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秀去津,它的杀草谱较广,可防除多种一年生禾本科和阔叶杂草。适用于玉米、高粱、甘蔗、果树、苗圃、林地等旱田作物防除 马唐、稗草、狗尾草、莎草、看麦娘、蓼、藜、十字花科、豆科杂草,尤其对玉米有较好的选择性(因玉米体内有解毒机制),对某些多年生杂草也有一定抑制作用。 乙草胺,一年生禾本科杂草和部分小粒种子的阔叶杂草。对马唐、狗尾草、牛筋草、稗草、千金子、看麦娘、野燕麦、早熟禾、硬草、画眉草等一年生禾本科杂草有特效,对藜科、苋科、蓼科、鸭跖草、牛繁缕、莬丝子等阔叶杂草也有一定的防效,但是效果比对禾本科杂草差,对多年生杂草无效。 2,4-滴丁酯.广谱性、激素型除草剂,有良好的展着性和内吸性。通常用于水田和麦田等,主要防除禾本科作物田中的双子叶杂草、异性莎科及某些恶性杂草,如鸭舌草、眼子菜、小三棱草、蓼、看麦娘、豚草、野苋、藜等。










1. 温泉选择:乳山有多个不同类型的温泉,如光热温泉、海水温泉和矿泉等,根据自己的需求选择合适的温泉进行泡浴。

2. 民俗风情:乳山还保留了浓郁的民俗文化风情,游客可以去体验当地农家乐、品尝地道的农家饭菜。

3. 美食享受:除了温泉之外,乳山还有很多美食,比如海鲜、烤鱼、农家小炒等,不仅味道鲜美,价格也非常实惠。

4. 自然景观:除了温泉和美食,乳山还有一些自然景观值得游客去探访,比如乳山皇城、青龙山、黄河口海水浴场等。

5. 推荐酒店:乳山有许多价格实惠的酒店,包括豪华型、商务型、家庭型等,大多数的酒店都配有温泉泡池,适合游客度假休闲。

6. 度假氛围:总的来说,乳山温泉拥有丰富多样的旅游资源,同时也兼备了度假的氛围,可以让游客深入体验这处温泉胜地的独特魅力。



1. 交通:从宝鸡市区乘坐公交车或出租车前往武山温泉,车程约1小时。

2. 温泉体验:武山温泉拥有多个温泉池,水温在30℃-50℃之间,可以尽情享受泡温泉的乐趣。

3. 民俗文化:武山县有着悠久的历史文化和独特的民俗风情,游客可以在当地感受到浓郁的陕西文化氛围。

4. 美食:武山县有丰富的美食文化,特别是当地的小吃,如米皮、羊肉泡馍、油茶等,口感独特,值得一试。

5. 景点:武山县还有许多著名的景点,如莫高窟、太白山、乾陵等,可以在温泉之余一同观光游览。









1. 飞机:最近的机场是广州白云国际机场,从机场可以乘坐大巴或者火车到达汝城。

2. 火车:汝城县有火车站,可以乘坐火车直达。

3. 自驾:如果你选择自驾游,可以从广州出发,沿着广深高速公路,经过惠州、河源,最后到达汝城。






1. 汝城温泉:汝城温泉是汝城最著名的旅游景点,温泉水质优良,具有一定的药用价值。

2. 汝城古城:汝城古城保存完好,有许多古建筑和历史遗迹。

3. 汝城大峡谷:汝城大峡谷景色优美,是徒步和摄影的好去处。


1. 温泉浴后要注意保暖,避免感冒。

2. 在景区内要遵守规定,不要随意乱丢垃圾。

3. 注意安全,尤其是在山区和水域。


Group what meaning is hot spring of Ma Cao ferry?

Means points to group of horses to browse crossing hot spring.

Table of article of hot spring travel?


One of the happiest in the winter things are bubble hot spring.


Play snow to take bubble hot spring again, perfect in the winter.


So cold weather, hot spring thinking bubble and you.


In the winter, want bubble hot spring namely, eat the A of barbecue.


In the winter besides have chaffy dish, what like most is bubble hot spring.


