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一、 选择题

1.吴明认为自己在班级中属于"尖子生",这种对自己在群体中地位的意识成为( B )

A 胜利自我 B 社会自我 C 心理自我 D 理想自我

2. 下述自我意识成分中属于自我体验范畴的有( D )A 自主 B 自立 C 自制 D 自信

3. 下述自我意识成分中属于自我调节范畴的有(B )A 自信 B 自立 C 自尊 D 自豪

4. 个体对自己的智力,兴趣,人格特征等的意识成为( C )

A 生理自我 B 社会自我 C 心理自我 D 理想自我

5. 在生活中,有些人不断的给自己提出新的目标,并努力实现它,进而不断的提高其自身水平.这种自我发展的表现成为( D )A 自我意识 B 自我监督 C 自我控制 D 自我教育

6. "对自己近阶段的表现感到欣慰和满意",这属于自我意识结构中的( D )

A 自我认识 B 自我监督 C 自我评价 D 自我体验

7. 营业员在进行心算时不能与顾客交谈,这种现象在心理学上的解释是( D )

A 人不能同时做两件事 B 心算不熟练

C 元注意水平低 D 短时记忆易被输入的信息替代而丧失

8、 不属于个性心理特征的是(D)A能力 B气质 C性格 D智商


A 社会关系 B 朋友关系 C 层次关系 D亲子关系

10、个体成功地完成某种活动所必须具备的个性心理特征是(C )

A 气质 B 性格 C 能力 D 兴趣

11、有关智力结构的探讨,心理学家最早是从下述哪个角度进行的 ( A)

A 因素分析 B 性格特点 C 学习动机 D 气质特点

12、衡量人际关系好坏的最主要指标是交往双方的( B ).

A 交往次数 B 心理距离 C 行为表现 D互惠程度

13、在人际关系的三种成分中,最主要的是(B ).

A 认知成分 B 情感成分 C 意志成分 D行为成分

14、为了避免竞争所带来的消极影响,心理学家倾向于( C ).

A取消竞争 B 开展个人间的单键 C 开展群体间的竞争 D开展异性间的竞争

15、交往双方能否成为知己,关键在于各自能否(D ).

A 改善交往情境 B向对方施以恩惠 C 增加交往频率 D 向对方作自我表露

16、有的学生希望通过交往与别人建立和谐的关系,得到接纳,其想要满足的人际需要是(C ).

A情感的人际需要 B控制的人际需要 C包容的人际需要 D 利用的人际需要

17、学校的领导方式会影响一个班课堂学习管理的效果,最好的领导方式是( D )

A控制式的 B自由式的 C专制式的 D民主式的

18、当班级规模过大时,成员之间的情感联系就弱,不易建立群体规范,因此,最适宜的班集体人数为 ( C )A 5—10人 B10—20人 C30—40人 D50—60人

19、能使学生产生良好的自我预言效应的最佳期望水平是( D )

A. 高水平期望B. 适当低于目前水平的期望

C. 与目前水平一致的期望 D.适当高于目前水平的期望

20、专注而主动地获取信息的过程,属于心理辅导会谈中的( C )

A. 反映 B. 面质 C. 倾听D.询问

21、一个学生平时在集体场合中不敢发言,当他一旦主动发言时,教师就表扬他,这种影响学生行为改变的方法,称之为( D )A. 代劳币奖励法 B. 行为规范法C. 行为塑造法D.强化法

22、心理辅导会谈中,当发现受辅者前后所说内容不一致时,向他提问,以协助他弄清自己的真实感受,这种方法称之为( C )A. 澄清B. 询问C. 面质D.倾听

23、几个人一起骑车会比一个人骑车快,这种现象称为( A )

A.社会助长作用 B.从众心理 C.模仿作用 D.服从心理

24、足球比赛时,若乙方球队失利,有时球迷们一哄而上做出扔东西,闹事等不理智的行为,这种现象称为( A )A.去个性化现象 B.群体极化效应 C.社会促进作用 D.模仿作用


称为( A )A.群体心理气氛 B.群体规范 C.群体纪律 D.群体情绪

26、下列哪种情况不适合做心理咨询( B )A 强迫症 B 梦游症 C恐惧症 D 学习适应问题

27、下列不属于心理障碍范围的是(D )A 焦虑 B 抑郁 C 强迫症 D 失眠

28、心理治疗的方法不包括(D )A 精神动力学治疗 B行为治疗 C 认知治疗 D 免疫治疗

29、下列有违心理治疗一般原则的是(C )

