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亳州旅游景点? 怎么写旅游感想?英文双语对照


亳州旅游景点? 怎么写旅游感想?英文双语对照


1. 亳州市博物馆:展示了亳州市丰富的历史文化遗产和民俗文化。

2. 龙泉山国家森林公园:集山地旅游、自然生态、文化旅游和科普教育于一体。

3. 穆坡景区:以其自然美景和传统文化而闻名。

4. 荀子官渡故居:荀子是中国春秋名儒,他的故居保存完整,具有很高的历史和文化价值。

5. 太白山庄:位于南湖边,是一个美丽的自然风景区和休闲胜地。

6. 百草园:亳州著名的历史文化景点之一,是一座集名胜古迹、人文景观、艺术品鉴于一体的大型文化公园。

7. 亳州市红卫公园:是一座以开放为主题的现代化城市公园。

8. 大悟山风景区:被誉为“北方小黄山”,景色优美,气候宜人。

9. 亳州市体育中心:是一个综合性的体育场馆,设施齐全,是体育爱好者的好去处。

10. 桐柏山国家森林公园:集森林生态、文化旅游、养生康体等多种旅游资源于一体。
















西北旅游不仅让我欣赏到大自然的美丽风光,还让我感受到了中华民族悠久的历史文化底蕴。站在长城之上,我仿佛能感受到古代戍边将士们的忠诚与勇敢;走进敦煌莫高窟,我被古人精湛的艺术造诣所折服;漫步于丝绸之路上的古城遗址之中, 我为古代文明的发展感到惊讶和自豪。

这次西北之旅给我留下了难以忘怀的回忆和感悟:我们应该珍惜大自然赋予我们的美好资源, 传承和弘扬中华民族优秀的历史文化传统, 让我们的生活更加美好和谐!










亳州有俗语云:「苏州卖得好头油,亳州看得花戏楼」。「花戏楼」的「三绝」同样也值得一提:庙门外立有铁旗杆一对,每根重 6 吨,高 16 余米,直插云霄,是为花戏楼「一绝」。其门是一座仿木结构的三层牌坊式建筑,尽管岁月变迁,门上那些让人叫绝的立体砖雕依然保留了下来,此为「二绝」。进山门,便能看到一座雕工精美的木质戏楼,戏楼的木雕就是「三绝」。












Tourist attraction of Bo city travel?

1.Museum of Bo state city: Revealed Bo state city's rich historical culture legacy and folk-custom culture.

2.Park of forest of country of dragon spring hill: Travel of market country travel, natural zoology, culture and popular science are taught at an organic whole.

3.Area of solemn slope scene: Famed with its nature beautiful scenery and traditional culture.

4.Xun Zi's official crosses former residence: Xun Zi is Chinese age name Confucianism, his former residence is saved complete, have very tall history and culture value.

5.Too white mountain villa: Be located in south lakefront, it is a beautiful natural beauty spot and recreational resort.

6.100 careless garden: One of historical culture tourist attractions with Bo famous city, it is a collect famous places and historical sites, humanitarian landscape, artwork the large culture park in view of an organic whole.

7.Gong Wei park of Bo state city: It is a modern city park that gives priority to a problem with opening.

8.Realize hill beauty spot greatly: Be known as " northward small Huang Shan " , the scenery is beautiful, climate is delightful.

9.Bo state city sports center: It is an omnibus sports place, establishment is all ready, it is the good place of sports fan.

10.Park of forest of country of tung cypress hill: Travel of collect forest zoology, culture, preserve one's health a variety of brigade idle fund such as health body result from an organic whole.

How to write travel impressions?

