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大自然的美好令人神往,令人心醉。我爱大自然,爱它的纯净,爱它的独特韵味。一切生命都起始于春天。在生机勃勃的春季,大自然显出无限的绿色。绿得透明,绿得耀眼,绿得纯洁。树木抽出了嫩芽,小草探出了头。轻轻触摸嫩黄的小芽,你会立刻感到生命在跳动。风吹过草坪,卷起了去年冬天的枯叶,而雨,又悄悄地滋润土地,让大自然更显美丽。花儿随风频频点头,阳光洒满河面,波光粼粼。我闭上眼,听,那小鸟在枝头欢唱的声音,它们在歌颂什么呢?让我猜猜,一定是在赞美大自然吧!我从心底发出一声感叹:大自然真奇妙! 夏日,各种小动物享受着夏天的热浪,扇扇扇子,却还是满头大汗,它们不禁抱怨起来:“这个夏天真不爽!”而树木花草们耷拉着枝叶,无精打采的为行人遮凉,大自然笼罩在炎热中,那绿色却更加深沉。夏天的大自然犹如一位跋山涉水的旅行者,气喘吁吁地摇摆着身子。而夏日也有清爽的时候,在那淅淅沥沥的小雨中,整个夏天都变得纯净起来,那是一首优美的乐曲,歌颂着大自然的美好! 秋天的落叶飘然而下,大自然的声音化作淅淅沥沥的小雨,有点青涩苦楚的味道,而一切生物都在忙着过冬。黄叶、果实、枯花、青缉胆光感叱啡癸拾含浆蛙、大雁、兔子,它们在享受大自然带给它们的礼物,也在顺其自然地找着生命的归宿。秋天,还残留着枯叶的枝梢间,阳光照过来,照在人们丰收的喜悦笑容上……秋天,给予大自然的是一个苦涩的经历。冬天,一切都被罩在雪白中,耀眼的白色,叽叽喳喳的麻雀,缩着翅膀跳来跳去。冬日的阳光照在雪地上,放出银白色的光。屋顶啦、土地啦、树枝啦,都变白了。有人会觉得大自然在这个季节变得枯燥无味,不,在银装素裹中,他在悄悄孕育着生命,来春的勃勃生机,是他的杰作。在这个季节,雪是大自然独特的美,雪就是一位纯洁的天使,为大自然添一份韵味。大自然就是这样,带给你的,带给我的,都那么美好。我爱大自然,爱它的纯净,爱它的独特韵味。





















I love the nature.


Starts from me, be civilization small guards, I love the nature.




冬天,大雪纷飞,人们好象来到了一个幽雅恬静的境界,来到了一个晶莹剔透的童话般的世界。松的那样清香,白的那样冰香,给人一种凉莹莹的抚慰。一切都在过滤,一切都在升华,连我的心灵也在净化,变得纯洁而又美好。冬天里,有很多美丽的小天使,那就是在天空中飘飘洒洒的小雪花。它们似玉叶、银花,像一只只正在翩翩起舞的蝴蝶一样,沉浸在雪的世界中,一切是让人多么的陶醉啊! 当这些小天使降落人间的时候,大地都披上了白色的外衣,我们可以看到白房子、白树、白色的土地。让人感觉到整个世界是多么的纯洁啊。小雪花落到了人们的手上,一下子就化了,虽然它在我们的手上停留的时间很短暂,但是,我们却可以很明显的感觉到一股冰凉。看着这些美丽的雪景,不出去玩一次也太亏了吧,所以我们决定出去游玩一次,在山上找到了一块平地,马上一场精彩的打雪仗就拉开序幕,啊!不好,我被砸了一下,这时,我旁边的一位同学看见我被砸了,马上扔出了一个大雪球向那位同学,我也不甘示弱,马上就扔了一个出去,就这样,我们你追我打,不停地向对方打去,等我们都玩累了的时候,发现全身湿漉漉的,但一点也不冷。这时,我们决定堆一个雪人,好。说干就干,我们先做好两个雪球垒起来,哦,还差最后一道工序——做五官。搞定!一个栩栩如生的雪人展现在我们眼前。后来,我又去一条冰封的小河上滑冰。来到小河这边,我先拿起一块石头砸河面。那河面上的冰一动都不动。好,这冰结得真是厚,大约有几十厘米厚。我立刻先冲下去滑冰了。玩了玩,我觉的没意思了,就去找了几个小伙伴一起玩。我们来了以后,滑呀滑,我们在冰面上还玩起了猫捉老鼠的游戏。玩着玩着有人摔了一跤。接着,我也摔了一跤。这一下可好了,大家纷纷跟着摔起跤来了。这不知道是有意还是无意大家接二连三地摔起了跤来呢! 我爱白雪,我爱雪景,我更爱冬天。冬天是心灵的年轮。冬天,虽然十分寒冷,但是它有着无可比拟的温馨和希望。











