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  1. 色彩搭配:


  2. 空间规划:


  3. 材质选择:






Household decorates the importance of the effect

Household decorates the effect is to show through design and adornment the method makes live in a space to achieve the process of ideal effect and result. A grace, comfortable household is decorated can promote the life quality not only, still reveal an individual to taste flavour and one of aesthetic means. Accordingly, the method that knows household to decorate the effect and crucial point are very main to everybody.

Attention lives in the 3 big keys that decorate the effect

  1. Colour is tie-in:

    Colour collocation is household the very important one link in decorating. Reasonable colour collocation can build a different atmosphere and style, be like sweet, pure and fresh, decorous etc. In the meantime, colour collocation still can pass the light that enhances a space and dimensional feeling to improve living environment.

  2. Dimensional program:

    Living in a space to plan is to show to different space size is mixed functional requirement, make live in a space to achieve through sound program optimal use. In program process, the functional sex that considers household and beautiful sex are very important. Accordingly, through be being used actually what reasonable space differentiates to be able to raise household with layout value is mixed living character.

  3. Material chooses character:

    Material pledges the choice is to live in the crucial one annulus in decorating a process. Right capable person can be decorated for household character bring simple sense and intimacy. The material that according to decorating demand the choice differs is qualitative, wait like material of floor, metope, furniture, can make household space more harmonious and beautiful.


Through be opposite household decorates the attention of the effect and reasonable design, can create a living vacuum of an ideal. Program of colour collocation, space and material pledge the choice is the 3 big keys that make household decorate the effect. When everybody is undertaking living in decorating, should take these 3 respects seriously, undertake choose and matching according to oneself demand and preference.

Thank each reader to read the article, believe to pass the content of the article, can making living in a few enlightenment and help are provided when decorating for you, help you make the good living space in giving your mental view.

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