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1. "廉洁文化,清正廉洁"是。2. 这句名言警句的原因是廉洁文化强调的是清正廉洁的行为准则,要求人们在工作和生活中保持诚实、正直、廉洁的态度和行为。3. 还有很多,比如"廉洁奉公,以正治国"、"廉洁自律,为民造福"等,这些名言警句都强调了廉洁文化对于社会发展和个人品质的重要性,提醒人们要时刻保持廉洁的思想和行为,为社会作出积极贡献。






5、为政必以风化德礼为先,风化必以至诚为本。——胡安国6、人为财死,不贪少祸。——曾国藩  7、为政之要,曰公与清;成家之道,曰俭与勤。——林逋 8、祸莫大于不知足,咎莫大于欲得。——老子 9、人心如秤,称量谁轻谁重;民-意似镜,照出孰贪孰廉。——罗文萍  10、廉洁自律心无病,求真务实业有成。——李晓燕 11、甘守清廉报国家,不为贪赃羞儿孙。——大张会  


1. 廉洁自律,共铸清风正气。

2. 言必行,行必果;廉洁奉公,才能立身。

3. 以廉洁之心、担责任之肩、尽职尽责之情、取信于民。

4. 廉洁齐家,正义兴国。

5. 廉洁奉公,造福百姓。

6. 为官一任,造福一方,秉公办事,廉洁奉公。

7. 廉洁从政,正道前行。

8. 廉洁自律,做人道德,做事讲原则,谋发展想未来。

9. 廉洁奉公,文明服务,务实创新,争创一流。

10. 廉洁从政,做官为民,重实干、守诺言,创和谐、建未来。


























1. 以德治国,先廉后奢;以欲治国,先奢后廉。

2. 辛勤工作不应该被腐败的手段所玷污。

3. 每一个人必须从自己做起,从小事做起,保持清正廉洁的品行和良好的道德风尚。

4. 肃清腐败,就是拯救灵魂。

5. 公正、透明、廉洁是官场的最高准则,也是每一个官员的底线要求。

6. 把贪欲之心藏在内部,就像身上潜伏着毒蛇一样,时刻在威胁着自己。

7. 廉洁自律是为政者永恒的主题。

8. 官员如果义无反顾地投身到反腐斗争中去,必将赢得百姓真心拥护。

9. 守住良心才能守住信仰;守住清白才能守住尊严。



1 是:“廉洁是青春最美丽的底色。”2 这句名言警句表达了廉洁和青春的紧密联系。廉洁是指在道德和行为上保持高尚、正直的品质,而青春则代表了年轻、朝气蓬勃的状态。这句名言警句告诉我们,廉洁是青春最美丽的底色,意味着只有在保持廉洁的同时,我们的青春才能焕发出最美丽的光芒。3 这句名言警句的延伸意义是,廉洁不仅是一种道德追求,更是一种生活态度。只有保持廉洁,我们的青春才能真正有价值,才能在人生的道路上走得更远。同时,这句名言警句也提醒我们要时刻保持廉洁的品质,不被诱惑和腐败所侵蚀,坚守自己的原则和底线。廉洁与青春的结合,是我们追求美好人生的重要基石。







1. 贾谊《过秦论》:“化而为鸟,其名为鹏。”

2. 《周易·系辞上》:“观乎天文,以察时变;观乎人文,以化成天下。”

3. 鲁迅《且介亭杂文·从百草园到三味书屋》:“文化的力量,可以在人们不知不觉之间,变化气质,更新观念。”

4. 马克思《路易·波拿巴的雾月十八日》:“文化是人类劳动的产物,是自然界和人类之间的媒介。”

5. 列宁《哲学笔记》:“文化是整个社会的精神面貌,是整个社会的思想。”

6. 毛泽东《新民主主义论》:“文化是民族的精神,也是民族的命脉。”

7. 梁漱溟《中国文化要义》:“文化是人类的生活,生活是人类的文化。”

8. 钱钟书《管锥编》:“文化,是个很大的词,可以把它分解为‘人文’和‘化成’两个词。”

9. 王国维《人间词话》:“文化的进步,是人类精神的进步。”

10. 罗曼·罗兰《米开朗琪罗》:“文化是人类一切精神活动的总和。”



One, is Na Kongwen changed in about clean-fingered logion?