Travel is one lets a person really hard the thing of dismiss from one's mind, what be forgotten hard in memory is the impressions of dribs and drabs forever. The journey that I just come back changed my lifetime almost, the scenery over there such beauty, make me acclaim as the peak of perfection. Above all, the journey let me have brand-new knowledge to everything what do not understand before, as time elapse, I begin to understand over there new world. This the journey woke up the original force in my heart, I am more hot love nature, also like everything all round more. And, I also can remember the sort of warmth when encountering with numerous friend forever, all of us very agree, extremely familiar a party travels, extremely familiar a party. Return recall visit every time, I always can appreciate myself to the opportunity goes travelling, also hope can organic meeting is visited again. Anyhow, the journey let me have more experience not only, more important is, it also let me get more pleasure from which, stronger volume ground is living!

How is travel impressions written?

1. chooses a theme: Travel impressions is many sided. Before writing, can ponder over oneself theme first, the experience that be being visited or gains in the journey and experience, for example environment, culture, cate, humanitarian etc.

2. arranges a data: The data that collects in travel process is arranged before beginning writing, travel for example diary, photograph, map, impression is waited a moment. These data can offer more detail and sense for your character.

3. conceives frame: Before beginning writing, can conceive the frame of chapter of one later development first, for example " excursive purpose and experience " , " the impression of knowledge " , " acquisition experience and enlightenment " etc. After conceiving good frame, write down specific content according to frame again.

4. begin is fascinating: Writing the most important part is begin. Begin should be fascinating, let a reader want to understand your travel impressions further. Can draw the reader's attention with a remarkable example, brief perhaps introducing you the theme of this second journey and characteristic.

Process of travel of 5. go into particulars: The main content of travel impressions is go into particulars your travel process. The scenery of the tourist attraction of the scheduling that can describe you, point that reachs, place and culture setting, cate and the communication with local are waited a moment. The key is to use exquisite literal characterization, let a reader have the feeling of be personally on the scene.

6. Baconian summary: Induce in the terminal part of the article the travel impressions that sums up you. The key highlights you to be harvested in what get in travel process, and the effect that they produce to your prospective life. Can join the description of a few sensibility appropriately, let a reader be in what you experience in reading a process to touch with affection.

Finally, do not forget careful check and approve and the article that amend you, become it more fluent and legible. If you can have a few exercises and practice, draw up a fluent and significant travel impressions, it will be a text that makes a person impressive, let people leave deep impression after be read.

Yunnan travel impressions?

Go Yunnan travels twice, it is diverse line two, can say tourist attraction of basically all characteristic I hit card to pass, yunnan is a city that will do not want to leave, scarcely empty visit

Table of article of northwest travel impressions?

Northwest travels, those who let me experience nature is gallant with magical. Arrive from desolate desert grand Great Wall, from mysterious Dunhuang Mo Gao hole closes to old fine valley, each place allows my forgetting to return. The scenery here is picturesque, the historical culture inside information here is solid, let a person plaint unceasingly.

On the earth that lengths and breadth of land in this, what I saw life is tenacious with tough. In all over the sky yellow Sha Zhongsheng grows the multiply on the camel thorn that lives diversiform-leaved poplar forest, tenaciously on desert beach, highland in chill gives birth to the Tibetan antelope of breath. . . . . . What these vitality move a plant tenaciously to made me deep experience life is great with the miracle.

Northwest travel lets me appreciate the beautiful view of nature not only, still let me experience the historical culture with long the Chinese nation to inside information. Stand on the Great Wall, I as if can experience the officers and soldiers side archaic defend people faithfulness and brave; walk into Dunhuang Mo Gao hole, I am convinced by the artistic attainment place with masterly the ancients in the ancient city relics that; strolls to go up at the Silk Road, I surprised for the development of archaic civilization and proud.

This the troops of northwest remained to recollect and comprehend of dismiss from one's mind hard to me: We should cherish nature to gift our good resource, inheritance and promote the historical culture tradition with outstanding the Chinese nation, the life that lets us is more good and harmonious!

The impressions after travel?

