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香港美食称号? 香港肉类有名美食?英文双语对照


香港美食称号? 香港肉类有名美食?英文双语对照






鸦片战争时期,港式牛丸流传到国外,甚至英国女皇竟将该美食御封为“贡丸” 。



1. 港式点心:以小笼包和虾饺为代表,香港的豉油皇子和肠粉更是不容错过的经典美食。

2. 港式茶餐厅:香港茶餐厅是当地居民日常餐饮的首选,推荐品尝金脆脆、法式多士以及奶茶等经典菜品。

3. 火锅:香港的火锅餐厅口味多样,种类繁多,不可错过港式麻辣火锅。

4. 海鲜:香港身处海滨,海鲜自然不容错过,尤其以龙虾,鲍鱼,生蚝和海胆为最具代表性的美味。

5. 烧腊:香港烧腊是融合了广东和潮汕两大传统烧味的佳肴,包括蜜汁烤叉烧、烤鸭和红烧肉等。

6. 甜品:香港有着非常多口味的甜品,包括芒果班戟、糖水、果冻和杏仁茶等。








































One, title of Hong Kong cate?

Hong Kong besides the good name that enjoys " of " shopping heaven, also have " cate the title of " .

2, Hong Kong flesh kind famous cate?

Piddle ox bolus, had seen You Zhouxing gallop main actor " feed a mind " audience, regular meeting is right among them Zhou Xing gallop the occasion remain fresh in one's memory that plays when the ping-pong with Niu Wan, piece in be deduced to get by superb " piddle Niu Wan " the itch to try that urge a person.

Fabulous, qing Chaoshun is treated year, the technology with familial special course and recipe develop Wang of Changjiang Delta meticulously and become piddle ox bolus. Later, flounder of Home Wang later generations went to Hong Kong, piddle ox bolus becomes the name of Hong Kong special zone to eat gradually, circulate up to now nearly 200 years, southeast Asia of fashionable Hong Kong and Taiwan, dump countless deadbeat.

Period of the Opium War, bolus of harbor type ox circulates abroad, even British empress seals this cate drive unexpectedly be " tribute bolus " .

3, what cate does Hong Kong have?

Hong Kong is one gathered together of cate of Chinese and Western, having a lot of him confluence the cate of characteristic, it is the cate that person of a few Hong Kong and tourist love below:

1.Harbor type mug-up: With small basket bag and shrimp dumpling are a delegate, the Chi oily Huang Zihe of Hong Kong alvine pink is the classical cate that nots allow to miss more.

2.Dining-room of harbor type tea: Dining-room of Hong Kong tea is local dweller the first selection of daily meal, recommend sample gold is fragile fragile, French is much person and the classical dish such as tea with milk is tasted.

3.Chaffy dish: The taste of chaffy dish dining-room of Hong Kong is diversiform, phyletic and various, cannot miss hot chaffy dish of harbor type hemp.

4.Seafood: Hong Kong body is in a seaside, seafood nature nots allow to miss, especially with langouste, abalone, unripe oyster and sea urchin are provide most representative delicate.

5.Burn dried meat: Hong Kong is burned dried meat it is shirt-sleeve two great traditions burn Guangdong and wet Shan the cate of flavour, include sweet juice to bake fork to burn, roast duck and flesh of braise in soy sauce.

6.Sweetmeats: Hong Kong is having the sweetmeats of very much taste, include mango class halberd, syrup, jelly and almond tea to wait.

Above these are Hong Kong's famous cate, each appearance has the distinguishing feature of itself, the tourist comes to Hong Kong besides should admire beautiful scenery, also do not miss Hong Kong cate certainly, sample personally Hong Kong is different delicate.

4, is what book Cai Lan has cate of special introduction Hong Kong?

" the 8 mother-in-laws in Cai billows eye and belle " " collect of high-quality goods of essay of Cai Lan travel notes " " , " Cai Lan tastes a woman " , " Cai Lan talks about life " , " Cai Lan essay " " , " Cai Lan cate map "

5, table of cate introduction article?