1. is diligent think civilian, cheap in order to raise heart, dan Yiming annals, static with cultivate one's morality.

2. get ill by the mouth, corrupt from have an insatiable desire for a; Qing Dynasty clean-fingered, severe with the law already.

2, is the celebrated dictum of clean-fingered culture epigrammatic?

1." clean-fingered culture, " of Qing Zhenglian clean is. 2. The reason with this epigrammatic celebrated dictum is the code of conduct that what clean-fingered culture emphasizes is Qing Zhenglian clean, ask to people is working and honesty, integrity, clean-fingered manner and action hold in the life. 3. Still have a lot of, " is for instance clean-fingered act according to fair, with normal treatment country " , " is clean-fingered self-discipline, for civilian benefit " , these celebrated dictum are epigrammatic emphasized clean-fingered culture developing the importance with individual character to the society, remind people to want to always hold clean-fingered thought and action, make positive contribution for the society.

3, about clean-fingered logion epigrammatic?

1, should get thousands of not much, a minute when ought not to get not little also; The bank of a thousand li, break through Yu Yi acupuncture point; Have nip an evil in the bud only, ability is clean-fingered take up a political career. -- Zhang Zhao

2, lens does not cheat dirt to be able to take a person, the person does not have corrupt bribe but healthy atmosphere. -- Liu Bo

3, get ill by the mouth, corrupt from have an insatiable desire for case; Qing Dynasty clean-fingered, severe with the law already. -- Yao Jixia

4, work when with be frequently first, it is an official to should be ancient bronze mirror with cheap. -- Liu Xia

5, for politics it is with efflorescent Deli surely first, decency is with complete sincerity surely this. -- bring a country why 6, factitious money is dead, do not have an insatiable desire for little disaster. -- Ceng Guofan   7, for politics should, say fair with Qing Dynasty; The path that get married, say frugal and diligent. -- forest flee 8, disaster not is more than insatiable, jiu Mo is more than be about to get. -- father 9, popular feeling is like a balance, metage who is light who is heavy; Civilian - meaning be like lens, illuminate a what to have an insatiable desire for what cheap. -- Luo Wenping   10, clean-fingered self-discipline heart does not have disease, beg course of study of true deal with concrete matters relating to work to have. -- Li Xiaoyan 11, Gan Shouqing cheap signs up for a country, do not be children and grand children of take bribes be ashamed. -- big Zhang Hui

4, about clean-fingered logion epigrammatic?

1.Clean-fingered self-discipline, in all healthy atmosphere of casting cool breeze.

2.Character goes surely, need all right if really; Clean-fingered act according to fair, ability establishs a body.

3.With the clean-fingered heart, shoulder that carries responsibility, fulfil one's duty responsible affection, win the people's confidence.

4.Clean-fingered neat home, justice allows a country.

5.Clean-fingered act according to fair, benefit common people.

6.Allow for the official, benefit one party, impartially handle affairs, clean-fingered act according to fair.

7.Clean-fingered take up a political career, go before correct path.

8.Clean-fingered self-discipline, make human mind, work say a principle, seek development to consider future.

9.Clean-fingered act according to fair, civilization serves, deal with concrete matters relating to work innovates, contend for achieve top-ranking.

10.Clean-fingered take up a political career, be an official is civilian, serious do solid work, defend a promise, achieve harmony, build future.

5, the data about clean-fingered culture?