Should go in the winter bubble hot spring goes sweat evaporate.


There is not hot spring of bubble of boiler of hotter than eating hemp scald thin slices of meat in boiling water in the winter more bright.


In this winter, take a swimsuit, bubble hot spring.


The activity that likes most in the winter is bubble hot spring.

Does rust go what grass does ferry kill?

Beautiful go ferry, its chart that kill grass is wider, but prevent and kill off a variety of annual the grass family and broad leaf fireweed. Apply to the prevent and kill off of dry land crop such as corn, broomcorn, sugar cane, fruiter, nursery, forest land grass of Ma Tang, barnyard grass, green bristlegrass, nutgrass flatsedge, woman seeing wheat, knotweed, goosefoot, the mustard family, leguminous fireweed, it is better to have to corn especially alternative (because there is alexipharmic mechanism inside corn body) , also have certain inhibition to certain vivacious fireweed. Second careless amine, annual gramineous fireweed and part are small-scale broad Xie Za of the seed is careless. The fireweed of annual the grass family such as grass of careless to muscle of Ma Tang, green bristlegrass, ox, barnyard grass grass, thousand gold, woman seeing wheat, wild oaten, early standing grain, bent, thrush has specially good effect, to silk of chickweed of goosefoot division, amaranth division, knotweed division, dayflower, ox, Qia child fireweed of leaf waiting for broadness also has prevent effect certainly, but effect comparing is poor to gramineous fireweed, invalid to vivacious fireweed. 2, 4- drop fourth ester. Wide chart sex, hormone herbicide, have exhibiting goodly gender and inside suck a gender. Use at paddy field and cornfield to wait normally, division of Sha of the Gemini leaf fireweed of tanaka of crop of the grass family of main prevent and kill off, opposite sex reachs certain and malign weed, if duck tongue is careless, pondweed, small grass of 3 arris grass, knotweed, woman seeing wheat, pig, wild amaranth, goosefoot wait.

Hotel of ferry of the grass that do not have stannum class of a few stars?

Without stannic grass ferry hotel is located in Jin Chengdong road 7, it is high-end standard hotel, still do not have astral class at present.

Does ferry reservoir travel on the west strategy?

       Hello, ferry reservoir drives oneself on the west swim the strategy is:

       Beauty spot of ferry lake travel is located in southwest of horizontal county town on the west, because of on the west ferry power station and get a name, leave 5 kilometers of county, nanning of distance Guangxi metropolis 120 kilometers, communication is easy, set out from Nanning about 2 hours arrive.

       Ferry lake is the inland river lake with motherland bigger south on the west, lake stuff is many meters 100 long, north and south is general 1400 meters wide, water area amounts to 240 square kilometre.

       On the west the hill of ferry lake, be continuous the snake that be like dragon, dark green green jade is like bright and beautiful screen; On the west the water of ferry lake, broad, deep and serene, dark green, elegant, the natural beauty of lakes and mountains, be in harmony is an organic whole, spectacular. Market of region of Xi Jinfeng scene " sightseeing is visited, go vacationing recreation of education of business affairs of recreational, conference, popular science, fitness " the scenery that is an organic whole travels area

Strategy of travel of lacteal hill hot spring?

Lacteal hill hot spring is located in Shandong to visit Yantai town breast is a mountainous area, own smooth, hot, mine the hot spring resource of 3 kinds of types, it is one of famed hot spring resorts. It is strategy of travel of hot spring of hill of a few breast below:

1.Hot spring choice: Lacteal hill has the hot spring of many different types, if light heats up hot spring, seawater hot spring and mineral spring to wait, according to his demand choice appropriate hot spring has bubble bath.

2.Folk-custom amorous feelings: Lacteal hill still withheld full-bodied folk-custom culture amorous feelings, the tourist can experience local peasant family is happy, sample typical farmhouse meal.

3.Cate enjoys: Besides hot spring, lacteal hill still has a lot of cate, seafood, grilled fish, peasant family is for instance little fry etc, taste not only delicious, the price is very substantial also.

