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5.擦拭完毕,察看打蜡效果。 车蜡的选择: 不同种类的车蜡其性能和效果也是不同的。

对于高级轿车,可以选择比较高档的车蜡;对于新车,最好选用液态上光蜡,这样能保护车身的光泽和颜色;而夏季比较适宜选用防紫外线的车蜡;如果经常行驶在环境比较差的地方,就要选择保护作用比较突出的油性腊;对于普通车辆,选用普通的防水蜡和去污蜡就行; 在选择车蜡的时候还要考虑车蜡与车漆的颜色,深色的车漆选用保护效果较好的车蜡,浅色的车漆选择去污和防静电效果比较好的车蜡。 注意事项:







当然,这并非是硬性规定,一般用手触摸车身感觉不光滑时,就可再次打蜡。 三、打蜡前最好用水清洗车身外表的泥土和灰尘。










Waxed measure:

1. breaks up the position that gives need to wax with adhesive plaster;

2. pours agent of right amount polish the sponge at green piece on (if nick is light, use green foam rubber or plastic directly, if nick is deeper, use contain fine grind arenaceous gray face) ;

3. is wiped back and forth point-blank down the place that has scratch;

4. in a few minutes, wipe clean with soft cloth;

5. is wiped end, look carefully at wax the effect. The choice of car candle: The car candle of different sort its function and effect also are different.

To limousine car, can choose to compare high-grade car candle; to new car, had better choose candle of liquid state glazing, with color; summer compares the burnish that can protect automobile body so to if,choose the car candle; that prevents ultraviolet ray aptly often travel compares wrong place in the environment, those who be about to choose to protect action to be highlighted quite is oily dried meat; connects traffic to general, choose the facial expression that car candle and car lacquer consider even when common waterproof candle and decontamination candle are choosing car candle with respect to travel; , brunet car lacquer chooses better with protective effect car candle, the decontamination of car lacquer choice of light color and antistatic the car candle with better effect. Note:

One, new car does not wax casually.

After somebody buys a new car, wax to car, this is paltrily.

Because there already was a layer to protect candle on the lacquer layer of new car itself, wax prematurely meet instead get rid of the former outfit candle of new car surface, create needless waste, general new car is bought time need not be eager to waxing inside 5 months.

2, should have mastered wax frequency.

Because place of the environment of car travel, park is different, waxed time-interval also should differ somewhat.

Have garage place commonly, the many car in the travel on good way, every 3-4 the month hits candle; The car of outdoor park, because wind blows drench, best every 2-3 the month hits candle.

Of course, this is not is rigid regulation, when automobile body of the general feeling that use a hand feels not smooth, can wax again. 3, the clay that automobile body appearance had better clean with water before waxing and dirt.

Be sure to keep in mind to cannot use the essence that wash clean and suds blindly, because contain some sodium chloride composition to be able to erode layer of automobile body lacquer, cere and balata among them, make car lacquer loses burnish, balata ageing.

If do not have appropriative to wash car water, usable clear water washs car, after wiping bodywork again cerated.

4, should wax to the car in shady and cool place, make sure bodywork is not sent calorific.

Because as temperature elevatory, the adherent sex of car candle becomes poor, meeting influence calls candle quality.

5, when waxing, apply sponge piece besmear to get on right amount car candle, daub of linear on bodywork move back and forth, cannot pour candle fluid on board dauby or make circle type paint; Exercise wants to be finished continuously, cannot besmear Tu Ting stops; General candle layer besmears the 5-10min after divide evenly polishs with new towel, but fast car candle should the polish side Bian Tu.

6, after automobile body waxes, candle of a few cars can remain in the aperture that is in the place such as light, plate, door and baggage cabin, make automobile body appears very not beautiful.

The candle dirty of these places is like not seasonable wipe up, produce rusty corrode possibly still.

Accordingly, after hitting candle, must keep clear of candle dirty clean thoroughly, such ability get perfect waxing the effect.

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