我爱柳树   在河边有一条绿化带,在那里有一排排漂亮的柳树。

  春天,柳树姑娘梳出长辫,那是多么新鲜,多么生动。一阵风拂过,一条条“长辫子”在风中荡漾,好像在跳舞。风停了,柳树也停止了舞蹈。小蜻蜓飞过来对柳树姑娘说:“柳树姐姐,你真美呀!我想告诉你,那些人类最讨厌了,总爱把你们的头发拔掉,做个花圈什么的,给自己戴上。这种事我见多了,你一定要小心呀!”说完小蜻蜓拍拍翅膀飞走了。小青蛙跳过来,对柳树姑娘说:“柳树姐姐我想告诉你,那些蛀虫最讨厌了。它们总爱在你们身上挖几个洞,自己去住,如果你发现自己有了蛀虫,就快去找森林医生啄木鸟让它给你治病。”说完小青蛙“呱、呱”叫了两声跳走了。柳树姑娘听了它们的话,自言自语的说道:“我给你们一片美丽,你们还我一条生命。”   夏天,柳树姑娘长大了,再不是娇气的小嫩芽了。它已经成了一个大人。一天,下起了狂风大雨,几个小朋友没带伞,柳树看见了,叫小朋友在树下遮雨。雨停了,小朋友向柳树道了谢,说说笑笑的在云雾中消失了,柳树又自言自语的说道:“我给你们一把大伞,你们还我一条生命。”   秋天,小动物们在柳树下住着,每天它们给柳树讲故事、唱歌。柳树感到非常快乐,柳树自言自语的说道:“我给你们一个家,你们还我一条生命。”   冬天,柳树被做成了火柴,为我们带来了一份温暖,在燃烧的柳树自言自语的说道:“我给你们一份温暖,你们还我一条生命。”说完火柴便燃烧了。  啊!我爱给人们默默无闻地做奉献的柳树。


One, do I love nature -- to nature praise?

Listen attentively to bird language, wait-and-see mountains and rivers-land, flower famous scent is sweet, feel life.

The good be charmed making a person of nature, make popular feeling drunk. I love nature, those who love it is pure, love its individual lasting appeal. All life are initiative Yu Chuntian. In vibrant spring, nature shows infinite green. green transparent, green dazzling, green pure. Tree took out tender bud, small careless smell first. Light light feeling is tender yellow gemmule, you can feel life is beating immediately. Wind has blown lawn, furled last year the withered leaf in the winter, and rain, stealthily moist land, let nature more show beauty. flower nods again and again along with wind, sunshine asperses full river side, wave light is crystalline. I close a key point, listen, that birdie is in the sound of branch carol, are they eulogizing what? Let me guess, it is to praising certainly nature! I give out from the bottom of the heart plaint: Nature is really wonderful! Summer, all sorts of puppy are enjoying the heat wave of summer, fan fan fan, sweating still however, they can't help complaining rise: "This summer true accurate! " and arboreous flowers and plants people slouch branches and leaves, it is pedestrian block downheartedly cool, nature is enveloped in burning hot in, that green is more dark however. The nature of summer is just as the traveler of ford of hill of a postscript, breathless waveringly body. And summer also has relaxed when, in the spit of drop of Na Xi the sound of rain, whole summer becomes pure rise, that is a beautiful composition, eulogizing the happiness of nature! Autumnal fallen leaves waves to fall however, the sound of nature is changed wash rice the spit of drop of the sound of rain, have the taste of bit of green acerbity distress, and all biology are in busy hibernate. The last of the ten Heavenly Stems of feeling Chi Fei picks up light of bravery of Huang Xie, fructification, withered flower, green arrest the frog that contain a thick liquid, wild goose, bunny, they are enjoying nature to bring their gift, also be in a home to return to that arranges its naturally to seeking life. The autumn, still remaining between the branch tip of withered leaf, in relief illumination comes over, on the happy smiling expression that is reflected in people bumper harvest... the autumn, those who give nature is an agonized experience. In the winter, everything is in by the cover snow-white in, dazzling white, chirping spadger, crouch wing jumps to jump. The sunshine of wintry day is illuminated on snow ground, emit the light of silvery white. Housetop, land, branch, bleached. Somebody can feel nature becomes dry in this season, not, be in silver-coated in, he is in stealthily be pregnant with is worn life, come spring exuberant opportunity of survival, it is his classic. In this season, snow is the beauty with individual nature, snow is a pure angel, increase a lasting appeal for nature. Nature is such, bring you, bring me, so good. I love nature, those who love it is pure, love its individual lasting appeal.