Have 4 basic categories:

It is to point to clean-fingered the thought morality requirement that take up a political career, action the inner world at in, form clean-fingered the culture motivation that take up a political career;

2 it is to point to build in whole society good clean-fingered the culture atmosphere that take up a political career, form with the Lian Weirong, society fashion that is shame with having an insatiable desire for, with health up, the inner world that goes after clean-fingered culture to enrich people;

3 be point to each profession estate scrupulously abide by hillock of professional morality, love to respect course of study, clean-fingered self-discipline, law-abiding profession culture from personnel of course of study; 4 it is the social state that numerous people seeks friendly affection of stable and fair justice, orderly, sincere letter mirror in a kind of culture of mentally. Cheap politics culture, there is very long history tradition in our country, it is the Chinese nation the main component of outstanding and traditional culture. Cheap politics culture, it is people about clean-fingered standard of the thought that take up a political career, devotional, knowledge, behavior and the lifestyle that suit to it and social evaluation, from go up at all mirrorring an a class, political party be in office concept, be in office purpose and be in office means. Patulous data: Lian Zhengwen changes genetic Lian Zhengwen in China on civilization history of long standing and well established. " Zhou Li " once put forward, have 6 cheap to the official's assessment, namely: ? ⒚ Yang of offspringing ā of ⑹ of  of  of ⒐ of idle of hurry of ⒕ of umbrella of lofty of ⒛ of flesh of dry screen of murder of cutting of the feet of box of north of overstep one's authority of Yu of Di Huan of prize of border of Jin of  of Gui of  of ⒘ of ā of  of ⒘ of  of  of ⒘ of plinth of  of ⒘ of Peng of  of  Pi ⒘ uglies owe chasm like that  wine. Repair according to Ouyang " sense of honor is talked " , just and clean-fingered, it is the political integrity " of " person gentleman, that is to say clean-fingered it is the official's necessary politics moral character. The compose of Guo allow ceremony of Ming Dynasty " Guan Zhen " , system and put forward " official explicitly not Wei my Yan Erwei my cheap, civilian refuse to obey I can and take me fair; is fair an official not dare slow; Lian Zemin not dare bully. Fair unripe bright, lian Shengwei " , become " of fair to " cheap most the classical illuminate of later ages commend.

6, about clean-fingered culture poetry?

" clean-fingered eulogy "

Clean-fingered and consistent a spring breeze, blow motherland flower everywhere

Rain during springtime of clean-fingered and consistent field, moist earth fills lease of life

Clean-fingered the consistent style that is a party, working criterion of the cadre

Clean-fingered the safeguard that is national development, people's prosperous and strong basis

I love lotus to go out silty and do not catch

Do not follow the exalted moral character of self-love of body of lay, clean

No matter rank where

We ought to abide by party constitution, hold to a principle

My love pine is tenacious up, firm and persistent, forceful character

She is born with a pair of lofty and unyielding character, suffering defends a minute clinging

I love the Qing Zhuqian between hill's low, modest character and morals

She loses the not curved, virtue that is happy to dedicate rather

Clean-fingered be just as the brook with clear mountain stream

Clean-fingered the flower that is just as open country to go up

Give fragrance blast blast, bring spring color

Let us know clean-fingered it is altruistic dedication

7, is clean-fingered culture celebrated dictum epigrammatic?

It is logion of a few clean-fingered culture below epigrammatic:

1.With country of rule of virtue, first the excessive after cheap; With desire manage state affairs, first the cheap after excessive.

2.Plod should be not profaned by corrupt method place.

3.Each person must be made from oneself, make from bagatelle, carry the moral of Qing Zhenglian clean and good moral prevailing custom.

4.Clean up corruption, save the soul namely.

5.Just, transparent, clean-fingered the highest criterion that is official circles, also be the bottom line requirement of each official.

6.concupiscent heart Tibet interiorly, wear like the conceal on the body serpent is same, always browbeating oneself.

7.Clean-fingered self-discipline is to be politics Zhe Yongheng's theme.