Travel can broaden the outlook, grow knowledge. What oneself feel after travel is pleasurable, life is full of fun. At the same time also a lot of is worth the picture of the aftertaste. The ride that will say to go does not go out good than staying in a place all one's life much.

Is where of travel of He Fuyang of Bo city travel good?

Mound at that time in relief. Mound this world regards Anhui north as regional center city, regard Anhui north as 2 when develop mainly big cities jointly with mussel port, fundamental construction, science and education, culture, medical treatment, traffic, industry and city change the respect such as radiant emitance of level, area to compare Bo city tower above a lot of, dominant position of economy of Bo city characteristic is good, but comprehensive strength is returned now cannot with mound this world is the same as day and language, cong Qingchao begins to serve as all the time mound in relief subordinate county, just establish town independently to 2000, missed a lot of opportunities really, it who belongs to to be in charge of as to period of the Eastern Han Dynasty is not important that who belongs to to be in charge of as to period of the Eastern Han Dynasty, luoyang is the world in those days go up the biggest city, zhengzhou still is a market town, hope 2 cities can the advantage is complementary, develop jointly, not mutual bespatter does not support, still be a family so after all.

Tourist attraction of travel of Bo city ancient town?

1. Bo city spends play building.

Bo city spends play building, original name closes temple of the Supreme Being greatly, also call hill short for Shaanxi Province the guild hall, it is the temple ancestral temple of Guan Yu of sacred Shanxi celebrity,

The land that believes a lot of person first time set foot on Bo city can look around " beautiful play building " .

Although the name is called " beautiful play building " , but you can understand this is a special temple closing the Supreme Being. But it " beautiful play building " the name is more well-known, because the play building in the courtyard glows, carver is beautiful round of beautiful Huan.

Bo city has common saying cloud: " Suzhou sells well hair oil, bo city looks so that spend play building " . " beautiful play building " " 3 absolutely " also be worth to carry likewise: Flag post having iron establishs outside temple door one pair, every weigh 6 tons, more than meters 16 tall, insert the sky continuously, it is building of the play that it is a flower " a special skill " . Its door is the construction of type of three-layer memorial archway of timberwork of a copy, although years is transitional, those let a person cry on the door absolutely stereo brick carve still was withheld come down, this is " 2 absolutely " . Take hill door, can see the woodiness play building with an elegant carver, the woodcarving of play building is " 3 absolutely " .

So, " beautiful play building " the comes surely ground that feel no regret is Bo city.

2, 3 houses rank Bo state.

Bo city " 3 houses are resided " it is one of famous tourist attractions of Bo state city. Because be located at office of marshal of guild hall of hill short for Shaanxi Province, sugar industry guild hall, grain lane guild hall, get a name so " 3 houses are resided " .

" 3 houses are resided " it is whole court style classic structure, set workshop of a 4 guest room, painterly labour, one collects books between two cabinet, bags, one court one backyard. As we have learned, " 3 houses are resided " guest room of 4 civilian constellation has distinguishing feature each, respectively with persimmon persimmon flexibly, material of 4 kinds of Chinese traditional medicine names gallnut, catechu and La Cao.

Ramble at the history long " beautiful play building " and " 3 houses are resided " , be worthy of be the scene area that has a lot of history track, the sculpture of play building, woodcarving, coloured drawing or pattern is much give priority to a problem to be worth to look very much with local opera highlights from operas. Sculpture is elegant, the history is long, enjoy oneself so much as to forget to leave letting a person.

Is where of accommodation of Bo city travel best?

       Bo state rich power 10 thousand Da Jiahua hotels

   This hotel old hall is gorgeous, high-end air, room, clean, atmosphere, high end, swim the pool is very pretty good, water is clear, clean, water is warm very appropriate, downstage service is considerate, help actively take a thing, breakfast is rich, taste is good.

Does travel see beautiful impressions only beautiful sentence?

Will make the same score dam to see oriental cherry, place oneself in all over the mountains and plains oriental cherry, too beautiful

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