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基本上 随便什么宠物都可以。

魔暴龙啊 虎王啊 都可以 反正副本有T 而且兽王的猎人也没射击类的猎人输出高 基本上去副本都是射击 和生存类的

PK 个人觉得蜘蛛不错 沙城 右边有个部落的据点 据点下面有个65JY的蜘蛛 虽然样子不是很好看 但是 蜘蛛有个蛛网 还不错 可以定人 PK起来 还是有点实用的 反正PK的猎人一般都是射击 和生存。






















PVE根据团队的需要,一般情况下团队最缺的就是法术急速这个BUFF ,所以通常LR都是带的孢子蝠,PVE带灵魂兽只是装逼用的一般情况下,狼一只(暴击),孢子蝠(法急),蛇(攻速),当然如果没精通的情况下且是兽王LR的情况下灵魂兽还是可以带只的 ,另外还有只麒麟,可以战复队友用,其它倒是无所谓,水黾不错,带个水上行走的技能,如果在不能飞的水面上尤其是永恒岛还是用的比较多的PVP 就多了 各种控制的,异种虫,猴子,螃蟹,仙鹤,奇美拉,灵魂兽 等等




One, what pet does hunter of 9.1 the king of beasts take?

" demon animal world " the orangutan that 9.1 hunters darling is recommended is new edition. Two 9 new baby, outside and lovely, hardness is the scute that hurts 3 departments forcedly to be able to be taken kind with orangutan it is to refuse quite right choice.

Grows uglily Dou Ting can carry chelonian to fight blame and scute kind, orangutan difference is not big, however mad wild darling relies on to suck blood to be in incomplete blood when still can strong a little while, blood of incomplete of tough department darling did not decrease an injury to be done not have, mad wild department still takes in addition bloodsucking advantage.

The hunter is the profession that has harm sex extremely. Because they pull the ability that blame and atttacks an eccentric person from far place wonderfully, they of course can faster Ko the enemy. Their pet increased harm and can going up somehow the animosity that helps control an eccentric person. All sorts of trap of the hunter make its can control an eccentric person on certain level. The striking distance of their extreme, powerful harm, and the combination of trap ability, make hunter to any groups it is best pull the person that blame.

2, does card pull assist hunter what to pet take?

Pet of basically informal what is OK.

Demon tyrannosaurus ah tiger king ah OK anyway carbon has T and the hunter of the king of beasts also did not shoot kind hunter output basically goes high carbon is shoot and live kind

PK individual feels right of pretty good Sha Cheng has the spider a spider that there is a 65JY below tribal foothold foothold although appearance is not very good-looking but it is pretty good still and OK that the spider has a cobweb the PK that decide a person rises or a bit practical anyway.

3, what pet good ~ does TBC hunter take?

Have Jimeila specially, heterogeneous bug, incorporeal animal, lava dog, rhinoceros, vermian, demon tyrannosaurus.

Darling is Bug greatly very, occasionally people looks meeting such. Oneself cannot see

The orangutan of where is same. Annular hill has only rare white orangutan more good-looking

4, how does spatio-temporal hunter take pet?

The method that spatio-temporal hunter brings pet is, pet is bought in preexistence game store above all, accumulate enough feed next, can take

5, do 17 class take the hunter what pet is good?

The hunter is very amused profession! Very much old player is taken formally without giving thought to still is nostalgic take like to play profession! The hunter is demon animal inside can catch field exclusively to get a beast to do darling to get a profession! It is the hunter gets a few baby below!


Be batty!

Black bear!


The lion!

Tiger! 17 class suggest to catch a boar why so because boar is,say miscellaneous feed darling! Feed rises convenient!

6, do 30 class take 9 hunters what pet?

30 class take Pi Kaqiu pet, can increase pass experience, return hematic rate.

7, gas of hunter of the king of beasts fine jade belt what pet?

Fine jade belt adds gas of hunter of the king of beasts Er tribute pet, this pet has a hunter only can domestic

8, it the hunter climbs a tower what to pet take is good that the hunter climbs a tower what to pet take?

9 fire hunters of demon animal world climb a tower to take orangutan. Hard, can leave bloodsucking. The heart can choose: Aim at harm, covenant is added, hunter impress is added, of all kinds straight injury, of all kinds attribute. BOSS makes a way: Misdirect - > 2 even - > drug bloodsucking - > covenant skill - > erupt suddenly - > drop collect.

9, what pet does hunter of the king of beasts of demon animal world take?

The PVE need according to the group, usually group most those who be short of is magic arts quickness this BUFF, normally so LR is the spore bat of the belt, PVE takes incorporeal animal to just be installed force those who use usually, wolf (cruel attack) , spore bat (the law is urgent) , snake (attack fast) , if do not have perfectness circumstance,fall of course and the circumstance that is LR of the king of beasts leaves incorporeal animal or can take, still have a kylin additionally, can battle answer teammate is used, other is indifferent to however, shui Mian is pretty good, take a skill that walks on water, if be on flightless surface especially lasting island or used more PVP are much all sorts of pilot, heterogeneous bug, monkey, crab, red-crowned crane, jimeila, incorporeal animal is waited a moment

10, what does Wow hunter take special pet?

There is difference on skill, for example, abnormity bug (An Jila bug) it is crafty department pet together with the spider, property is same, it is special skill differs merely, accessary nature harms the net of abnormity bug, and the spider is merely secure the end in place. Ps: The beast control of Lr of special pet need is most lower part endowment supports ability to seize. And this endowment just does not have the pet of this skill to catch important is additional pet endowment.

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