8.The official if ground of honor permits no turning back devotes into anti-corruption go in the fight, be sure to win common people sincerity to support.

9.Defend conscience ability to defend belief; Defend blameless ability to defend dignity.

These celebrated dictum are epigrammatic the criterion that reminds us to want to abide by clean-fingered culture and requirement, insist to control oneself in daily life and job with sincere letter, raise oneself quality and moral level ceaselessly, make oneself due contribution for social progress and development.

8, about clean-fingered as epigrammatic as green logion?

1 be: "Clean-fingered it is the impression with the most beautiful youth. " this 2 celebrated dictum are epigrammatic conveyed clean-fingered the close connection with youth. Clean-fingered it is to point to keep exalted on morality and behavior, right tone, and youth represented young, young state. This celebrated dictum is epigrammatic tell us, clean-fingered it is the impression with the most beautiful youth, mean be in only keep clean-fingered while, our green ability coruscate gives the most beautiful ray. The outspread meaning with this 3 epigrammatic celebrated dictum is, clean-fingered it is pursuit of a kind of morality not only, it is manner of a kind of life more. Keep clean-fingered only, our green ability is truly valuable, ability goes further on the road of life. In the meantime, this celebrated dictum is epigrammatic the character that also reminds us to want to always keep clean-fingered, be not eroded by temptation and corrupt place, stand fast oneself principle and bottom line. Clean-fingered the union with youth, it is the important cornerstone that we pursue good life.

9, what to have about the line of clean-fingered culture?

1, " the poem that enter capital " (Ming Yuqian) dawdle of thin silk handkerchief and a slender stick of incense, this endowment civil it is disaster instead. Day of two sleeve day goes cool breeze, avoid hindering Yama word weak point is long.

2, " lime chant " (Ming Yuqian) 1000 hammer 10 thousand attack a remote mountains, if,blaze burns aimlessly. Muddy of have one's body smashed to pieces is not afraid of, should leave innocence to be in the world.

3, give Liu Jingwen (Song Sushi) carry on one's shoulder already all did not have the lid that prop up rain, chrysanthemum incomplete is stilled have be proud frost branch. A year of good Jing Jun must be written down,

10, the logion about culture?

It is a few famous case below:

1.Gu Yi " cross Qin Lun " : "Change and be a bird, its name is roc. Its name is roc..

2." on Zhouyi · copulative " : "View astronomy, with changing when examine; View humanitarian, fall in order to spend all the time. Fall in order to spend all the time..

3.Lu Xun " · of Ju Jieting essay reachs 3 flavour bookstore field from 100 grass " : "The force of culture, can be in people is imperceptible between, metabolic temperament, renew an idea. Renew an idea..

4.Marx " Yi Poe takes the route cling to mist month 18 days " : "Culture is the child that the mankind works, it is the agency between nature and mankind. It is the agency between nature and mankind..

5.Lenin " philosophy takes notes " : "Culture is the spiritual outlook of whole society, it is the thought of whole society. It is the thought of whole society..

6.Mao Zedong " the New Democracy talks " : "Culture is ethical spirit, also be ethical lifeblood. Also be ethical lifeblood..

7.Liang Shuming " Chinese culture wants justice " : "Culture is human life, the life is human culture. The life is human culture..

8.Qian Zhongshu " Guan Zhui makes up " : "Culture, it is a very big word, can decompose it for ' humanitarian ' and ' change ' two words. Can decompose it for ' humanitarian ' and ' change ' two words..

9.Regnal dimension " terrestrial notes and comments on Chinese poetry " : "The progress of culture, it is the progress of human spirit. It is the progress of human spirit..

10.Collect Mann Luolan " rice is optimistic fine jade collect " : "Culture is the mankind the summation of all mental activities. "Culture is the mankind the summation of all mental activities..

These logion elaborated the connotation of culture, action and meaning from different point of view, the essence that understands culture to us and development have main revelatory effect.

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