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Wang Fei and the friendship that Mr Wu is like: Old deep friendly feelings

Wang Fei and Wu Jun so two legend females that Chinese recreation encircles, their friendship is having extensive effect inside the circle. Two people are in early 90 time begin to cooperate, collective ginseng performed a lot of popular movies and musical work. They support each other on the job not only, still became close friend in the life.

Wang Fei and the friendship that Mr Wu is like underwent the test of time, face a variety of pressure of recreational group and challenge together below spotlight not only, also pour out each other in the life, give aid to each other. They often travel together, cooperate and spend good time.

The aureola of goddess: Musical glamour of Wang Fei

Wang Fei is one of representative characters of Chinese happy altar, her musical work was affected full generation person. From " legend " arrive " ormosia " , wang Fei's singing touched the heart of people deeply. Her that is distinctive and magnetic organ became the delegate of a times, your person is intoxicated among them.

Wang Fei is having outstanding talent in musically not only, her acting also suffers praise highly fully. She enters the film work that perform " the girl that those years we pursue together " was to win wide recognition more, allow the one side that people saw she is all-round.

Clever model: The elegant demeanour of movie and TV that Wu Jun is like

Mr Wu so one of legend female stars of Chinese moviedom, she loves with what its clever and lovely figure and outstanding acting won an audience. From " flourishing corner blocks the door " to " little forest football " , mr Wu if all the time with excellent performance celebrated, having in circle of movie and TV extremely tall famous degree.

The success that Mr Wu is like results from not just her appearance and talent, more cannot leave her of diagonally color be modelled meticulously and pay hard. She can show the charm that gives extraordinary in each work, your person hard dismiss from one's mind.

Lifetime confess: Support each other forever

Encircle two medium legend females as recreation, because,Wang Fei and the friendship that Mr Wu is like are done not have of years elapse and decrease weak. They are all the time beside each other, support each other and encourage.

It is no matter go up in artistic creation or be in the life, if Wang Fei and Wu Jun can find the form of the other side. They support each other sturdily with be being mixed sincerely all the time, had walked along wind storm rain together.

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