A 良好医患关系原则 B 教育启发与发展的原则C 快速解决问题原则 D 保密原则

30、催眠疗法不适用于(A )

A 保健 B 治疗神经衰弱恐怖症C 治疗癔症性遗忘 D 可治疗药物依赖,戒烟等

31、下列不属于性心理障碍的是( D )

A 同性恋 B 露阳癖 C 恋物癖 D人际纠纷

32、心理治疗的一般过程不包括(B )

A 治疗准备阶段 B 休息阶段C 处理具体问题阶段 D 辅成阶段

33、在谈话的过程中,下列哪句话给谈话者留下了最大的回答空间(A )

A 你想要谈什么 B 你的学习情况如何 C 你是指什么 D 这件事给你造成了什么样的影响

34、下列哪句话在谈话中属于封闭句型(D )

A 这一星期你的情况如何 B 是什么使你来到这里的

C 我能帮你做些什么,谈谈你的困扰好吗 D 你经常失眠吗

35、心理发展是指(D )

A 个体自身由低级心理机能向高级心理机能转化的过程

B 个体在外界影响下由低级心理机能向高级心理机能转化的过程

C 个体在遗传影响下由低级心理机能向高级心理机能转化的过程

D 个体在遗传,环境和教育的影响下由低级心理机能向高级心理机能转化的过程

36、当发现身边的人有自杀倾向时首先要做的是(A )

A 稳定当事人的情绪并对其开导 B 及时上报学院领导

C 报告校,院心理咨询室 D 启动紧急干预

37、所谓的"将心比心"在心理学上被称为(A)A 移情 B投情 C 注意 D需要

38、具有一定倾向性的特征总和称为(D)A能力 B气质 C性格 D个性


A能力 B气质 C需要 D动机

40、个体能够对不同的刺激作出不同的反应称为(D)A类化 B能力 C消退 D辨别

41、动机的产生是建立在什么的基础上(D)A 能力 B 气质 C 个性 D 需要


A 能力 B 气质 C 个性 D意志

43、人的最基本实践活动是(C)A,学习 B社交 C劳动 D思维


A 能力 B 思维 C 个性 D意志

45、下列哪项是健康咨询所涉及的内容 ( C )

A 情绪障碍 B 人际关系不和

C 中年及更年期人际冲突、情绪失调,工作及家庭负荷的适应

D 各类心身疾病,如冠心病、高血压病等,以及性功能障碍。

46、心理咨询关系的特点 ( A )

A 是一种职业性的人际关系 B 是一种具有时限性的人际关系

C 是一种平等助人、共同成长的人际关系 D 是一种亲密的人际关系

47、根据哪些因素来分析判断来访者心理问题的严重程度( A )

A 心理问题的挫折源越大,心理问题越严重B 外界支持越多,心理问题越严重

C 心理问题持续时间越长,心理问题越严重D 自身调节能力约弱,问题越严重

48、破坏心理健康的原因( B )

A 出乎个人意料的事件发生 B 外界强大压力

C个体社会支持不良 D 超越个体中介系统的应付能力

49、大学生应当注重全面发展,提高自身素质。大学生的素质包括( A )

A.思想道德素质 B.文化素质 C.专业素质 D.身体心理素质

50、大学生增进心理健康的途径和方法有( B )

A.学习心理卫生知识 B.养成良好的生活习惯C.排解疏泄不良情绪 D.一切以自我为中心

51、新生入校,独立是第一关,独立应该从哪些小事做起?( A )

A.整理好自己的领地 B.规划好自己的时间

C.熟悉周围的环境 D.初步建立社交圈子

52、有些教师甚至在黑板上写字是都知道谁在做小动作,仿佛长有一双后眼睛似的,这体现了有效管理者的( A )特征 A一心多用 B 明察秋毫 C 整体关注 D 变换管理


A.功能固着 B.幻觉 C.思维定势 D.错觉

54、 小组合作学习的意义在于(B )