4.Natural landscape: Besides hot spring and cate, lacteal hill still has a few natural landscape to be worth a tourist to go seek by inquiry, lacteal hill is emperor city, for instance green bathhouse of seawater of mouth of Long Shan, Yellow River.

5.Recommend a hotel: Lacteal hill has the public house of a lot of price material benefit, include luxurious model, business affairs, family etc, most hotel deserves to have pool of hot spring swimming, suit a tourist to go vacationing recreational.

6.Go vacationing atmosphere: As a whole, lacteal hill hot spring has the travel resource of rich diversity, also had both at the same time the atmosphere that go vacationing, can make a tourist thorough experience this is in the distinctive glamour of hot spring resort.

Strategy of travel of fierce hill hot spring?

Hello, fierce hill hot spring is located in Shaanxi to save county of hill of fierce of treasure chicken city, it is one of 4 big hot spring of Chinese, be known as " of hot spring " . It is strategy of travel of fierce hill hot spring below:

1.Traffic: From treasure chicken the urban district takes a bus or the taxi heads for Wu Shan hot spring, car Cheng makes an appointment with 1 hour.

2.Hot spring experience: Fierce hill hot spring has pool of many hot spring, water is warm in 30 ℃ - between 50 ℃ , can enjoy the fun of bubble hot spring to the top of one's bent.

3.Folk-custom culture: Fierce hill county is having long historical culture and individual folk-custom amorous feelings, the tourist can experience full-bodied Shaanxi culture atmosphere in place.

4.Cate: Fierce hill county has rich cate culture, especially of place fastfood, steamed bun of bubble of the skin that be like rice, hotpot, tea-oil tree, mouthfeel is distinctive, be worth to try.

5.Tourist attraction: Fierce hill county still has a lot of famous tourist attractions, wait like too Mo Gao hole, white hill, male hill, can visitting of hot spring with sightseeing.

Anyhow, fierce hill hot spring is one can enjoy hot spring bath to be able to experience the good place of historical culture and cate again already, be worth to swim very much.

Strategy of travel of Xin city hot spring?

The hot spring near Xin Zhou has a lot of, the closest is a village and strange village. The water quality of hot spring of these two places is good also, hot spring is in bubble basically 50 yuan of less than.

Traffic respect, strange village drives to needed half many hour in the past, and arrive from the urban district hot spring needs a village bubble 15 minutes or so only, along Mu Shan the route goes OK toward north all the time.

Travel of where hot spring is first-class?

The best hot spring that goes at present is Guangdong Qing Yuanfo ridge " Sen Bo plays hot spring " live hotel of above of 5 stars class, eat buffet Piao environment of Piao of virgin forest air is top-ranking, the function is top-ranking, go to so much place? Only at present it is best. Thank!

Strategy of travel of your city hot spring?

One, traffic:

1.Plane: The closest airport is Guangzhou Bai Yun International Airport, can take a bus from the airport or the train reachs your city.

2.The train: Your city county has a railway station, can take the train to arrive directly.

3.Drive oneself: If you choose to be driven oneself,swim, can set out from Guangzhou, along wide difficult highway, through benefit city, river source, reach your city finally.

2, accommodation:

There are much home public house and guesthouse to offer tourist alternative inside your city county, include astral class hotel and economy hotel. If you want to experience local hot spring, can choose a few public houses that set hot spring or hotel.

3, cate:

The local cate of your city has your city bean curd, your city to burn first class of fish of goose, your city, be worth to try.

4, travel tourist attraction:

1.Your city hot spring: Your city hot spring is the travel tourist attraction with your the famousest city, hot spring water quality is good, have fair officinal value.

2.Your town ancient city: Your town ancient city is saved in good condition, have a lot of ancient buildings and history vestigial.

3.Your city big gorge: Scenery of your city big gorge is beautiful, it is pedestrian the good place with photography.

5, travel note:

1.Heat preservation should notice after hot spring bath, prevent a cold.

2.Want to abide by a regulation inside scene area, do not want optional litter.

3.The attention is safe, be in especially a mountainous area with water area.
