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  • 锅具与炊具:如炒锅、汤锅、蒸锅等,用来烹饪食物。
  • 切割工具:如刀具、菜板、剪刀等,用于处理食材。
  • 餐具:如碗、盘子、筷子、勺子等,用来进食。
  • 厨房小工具:如砧板、漏网、搅拌器等,辅助烹饪。



  • 洗漱用品:如牙刷、牙膏、洗发水、沐浴乳等,用来清洁身体。
  • 清洁工具:如拖把、扫把、垃圾桶等,用于清洁家居环境。
  • 纸制品:如卫生纸、手纸、面巾纸等,用来擦拭身体或清洁家具。
  • 清洁剂:如洗洁精、洗衣液、洗手液等,用于清洁家居和个人物品。



  • 摆件:如花瓶、摆钟、装饰画等,用来装饰家居空间。
  • 家具:如沙发、桌子、椅子等,用来布置家居环境。
  • 壁挂物:如镜子、挂画、装饰架等,用来装点墙壁。
  • 地毯:用来铺设在地板上,增加家居的舒适感。



  • 厨房电器:如电饭锅、微波炉、烤箱等,用来烹饪和加热食物。
  • 洗涤电器:如洗衣机、洗碗机、吸尘器等,用来洗涤衣物和清扫。
  • 娱乐电器:如电视、音响、游戏机等,用来娱乐和放松。
  • 生活电器:如空调、电风扇、加湿器等,用来调节室温和湿度。


One, cuisine things

In living in commodity, cuisine things is undoubtedly among them essential one part. Common kitchen articles for use has:

  • Boiler provides with cooking utensils: If fry boiler, stockpot, a pot for steaming food to wait, use cooking food.
  • Cut tool: Wait like cutting tool, chopping board, scissors, use at processing to feed capable person.
  • Tableware: Wait like bowl, dish, chopstick, ladle, with will take food.
  • Kitchen coolie provides: Wait like chopping block, escape unpunished, beater, assist cooking.

2, wholesome things

Wholesome things is to maintain household neat with the individual healthful necessary article. Common wholesome articles for use has:

  • Wash gargle things: Wait like breast of tooth brush, toothpaste, shampoo, bath, use clean body.
  • Cleaner provides: Wait like mop, broom, ash-bin, live in an environment with Yu Qingjie.
  • Paper products: Wait like bumf, toilet paper, face tissues, with will wipe the body or clean furniture.
  • Cleaner: If wash clean essence, wash clothes fluid, wash one's hands fluid, use at clean household and individual article.

3, household adornment

Household adornment can promote the aesthetic feeling of household and warmth to spend. Common household adornment has:

  • Place: Wait like picture of vase, pendulum clock, adornment, use adornment to live in a space.
  • Furniture: Wait like sofa, table, chair, with will decorate household environment.
  • Hanging content: Like the mirror, hang picture, adornment wearing to wait, use deck wall.
  • Carpet: Use laid to be on the floor, increase the intimacy of household.

4, household electrical appliance

Household electrical appliance makes our life more easy and comfortable. Common household electrical appliance has:

  • Kitchen electric equipment: The rice cooker that be like report, microwave oven, oven, use cooking and heat food.
  • Wash electric equipment: Wait like washing machine, dishwasher, cleaner, use catharsis clothings and sweep.
  • Recreational electric equipment: Wait like plane of TV, acoustics, sport, use recreation and loosen.
  • Life electric equipment: Wait like air conditioning, fanner, humidifier, with will adjust room temperature and humidity.