A. 针对学习自主性 B. 人际交往,相互促进 C. 个性张扬 D 自我强化

55、张某自参加工作以来,对待工作一直态度认真、一丝不苟、兢兢业业。他的直接上级李某对他的评价极高。但由于多年未曾学习新的知识与技能,其能力与所从事的工作有些不匹配,以至影响了工作效率和他人之间的关系。王某将这一现象反映给李某,但李某回答:“不可能!张工作一直都是勤勤恳恳,我是了解的,绝对不可能出现你所说的那种现象!”李某的判断,是社会知觉中的:D A.第一印象效应 B.晕轮效应 C.近因效应 D.定型效应

56、当天实记的外语材料,最好在( A )内进行第一次复习,保持效果较好。

A 24小时内 B 第二天 C 第三天 D 第二周

57、一个人总是反复检查是否锁了门或不停的洗手,这属于下面哪一种心理障碍( D) A 恐怖症 B 一般性焦虑障碍 C 抑郁症 D 强迫症

58、 下列特征不属于神经衰弱者的表现( D )

A 容易疲劳 B 自我压迫 C 睡眠障碍 D 缺乏生活兴趣

59、“触景生情”是( B )A.有意回忆 B.无意回忆 C.间接回忆 D.机械回忆

60、按照心理学的观点,大部分心理问题来源于 ( D )

A.家庭内部 B.社会环境 C.人际关系的处理 D.自身的内部冲突

61、人的大脑皮质的语言区主要位于( A ) A左半球 B 右半球 C顶叶 D额叶

62、下列何种感情障碍易伴发明显心跳加速、呼吸困难、尿频等症状 ( C )

A 情感淡漠 B 情绪低落 C 焦虑 D 情感脆弱

63、如果你对以前一个同学对你的漫骂时的愤怒的心情,一直记到现在。请问这种记忆的名称叫做:(C) A.形象记忆 B.逻辑记忆C.情绪记忆D.运动记忆

64、吃不着的葡萄是酸的,得不到的东西是不好的,这种心理防卫方法,称为( B )

A. 否认作用 B. 合理化作用 C.投射作用 D.幻想作用

65、认为有人在议论他,街上的人及汽车上的人都用异样的眼光看他,这可能是( B )

A.超价观念 B.关系妄想 C.幻觉 D.错觉

66、强迫观念指的是( C)

A.在意识中占主导地位的错误观念 B.外部强加于自己的错误观念

C.头脑中反复出现,但又难以摆脱的固定观念 D.在病理基础上产生的歪曲信念

67、第一届国际心理卫生大会在华盛顿召开的时间 ( B )

A.1935年 B.1930年 C.1908年 D.1909年

68、当人的愿望受到挫折后,通过想象自己达到了目的或获得了成就的方式属于心理防御机制的哪一种表现? ( C) A 补偿 B 分离 C 幻想 D 升华

69、判断一种行为是属于正常还是变态,首先必须考虑以下哪个要素(D )

A 家庭 B 职业 C 信仰 D 文化

70、妄自尊大并总是需要得到别人注意和赞美,这些特点是哪一种人格障碍类型的表现( A)

A 自恋型 B 反社会型 C 偏执型 D 控制型

71、、下列哪一种治疗中最强调角色扮演 ( A)

A 心理剧 B 意识训练 C 家庭治疗 D 交朋友

72、当你身边大多数人选择某种东西时,你常不自觉的做出相同的行为,这一心理现象称作( C) A 刻板印象 B 社会吸引 C 从众 D 服从

73、不是少年期自我意识发展的特点是(D )

A.“成人感”出现 B.独立性增强 C.评价能力提高 D.身体发育快

74、当你进入一个黑暗的房间时,开始感觉眼前一片漆黑,但过一段时间后,你便可以看见周围的一切,这叫什么心理现象( B)

A 明适应 B 暗适应 C 色弱 D 视觉后像

75、你认为“大一综合征”(即大一学生产生的空虚,焦虑,失眠等症状)下列不是产生诱因的是( D )

A.理想与现实的落差 B. 对新环境的适应力弱

C.优势地位的丧失 D.生活过度挥霍而产生罪恶感

76、“富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能屈”这表明了一个人意志品质的( D)。

A.自觉性 B.果断性 C.自制性 D.坚持性

77、在下列影响人际关系相似性的因素中,对人际关系影响最大的是(D )