2, do I love Lan Youxiu of flowers and trees to write a composition 200 words?

My heart spends lily magnolia mediumly

Beautiful magnolia -- the name that this is a widely known. All the time since, she is resolute and tenacious, wen Wanxiao's suitable figure, live in generation all the time in the heart of another acting Chinese, from ancient up to now, extol her poetry document, give priority to without number of the cartoon of the problem, movies with her. People admire she, eulogize she, but, I was full of for her however sympathize with.

Spend lily magnolia, she is a common and ordinary girl originally, wait for in the home, defending younger brother of parental elder sister, live male agrarian female knitted quiet life. However, of cham big conscript, broke original calm. Because bear is worn the responsibility of filial piety, lily magnolia must disguise as a man, enlist for father.

3, do I love composition boast boast do handmade little sister 200?

I love boast do handmade little sister

On Saturday, we go to my 2 aunts home, little sister of my 3 aunts home is in as it happens, I and she does handiwork with plasticene, plasticene has red, blue, green, , , , , , the small diamonds that begins me to use all sorts of color is mosaic a small sofa, did a leveret again, I think an electric chair of sofa make it, added a dynamo, sofa became report to sit; I want to let leveret be become again preterhuman, I did a sword, leveret became preterhuman, what I and little sister are playing is happy. Abrupt, the pony is bad, we made a lot of tools rapidly: Have big nail, small nail, ax, electric saw, string, , , , , . Finally, we fostered cordial relations between states the pony, when we come home, I did a cap to be taken to leveret again, take away ear, leveret became a person, rubber you are really amused!

4, do I love nature to read the result?

I love nature, because nature has a lot of animals, also have a lot of plants. Nature still has beautiful flower, I like a rose particularly.

5, follow do I love nature does one article write me to love nature what what?

Nature is human birthplace, it is interior home. Nature gives our life and inspiration, it is beautiful fountainhead.

I love lovely early morning. Roric silently have diarrhoea is on each leaf and flower, thin thin mist is in everywhere drifting. Leaf and flower as if to had been washed in bovine breast general, resemble basket move again the dream of the fine gauze is general and hazy.

I love beauty midday. Sunshine perfuse each corner of the world, lake water is in of sunshine beamed below glisten, that splashs the spray that rise, glittering and translucent get rid of is appeared, look far, resemble a small Bai Mei, like small rain of sift.

"The Na Tangqiu that collect lotus, lotus crosses poll; Lower his head to get lotus seed, lotus seed Qing Dynasty is like water " . I love a month to go up on the west when the building, that is tender tender lotus. Labyrinthian carry on one's shoulder looks on the pond, tian Tian's leaf resembles the skirt of the dancing girl of erect. That one Bai Huazhui is in above, no less than bright phearl of a bead, be like the star in green jade day again. Gentle breeze has been stroked, deliver continuously faint scent. Moonlight is downy, mist is light basket, the pond of carry on one's shoulder below the month is suddenly is like elfland really.

Be had deep love for deep-rootedly purely and natural beauty forms a long-term delicate note in my life. I love nature, its beauty, relaxed and happy letting a person, its magical, make my acclaim as the peak of perfection!

6, do I love nature guiding language?

Nature is the one part with our indispensable life, we should go as far as possible understanding and exploration it. Accordingly, loving nature is a kind of true attitude and behavior. In nature accumulate containing a lot of good quality that deserve us to learn, be like balance, harmonious, harmonious wait with adaptability. In the meantime, nature also provided the life power with constant in a steady stream for us, let us obtain existent foundation and inspiration. Accordingly, love nature can let we are protected better and safeguard an environment not only, still can make our heart becomes more heavy full figure, stronger volume goes facing the difficulty in the life and challenge.

7, do I love nature English how?

I love nature.

English translates as follows:

I Love The Nature.

[Illustrative sentence]

Starts From Me, be Civilization Small Guards, I Love The Nature.

Make from me, become civilized small bodyguard, I love nature.

8, do I love nature of ice and snow 400 words?

Have 4 season one year, every season has different view, and the gallant scenery when I like to snow in the winter most.

