiful booth, an elongated pointed tablet of jade held in the hands by ancient rulers on ceremonial occasions adjacent of two street photographs, gross area 43.1 square kilometre.