A.兴趣 B.性格 C.知识水准 D.价值观念


A.避免类似情境 B.总结经验教训 C.调节抱负水平 D.建立和谐的人际关系

79、. “砍头不要紧,只要主义真,杀了我一个,自有后来人”诗句中所表现出的高尚情操是( C )。 A.美感 B.理智感 C.道德感 D.激情

80、( C)是对头脑中已有的表象进行加工改造,形成新形象的过程

A. 联想 B. 幻想 C. 想象 D.错觉

81、追求完美、自尊心脆弱、控制欲望强、自视甚高、将不完美等同于不可爱、不值得爱的是( C ) A. 自卑者 B. 自负的人 C. 完美主义者 D.偏执者

82、“走极端、以偏概全、消极思维、敏感多疑、自卑心理、自罪自责、自我评价过低”主要描述是( A ) A. 抑郁症 B. 自负 C. 躁狂症 D.强迫症

83、( C )是决定个体行为的基本特征,是人格的有效组成元素

A. 性格 B. 气质 C. 特质 D.智力

84、易受外界的影响而出现情绪波动,或极度高兴或伤心流泪,这一情绪表现叫:(C )

A 焦虑 B 恐惧 C 情感脆弱 D 情绪低落

85、 关于影响人际吸引的因素哪一个是错误的( D )

A 接近性 B 相似性 C 外貌 D 自尊

86、 如果双方在冲突中作出让步,这种调适方式叫(A)

A和解 B妥协 C容忍 D调解

87、 利他主义的表现( C )

A. 人不为我,我不为人 B. 人为财死 C. 辛苦我一个,幸福十万家 D. 逃避责任


A 情绪稳定 B 情绪愉快 C 经常开心 D 喜乐无常

89、不是人际关系的作用的是(C ) A. 幸福感 B. 心理健康 C.身体健康 D. 自我表现

90、不是积极心态的作用的是( D )A. 内心的平静 B.信心 C. 成功的意识 D. 浮躁

91、由于缺乏准备,不能驾驭或摆脱某种可怕或危险情景时所表现的情绪体验是( D )

A.快乐 B.悲哀 C.愤怒 D.恐惧

92、( A )是心理活动顺利进行的重要条件,它对心理活动具有选择、维持、调节功能。

A.注意 B.记忆 C.表象 D.想象

93、在人的社会性需要获得满足的情况下产生的体验是( B )

A.情绪 B.情感 C.态度 D.需要

94、下列哪种学习方法可以获得学习材料后的最佳保持?(B )

A仔细而缓慢阅读 B.进行过度学习 C.死记硬背 D.学习完立即休息

95、在下列影响人际关系的相似性因素中,对人际关系影响最大的是 (D )

A.兴趣 B.性格 C.知识水准 D.价值观念

96、我国心理学工作者认为智力是一种综合的认识能力,其中( C )是智力的核心。

A.观察力 B.想象力 C.抽象思维能力 D.创造力

97、个性倾向性和个性心理特点有机综合体现在一个人身上就构成了一个人完整的( D )

A.性格 B.能力 C.气质 D.个性

98、动机和兴趣产生的基础是( C ) A.感知 B.实践 C.需要 D.教育

99、大学生心理健康日5.25的谐音是 (A) A.我爱我 B.我是我 C.我要我

100、悲喜交加”,“百感交集”是人的情绪和情感的( A )的表现。

A.复杂性和矛盾性 B.稳定性 C.可变性 D.生理性




One, choose a topic

1. Wu Ming thinks he belongs to " the best of its kind to give birth to " in class, this kind is become in the consciousness of the position in the group to oneself (B)

Ideal ego of D of ego of psychology of C of ego of society of B of A victory ego

2.What ego experiences a category is belong to to have in undermentioned self-awareness composition (free-standing C of D)A own B abstains D self-confidence

3.Ego adjustment category belongs to in undermentioned self-awareness composition have (D of self-respect of free-standing C of B)A self-confident B is proud

4.Individual the intelligence to oneself, interest, the consciousness that wait becomes character feature (C)

Ideal ego of D of ego of psychology of C of ego of society of B of A physiology ego

5.In the life, some people give him ceaselessly to raise new target, come true hard it, raise its oneself level ceaselessly then. The performance that this kind of ego grows is become (education of ego of D of control of ego of supervisory C of ego of B of D)A self-awareness

6."The expression of close to oneself phase feels gratified with satisfactory " , this belongs to self-awareness structure medium (D)

A ego knows B ego to supervise C ego to evaluate D ego experience

7.The assistant cannot chat with the client when having doing sums in one's head, the explanation of this kind of phenomenon on psychology is (D)

A person cannot do inexperience of mental arithmetic of two things B at the same time