In the winter, heavy snow flies violently, people seems to come to the state of a quiet and tastefully laid out peaceful, came to the world like the fairy tale that a glittering and translucent get rid of appears. Loose in that way faint scent, white put on the ice in that way sweet, give a person a kind cool jade-like stone jade-like stone placatory. Everything is filtering, everything is in sublimate, the heart that connects me also is in purify, become pure and good. In in the winter, have the cherub of a lot of beauty, that is in namely the light snow that facile and graceful waves to asperse in the sky is beautiful. They are like Yu Xie, silver-colored flower, like a butterfly that having dance lightly only, be enmeshed in the world of snow, everything is to let a person how be intoxicated! Descend when these cherub the world when, the earth draped white appearance, we can see the land of white house, Bai Shu, white. Letting a person find whole world is how pure ah. Small snowflake falls to the hand of people, changed at a draught, the time that although it is on our hand,keeps is very brief, but, we can feel apparently however icy. Look at the Xue Jing of these beauty, do not go out to play too deficient also, so we go out surely definitely amuse oneself, smooth was found on hill, a wonderful snowball is pulled open prelusive, ah! Bad, I was broken, at this moment, a classmate on the side of me sees I was broken, threw away ball of a heavy snow immediately to that classmate, I am unwilling also give the impression of weakness, threw immediately, such, we you chase after me to hit, keep be being hit to the other side, wait for us to play tired when, discover the whole body is damp, but cold not at all. At this moment, we decide to pile a snowman, good. Say to work, we had done two snowball base first, oh, still need last working procedure -- become facial feature. Do calm! A lifelike snowman is shown in us at the moment. Later, I skate again. Come to the brook here, I take a stone to break river side first. The ice on that river side is not moved easily. Good, this ice writtens guarantee really thickly, have a few centimeters about thick. I develop next going skiing first immediately. Play, what I become aware is uninteresting, went looking for a few young associate to play together. After we came, slip ah slippery, we still play the game that had a cat to catch mouse on glacial face. Playing to playing somebody to throw one Jiao. Then, I also threw one Jiao. This but good, everybody threw a Jiao to come accordingly in succession. It is intended that this does not know or innocently ground of in quick succession threw authority Jiao comes! I love Bai Xue, I love Xue Jing, I love a winter more. Winter is interior annual ring. In the winter, although very cold, but it is having incomparable warmth and hope.

9, the beautiful sentence that I love nature?

1, demiurgic and reticent have feeling however, every Yu Han all becomes aware spring unripe, 1000 Gong Mozi arrangement are worn, wait for new thunder high and level tone only. -- Zhang Weibing

2, the day has all right constant, do not be Yao Cun, do not die for the name of the last ruler of the Xia Dynasty. -- Xun Zi

3, I am not not to love the humanity, love nature more however. -- Baron

4, my life philosophy is the job, I should announce the secret of nature, for human benefit. -- edison

5, we cannot wait to bestow naturally, we want to be asked for to nature. -- Mi Qiulin

6, we are not successive the earth of father generation, used the earth of children and grand children however. -- U.N. environment plan

7, our maxim, well-known it is obedient and natural life. -- Xinnijia

8, we often admire nature only, very few consideration and nature live in all. -- Wang Erde

10, do I love willow composition?

I love willow   to there is a greenbelt in river side, there is willow over.

Spring, willow girl combs a long plait, that is how fresh, how vivid. Blast stroke passes, one " chief a mistake or shortcoming that may be exploited by an opponent " ripple in wind, seem to dancing. Wind stopped, willow also stopped dancing. Small dragonfly flies to say to willow girl: "Willow elder sister, you are really beautiful! I want to tell you, those mankinds most was fed up with, total love unplugs your hair, make a wreath of what, wear to oneself. I see this kind of thing much, you must take care! " say small dragonfly to pat pat wing to fly away. Small green leapfrog comes over, say to willow girl: "I miss willow elder sister tell you, those borer most was fed up with. They always love to dig a few holes on your body, oneself go, if you discover you had clothes or wood, go quickly looking for silvan doctor woodpecker to let it treat a disease to you. " say small frog " Gu, Gu " made twice jump. Willow girl heard their word, the say of the solilo-quize: "I give you a beauty, you return my life. "   summer, willow girl was brought up, or else is fragile small tender bud. It had become an adult. A day, fierce wind heavy rain had below, a few children did not carry an umbrella, willow saw, call a child to issue block rain in the tree. Rain stopped, xiangliu cultivated the child to wither, said what josh laughs to disappear in cloud and mist, willow the say of the solilo-quize: "I give you a big umbrella, you return my life. "   autumn, puppy people living below willow, everyday they give willow taletelling, sing. Willow feels special pleasure, the say of willow solilo-quize: "I give you a home, you return my life. "   winter, willow by make it match, brought a warmth for us, in the say of flaming willow solilo-quize: "I give you a warmth, you return my life. " say match to burn. Ah! I love to do consecratory willow to ground of people without attracting public attention.
