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Of the household that visit the home and furniture industry rise abruptly

The household that visit the home is China's well-known furniture company, held water 1999, headquarters is located in Guangdong Fosan. Come for years, the household that visit the home designs concept, high quality product and excellent service distinctly with its, become those who be Chinese furniture industry quickly to get army person.

Consider what the home lives in to rise abruptly the rapid development with Chinese economy is inseparable. Below the setting of Chinese economy reforming and opening, dweller standard of living rises, taller and taller also to living in the demand of the product. The household that visit the home grasped this one opportunity adequately, carry ceaseless innovation and development, established oneself brand image quickly.

The setting of president of the household that visit the home and leadership ability

The success of the household that visit the home cannot leave his the wisdom of president and father Mr Gu Jiaming and leadership ability. Mr Gu Jiaming is graduated from a famous design institute, have extensive design and innovation experience. His profound insight to furniture industry and the acumen to tendency of the market hold, the remain invincible in making he can guide the household that visit the home to compete in intense market.

Mr Gu Jiaming has remarkable leadership ability and strategic eye. He is depending on the understanding to Chinese consumer demand, rolled out a series of innovation products that accord with market demand, and built a powerful supply catenary system, ensure the quality of the product and supply stability.

The innovation ability that Gu Jiajia resides and brand force

The household that visit the home pays attention to innovation all the time, ceaseless research and development gives new product and design concept, satisfy the requirement of different consumer. They and numerous and top stylist cooperate, ceaseless get rid of the stale and bring forth the fresh, make the product has vogue, advanced characteristic, won broad customer love.

Expand as the ceaseless development of the brand, the consequence of the household that visit the home also is expanding ceaselessly. They take an active part in commonweal career, pay close attention to social responsibility, those who won a society reputably. The brand image that Gu Jiajia resides more and more get of consumer approbate and chase after hold in both hands.

The market of the household that visit the home is behaved and did not develop

The household that visit the home depends on its distinctive brand image and banner market competition ability, the stand firm in the industry is had in Chinese home calcaneal. Their sale network spreads all over the whole nation, the product is sold as far as to global. Enjoy great reputation in market of domestic and international furniture.

Future, the household that visit the home will continue to devote oneself to product innovation and brand construction, raise the quality of the product and design level further. Gu Jiajia resides president Mr Gu Jiaming to will guide a group to develop new market ceaselessly, steady progress, be in to consider a household of market of domestic and international furniture grow continuously lay solid foundation.

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