C yuan notice short-term memory of horizontal low D is easy the information that is inputted is replaced and lose

8, what do not belong to feature of individual character psychology is (intelligence quotient of D of disposition of temperamental C of D)A ability B

9, the human relationship that children establishs the earliest is (D)

Parentage of D of relation of administrative levels of C of relation of friend of B of A human relations in society

10, the trait of individual character psychology that achieves place of some kind of activity successfully to must be had is (C)

Interest of D of ability of C of disposition of A temperamental B

11, concern intellective composition discuss, psychologist is the earliest be from undermentioned which angle undertakes (A)

C of characteristic of disposition of B of A element analysis learns motive D temperamental characteristic

12, the mainest index that measures human relation stand or fall is association both sides (B) .

Psychology of B of A association frequency is apart from C behavior to behave degree of D mutually beneficial

13, in 3 kinds of composition in human relation, the mainest is (B) .

Class status of action of D of composition of volition of C of composition of affection of B of A cognitive composition

14, the negative effect that brings to prevent competitive place, psychologist apt (C) .

A cancels competitive B to begin the single bond C between the individual to begin the competitive D between the group to begin the competition between the opposite sex

15, contact is bilateral whether become a bosom friend, the key depends on respective whether (D) .

A improves association circumstances B to increase association frequency D to make ego reveal to the other side to C of benefaction of inflict of the other side

16, the relation that some students hope to build harmony through association and others, get admitting, the human need that its mean to satisfy is (C) .

A affective is human the human need that the human need D that human need C includes uses need B pilot

17, the result that the leader means of the school can affect classroom of a class to learn management, best leader means is (D)

Of the D democratic type of the C autocratic style of the B freestyle of A control type

18, when class scale is too large, the affection connection between the member is weak, establish group standard not easily, accordingly, the number is optimum class collective (C)A 5, 10 people B10, 20 people C30, 40 people D50, 60 people

19, the optimal expectation level that can make the student produces favorable ego prophecy effect is (D)

A. B of high level expectation. Proper under at present horizontal expectation

C. With the expectation D with at present uniform standard. Proper prep above is current horizontal expectation

20, the course that gets information dedicated and actively, belong to psychology to coach in the talk (C)

A. Reflective B. Face qualitative C. Listen attentively to D. Inquiry

21, a student dare not make a speech in collective situation at ordinary times, once make a speech actively,become him when, the teacher praises him, this kind affects the method that student behavior changes, those who say for (D)A. Do sth for sb B of money award law. C of behavior standard standard. Behavior models law D. Aggrandizement law

22, psychology coachs in the talk, suffer when discovery complementary person when around place says content is abhorrent, quiz to him, with assisting him to make clear oneself sense of reality suffers, this kind of method says for (C)A. Clarify B. Inquiry C. Face qualitative D. Listen attentively to

23, a few people can compare a person to cycle by bike together fast, this kind of phenomenon is called (A)

A. B of social encourage action. From numerous psychology C. Imitate action D. Obedient psychology

24, when football game, if Party B team suffers a defeat, sometimes fan people be fooled and go up make throw a thing, the not sensible behavior such as make trouble, this kind of phenomenon is called (A)A. Go personalized phenomenon B. C of group polarization effect. The society promotes action D. Copy function

25, the total performance of all sorts of psychology conditions that group interior is promoted and collective activity and group member develop block up group in the round

Call (A)A. Group mentality enrages atmosphere B. Group standard C. Group discipline D. Group mood

26, following where is planted the circumstance does not suit to do psychology to seek advice (B)A forces study of D of disease of dread of C of disease B somnambulism to get used to a problem

27, following what do not belong to psychogenic disorder limits is (depressed C of B of D)A angst forces disease D insomnia

28, the method of psychotherapy does not include (immunity of D of cure of acknowledge of C of treatment of behavior of kinetic cure B treats D)A spirit

29, following have violate psychotherapy of general principle is (C)

Education of B of principle of relation of A good doctors and patients inspires the principle C with development to solve confidential principle of problem principle D quickly

30, hypnotherapy is not applied to (A)

B of A health care treats neurasthenic phobia C to treat hysteria disease sex to forget D medicable medicaments to depend on, smoke of Buddhist monastic discipline

31, following do not belong to a gender of psychogenic disorder is (D)

A homosexual B shows C of in relief addiction to love human dispute of content addiction D

