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学费是一年一万 加上住宿费600元,生活费正常的每月500—600元,外加书费等 大概也得一年一万七吧













华北电力大学科技学院一般指河北科技工程职业技术大学河北科技工程职业技术大学(Hebei Vocational University of Technology and Engineering) 位于河北省邢台市,由国家教育部和河北省人民政府批准设立,是全日制公办本科层次职业高等学校,是国家示范性高等职业院校、国家优质专科高等职业院校、中国特色高水平专业群(A档)建设单位、教育部首批学徒制建设单位,获全国毕业生就业先进集体、全国深化创新创业教育改革示范校等荣誉称号。









One, is specialized subject of institute of Hua Beike ability tuitional?

Rate of college of science and technology of 2021 China north is tuitional:

Lash-up technology and management, take precautions against natural calamities decreases sanitation of project of space of calamity science and project, safe project, mining project, city underground, geological project, profession science of project of project of project, chemical safety project, mineral treatment, chemical project and craft, environment, material and.

International of literature of character of development of management of business affairs of sale of lash-up management, information management and information system, international economy and commerce, accounting, industrial and commercial management, market, electron, common cause, project management, estate and management, Chinese, law, Chinese is taught.

Major of design of social sports guidance and management, environment, products plan is 8000 yuan / year.

Safe project (professional safety and public health) major is 17000 yuan in domestic tuition / year, if press a plan to go to abroad,learn the 4th year, avoid collect domestic tuition and accommodation fee, by American Ma Si Jinge capture of Mu university requirement is expended (the about 18 thousand dollar after tuitional 2020 privilege is controlled) .

2, is tuition of college of science and technology of university of China north electric power annual how many money?

Tuition is a year 10 thousand add accommodation to expend 600 yuan, living cost is normal every months 500, 600 yuan, adscititious book cost also get a year probably ten thousand and seven

3, is university of China north electric power tuitional?

College of China north electric power is average kind of major normally 4000-6000 yuan annual, artistic kind of major normally 8000-10000 yuan annual, fair nevertheless do an university to also have China and foreign countries the share such as collaboration is high collect fees professional, tuitional normally 2-3 10 thousand yuan arrive higher even one year ten; Because university of run by the local people needs to funds raised by oneself run a school, tuition is compared commonly expensive, common kind of major normally 15000-20000 yuan annual, 2-3 in case year very much also, also have of course taller, artistic kind of major that is more expensive.

4, is university of China north electric power tuitional how many?

The tuition of university of China north electric power is 3700, it is aimed at liberal art major, if be artistic kind professional tuition is 5000, if their accommodation is expended, be 800 are controlled commonly breath out

5, is university of electric power of 2014 China north tuitional?

University of China north electric power is tuitional 2014:

The school concerns the provision of sectional rate according to Ministry of Education, Beijing and Heibei province government, professional and tuitional standard is engineering course of manage of campus of Beijing school ministry, Baoding 5500 yuan / year, english and standard of interpreter major tuition are 6000 yuan / year, other and professional tuition is 5000 yuan / year. Baoding campus products plan is professional (artistic kind) tuitional standard is 8500 yuan / year.

6, is institute of Hua Beike ability tuitional why so low?

Institute of China north science and technology is fair run an university, tuition is so lower

7, the relation of institute of science and technology of university of China north electric power and university of China north electric power?

Institute of science and technology of university of China north electric power is company of Heibei province power and university of China north electric power in June 2002 joint scheming is made, the independent institute of new scale. In 3 recruit students. Big one when fundamental class is him institute of science and technology commonly, arrived professional class when it is an university commonly there. When doing a test, be to go China report one campus, computer exam also is in 2 school, both batch is different, education difference is not too much, exam examination paper is different also.

8, predecessor of institute of science and technology of university of China north electric power?

Institute of science and technology of university of China north electric power points to university of technology of profession of project of science and technology of Heibei of university of technology of profession of project of Heibei science and technology commonly (Hebei Vocational University Of Technology And Engineering) be located in Heibei to visit Xing Tai town, save people government approval to establish by national Ministry of Education and Heibei, it is full-time fair do colleges and universities of profession of undergraduate course administrative levels, it is national demonstrative sex advanced profession school, country is high grade the specialized subject is advanced Gao Shuiping of characteristic of professional school, China is professional group (A archives) first apprentice makes construction unit, Ministry of Education construction unit, obtain countrywide graduate obtain employment advanced collective, whole nation deepens innovation poineering education to reform the honorary title such as demonstrative school.

The institute was built 1979 school, the General Logistics Department of attributive 1983 the Chinese People's Liberation Army, assumed former state to teach 1991 appoint high post teachs pilot assignment, 1997 more the name is institute of technology of Xing Tai profession, turned over Heibei province to become a province to belong to a college 2002. In January 2021, ministry of Education agrees with institute of science and technology of university of electric power of conformity China north, Xing Tai managerial resource of professional technology institute, install university of technology of profession of project of Heibei science and technology

9, is college of science and technology of university of China north electric power good not?


Institute of science and technology of university of China north electric power is overall actual strength is very pretty good, although be independent institute (university of China north electric power and company are joint) , but waiting from persons qualified to teach, source of student, style of study is in light of the respect 3 of li of platoon front row.

If want to learn heat energy and electric project, power project, automation (these a few major are basic it is power plant electric power relevant)

10, is college of science and technology of university of China north electric power good?

College of science and technology of university of China north electric power is quite good, it is You Yuanhua institute of science and technology of university of boreal electric power and institute of technology of profession of former Xing stage incorporate and come. Be located in Heibei to visit Baoding town, save people government approval to establish by national Ministry of Education and Heibei, it is full-time fair do colleges and universities of profession of undergraduate course administrative levels

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