The thing with delicious 1. should take into abdomen, angel should be put in the heart

2. love can talk slowly, the flesh must take the advantage of heat to eat

3. the world does not have the banquet that does not come loose, but if you entertain guests, I can accompany you to eat a little while more

4. although I cannot go up for you empyreal take a month, but can: ? 5 desk of Lu Tan dies! Does ⑾ boat take ⒚  just level ground of ⒒ of treasure of food of H of ⑴ of  of tamper of ⑾ of body of sheng of ⒋ of Dian of Jing of Fei of ⑿ of excuse me of  of ⑸ of ⑴ grand  ?

5. sooner or later, your sweetheart, can wrap around personally potato cake, the foot steps on spun sugar, hold barbecue drumstick to look for you

6. wants to share sweet taste to you

6, does Jiangxi cate introduce?

, soup of Nanchang made of baked clay canister

Soup of Nanchang cook over a slow fire, soup of renown Nanchang made of baked clay canister. Restaurant of folk of You Yina prosperous is most famous, it is the characteristic name dish of Jiangxi Nanchang area, use the method of soup of cook over a slow fire of civilian tradition completely, it is made of baked clay canister with earthy crockery, essence of life distributes food.

2, cottage hill partridge

Cottage hill partridge is Jiangxi province a characteristic name dish with a mountainous area cottage of 9 rivers city, department of the dish that belong to another name for Jiangxi Province watersides in relief dish. Cottage hill partridge chooses the frog in burrow of wall of shade gully rock to add the spice such as chili delicate and into. Cottage hill partridge is had " colour and lustre fizzles out greatly, the flesh is qualitative delicate, fragrance is full-bodied, taste is very pure " characteristic, love by the people

7, is introductory cate fastfood?

Fastfood have: Toffee of dumpling of dumpling of jellied bean curd, spring roll, fermented glutinous rice, lotus root starch, hemp benevolence.

1, jellied bean curd

Jellied bean curd often is mixed with bean curd flower, beans flower with, taste of basis each district is different, north much love is salty feed, and south favores sweet taste, also the area waits like Sichuan love sour hot taste.

2, spring roll

Spring roll is a kind of traditional food of Chinese folk festival, popular at Chinese each district, fill especially in Changjiang Delta and other places.

3, dumpling of fermented glutinous rice

Dumpling of fermented glutinous rice uses pink of polished glutinous rice to the small dumpling of rub and fermented glutinous rice are boiled together and be become commonly, flavour of fermented glutinous rice is thick sweet embellish, dumpling soft glutinous, shang Pintian is sweet.

4, dumpling of lotus root starch

Dumpling of lotus root starch mounds with Jiangsu salt and a round mass of food of lotus root starch of Hubei yellow ridge is most famous. Traditional stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup makes raw material with pink of polished glutinous rice,

5, Ma Ren toffee

Hemp benevolence toffee is main with Bai Sha candy, glucose syrup, butter, milk powder, sesame seed, cocoa takes off pink of oily, gourmet powder, salt, herb to wait in vain for raw material, through dissolve candy, boil candy, refrigeration, shape wait for main working procedure to be made.

8, does Chengdu cate introduce?

Chengdu cate is numerous, fastfood, plain dish, chaffy dish is waited a moment.

The fastfood boiled dumpling that be like a bell, dragon copies lung of hand, Sichuan noodles with peppery sauce, husband and wife piece, first class of old Mom hare

Plain dish is waited a moment like bean curd of mother-in-law of cook again flesh, hemp

Chaffy dish, string string, chicken of earthen bowl earthen bowl is waited a moment.

9, the sentence that describes Hong Kong cate?

The aftertaste is boundless, the entrance is changed namely. Small muddleheaded, small, the skin is thin, in wanting past boiled water only, scoop up, in can filling a bowl, eat on one, very delicious! Lubricious fragrance completely

10, program of cate of Hong Kong star?

" 12 sharp edge flavour " it is Zhejiang is defended inspect the star cate that roll out true person is beautiful, by thank thunderbolt sharp edge to hold the position of advocate hutch is chaired.

Thunderbolt sharp edge withers to become warm heart in the program advocate hutch, invite star friend to be alled over together visit world cate, search the old practice of cate backside, collective open is carrier with cate " interior brigade " .

On November 24, 2018, " 12 sharp edge flavour " more the name is " sharp edge flavour " defend in Zhejiang inspect head sow.

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