32, the common procedure of psychotherapy does not include (B)

B of phase of A cure preparation rests level C handles D of specific issue phase complementary into level

33, in the process that talking, following the person that which word gives a talk left the largest answer space (A)

You want A talk about what B your study circumstance how C you are to point to what D this thing caused what kind of effect to you

34, following which word is belonged to in the talk close sentence pattern (D)

A this week of your circumstance how what makes you come to B to here

I can help C what do you do, the worry that talks about you D you often insomnia

35, psychological development is to point to (D)

The course that A individual oneself changes to advanced psychology function by elementary psychology function

The course that effect of individual and outer scope leaves B to be changed to advanced psychology function by elementary psychology function

C is individual the course that changes to advanced psychology function by elementary psychology function below genetic influence

D is individual in heredity, the influence of environment and education leaves the course that changes to advanced psychology function by elementary psychology function

36, what should do above all when the person beside discovery has suicidal tendency is (A)

A stabilizes the mood of party and to its channel B reports academic leader in time

C report school, courtyard psychology seeks advice from room D to start urgent interpose

37, so called " compares the heart heart " to be called on psychology (A)A moves B drops condition C notices condition D need

38, the diagnostic total that has certain tendentiousness is called (individual character of D of disposition of temperamental C of D)A ability B

39, the trait of achieves place of some kind of activity to must be had individual character psychology with successful people is called (A) ,

Temperamental C of A ability B needs D motive

40, individual can make different reaction call to different stimulation (D of subsidise of C of ability of D)A apperception B discerns

41, the generation of motive is to build the foundation in what to go up (need of D of individual character of temperamental C of D)A ability B

42, control conciously in psychological activity, adjust behavior, through overcoming difficulty, the psychological process that books a purpose from implementation is called (D)

Volition of D of individual character of temperamental C of A ability B

43, activity of the basiccest practice is (C)A, learn thinking of D of labor of B gregarious C

44, with the person already some knowledge are intermediary, call to the wraparound indirect report of external object (thinking)

Volition of D of individual character of C of thinking of A ability B

45, following which are the content that health seeks advice from place to involve (C)

Human relation of B of A mood obstacle is on bad terms

C is middleaged reach the turn of life human conflict, mood is maladjusted, of the job and domestic bear suit

Disease of body of D of all kinds heart, wait like coronary heart disease, hypertensive disease, and sexual dysfunction.

46, the characteristic that psychology seeks advice from a relation (A)

The human relation B that A is sex of a kind of profession is a kind of human concern that has time limit sex

C is a kind of equality aiding the person, human relation D that grows jointly is a kind of close human relationship

47, the serious degree that analyses problem of psychology of the person that judgement calls in because of always according to what (A)

The setback source of A psychology problem is bigger, support of outside of more serious B jumps over psychological problem much, psychological problem is more serious

Duration of C psychology problem is longer, psychological problem jumps over ability of serious D oneself adjustment to lose about, the problem is more serious

48, the consideration that destroys mental health (B)

A beyond the incident of individual expect produces B outside powerful pressure

C individual society supports what undesirable D transcends individual intermediary system to deal with ability

49, the undergraduate ought to pay attention to full-scale development, improve oneself quality. The undergraduate's quality includes (A)

A. B of thought morality quality. Culture quality C. Professional quality D. Body psychology quality

50, the way of promotional mental health and method have the undergraduate (B)

A. Learn B of mental hygiene knowledge. The C of habits and customs with good nurturance. Untangle sparse release is undesirable mood D. Everything is a center with ego

51, the new student is entered school, it is independently the first close, independent should from what is bagatelle made? (A)

A. Had arranged oneself feudal B. The program is good oneself time

C. Be familiar with the environmental D all round. Preliminary build social circle

52, some teachers write on blackboard even is to know who is making petty action, as if long like the eye after having a pair, this reflected effective controller (of one mind of A of A) feature is multi-purpose administration of shift of D of attention of whole of C of B be perceptive of the slightest

53, . Phrasal " extremely suspicious " is the what phenomenon in psychology (D)

A. The function is originallying B. Psychedelic C. Thinking decides situation D. Illusive

54, the meaning that group collaboration learns depends on (B)

A. Be aimed at study autonomy B. Human association, promote C each other. Aggrandizement of ego of D of individual character make public

55, since Zhang Mou has a job oneself, handle the work all the time manner serious, meticulous, cautious and conscientious. His direct and ranking Li Mou is extremely tall to his evaluation. But because old have not learns new knowledge and skill, its ability and the job that pursue some do not match, down to affected the relation between work efficiency and other. Wang Mou reflects this one phenomenon Li Mou, but Li Mou replies: "Be impossible! Zhang Gong is made is conscientious all the time, I am understanding, appear impossibly absolutely the sort of phenomenon that you say! " Li Mou's judgement, it is social consciousness is medium: D A. B of effect of the first impression. Halo effect C. D of immediate cause effect. Finalize the design effect

56, solid that day the foreign language data that record, had better be in (A) inside undertake be reviewinged for the first time, it is better to maintain the effect.

The B inside A 24 hour the following day C the 3rd day of D the 2nd week

57, a person always checks what whether locked up the door or keep to wash one's hands repeatedly, this is belonged to below which kind of psychogenic disorder (D) D of depressed disease of C of obstacle of run-of-mill angst of A phobia B forces disease

58, following feature is not belonged to neurasthenic person expression (D)

Ego of B of A easy exhaustion oppresses C sleep-disorder D lacks life interest

59, " the sight stir up one's feelings " be (B) A. Recollect B of purpose. Recollect C innocently. Recollect D secondhand. Mechanical memory

60, the viewpoint according to psychology, major psychology problem originates (D)

A. Domestic interior B. Social environment C. The processing D of human relation. The interior of oneself conflicts

61, the language area with the person's coriaceous cerebra basically is located in (A) leaf of forehead of D of leaf of top of C of right hemisphere of B of A left hemisphere

62, following why to plant emotional obstacle accompanies an invention easily to show a heartbeat to quicken, the symptom such as breathing difficulty, frequent micturition (C)

A affection is dim B mood is low feeling of C angst D is weak

63, the indignant mood when if you are right a classmate is invective to yours before, write down all the time now. Excuse me the name of this kind of memory is called: (C) A. Figure remembers B. Logic remembers C. The mood remembers D. Athletic memory

64, the grape that eats to be not worn is acid, unavailable thing is bad, method of defense of this kind of psychology, call (B)

A. Deny action B. Rationalize action C. Projectile action D. Airy action

65, think somebody is commenting he, the person on the person on the street and car looks him with peculiar eye, this may be (B)

A. Exceed price idea B. C of concern vain hope. Psychedelic D. Illusive

66, those who force an idea to point to is (C)

A. The wrong idea B of dominant position is occupied in consciousness. Exterior force the wrong idea at oneself

C. Appear repeatedly in brains, but the fixed idea D that casts off hard again. In the ill-natured belief of the generation on pathology foundation

67, the time that congress of mental hygiene of the first international holds in Washington (B)

A. 1935 B. 1930 C. 1908 D. 1909

68, the desire that becomes a person gets after the setback, does the kind that achieved a goal through imagining his or scored success attribute which kind of performance of psychological defense mechanism? (C) detached C of A compensation B imagines D sublimate

69, judging a kind of behavior is belonging to still is abnormal normally, must consider above all the following which element (D)

Culture of devotional D of C of profession of A family B

70, bumbledom always needs to others notices and praise, the expression that these characteristics are which kind of character obstacle types (A)

A narcissism B turns over society C cranky model D control

71, , following the part emphasizes acting most in which kind of cure (A)

Consciousness of A psychodrama B trains C family to treat D to make friend

72, when most person chooses some kind of thing beside you, you constant not self-conscious make identical conduct, phenomenon of this one psychology calls (C) society of inflexible impression B attracts A C is subject to from numerous D

73, not be teenager period the characteristic that self-awareness develops is (D)

A. "The adult feels " occurrence B. Independent character enhances C. Evaluation ability raises D. Body growth is rapid

74, when the room that enters a darkness when you, begin a feeling at the moment inky, but after spending period of time, you can see everything all round, this calls what psychology the phenomenon (B)

A bright after getting used to vision of D of anomalous trichromatism of C of B dark adaptation, resemble

75, you think " ask for integratedly greatly " (what learn unripe generation greatly namely is empty, angst, the symptom such as insomnia) following not be generation inducement is (D)

A. Ideal and actual fall B. Weak to the comfortable stress of new environment

C. The forfeiture of advantage position D. The life is excessive and prodigal and generation is Babylon feeling

76, " riches and honour cannot excessive, poor and lowly cannot move, martial cannot bend " this demonstrated one individual volition character (D) .

A. Consciousness B. Decisive sex C. Abstain sexual D. Hold to a gender

77, in following influence in the element of sex of human relation likeness, the biggest to human relation influence is (D)

A. Interest B. Disposition C. Intellectual level D. Viewpoint of value reads aloud

78, following statement cannot enhance a setback to bear of force is: (A)

A. Avoid similar situation B. Summary experience teachs C a lesson. Adjust aspiration level D. Establish harmonious human relationship

79, . "Behead nevers mind, as long as creed is true, killed me, have a successor oneself " the exalted sentiment that shows in line is (C) . A. Aesthetic feeling B. Sensible feeling C. Moral sense D. Passion

80, (C) is correct head in already some idea undertake machining transforming, fashion the process of new form

A. Associate B. Airy C. Imagine D. Illusive

81, go after perfect, proper pride desire of flimsy, control strong, consider oneself will be very tall, faulty be equal at loveless, undeserved love is (C) A. Self-abased person B. Conceited person C. Completist D. Cranky person

82, " go to extremes, in order to slant without exception sensitive and complete, inactive thinking, suspicious, self-abased psychology, from the blame self-condemned, ego has been evaluated low " main description is (A) A. Depressed disease B. Conceited C. Mania D. Force disease

83, (C) it is the main feature that decides individual action, it is the effective composition element of character

A. Disposition B. Temperamental C. Idiosyncratic D. Intellective

84, suffer the effect of the outside easily and appear the mood is fluctuant, or exceeding and glad or sad weep, expression of this one mood cries: (C)

Feeling of scared C of A angst B is weak D mood is low

85, about the influence human attraction element is which wrong (D)

A is close to self-respect of D of appearance of C of sexual B similar sex

86, if both sides is in conflict,make concession, this kind adjusts means to cry (A)

A reconciles mediation of patient D of B compromise C

87, the expression of altruism (C)

A. The person is not me, I am not person B. The person is money dead C. Painstaking I am one, happy 100 thousand D. Play truant

88, following not be the main mark of mood health is (D)

A mood stabilizes B mood happy C often happy D happy event is happy fugacious

89, not be the action of human relation is (C) A. Happy feeling B. Mental health C. Healthy D. Self-expression

90, not be the action of active state of mind is (D) A. Quiet B of the heart. Confidence C. Successful recognizant D. Blundering

91, because lack preparation, the mood experience that cannot control or cast off some kind of dreariness or behaves when dangerous scene is (D)

A. Happy B. Sad C. Indignant D. Scared

92, (A) the fundamental condition that is psychological activity success, it has a choice to psychological activity, maintain, adjust function.

A. Notice B. Memorial C. Presentative D. Imagination

93, the experience that needs to obtain the generation below contented circumstance in the person's sociality is (B)

A. Mood B. Affection C. Manner D. Need

94, is following where planted after can study method obtain study data optimal maintain? (B)

A is careful and slow read B. Undertake excessive study C. Mechanical memorizing D. Study is over to rest instantly

95, in following influence in the similar sex element of human relation, the biggest to human relation influence is (D)

A. Interest B. Disposition C. Intellectual level D. Viewpoint of value reads aloud

96, our country psychological worker thinks intelligence is a kind of integrated knowledge competence, among them (C) the core that is intelligence.

A. Observation B. Imagination C. D of abstract thinking ability. Creativity

97, organic synthesis showed individual character tendentiousness and characteristic of individual character psychology to make a person on one individual body complete (D)

A. Disposition B. Ability C. Temperamental D. Individual character

98, motive and the base that interest produces are (C) A. Feel B. Carry out C. Need D. Education

99, day of undergraduate mental health the homophonic of 5.25 is (A) A. I love my B. I am my C. I want me

100, Bei is fond of occur simultaneously " , "All sorts of feelings well up in one's heart " the mood that is a person and affective (A) expression.

A. Complexity and contradictory sex B. Stability C. Changeability D. Give birth to reason

Patulous knowledge:

Mental health is the mobile process in each respects that point to psychology and life, be in good or normal condition. Its characteristic is disposition cognitive and intellective and amiable, normal, correct, mood proper, manner active, behavior is proper, right new environment suits good. Current, mental health is promoted to be health of body and mind, namely the heart wants mental health not only, even healthy.

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