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全变态形式的昆虫,经过卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫4个虫期。 幼虫与成虫在外部形态及生活习性上有很大差异。在幼虫老熟脱皮化蛹时,幼虫形态消失,而蛹期形态与成虫基本接近。如鳞翅目蛾类和蝴蝶,幼虫时触角和翅全无,口器为咀嚼式,而变为成虫后,幼虫的模样全部消失,不但有翅可自由飞舞,口器也变为虹吸式。与鳞翅目同属全变态形式的还有鞘翅目、双翅目、膜翅目、脉翅目等。







根状茎 由多年生植物的茎变态成的横卧于地下、形状似根的地下茎。根状茎上具有明显的节和节间,具有顶芽和腋芽,节上往往还有退化的鳞片状叶,呈膜状,同时节上还有不定根,营养繁殖能力很强。如竹类、鸢尾、白茅和蓟等。


变态茎: 黄瓜、南瓜等的茎卷须; 皂角、柑橘等的茎刺; 蟹爪兰、昙花的叶状茎; 仙人掌、莴苣、球茎甘蓝的肉质茎; 马铃薯、姜、藕、荸荠、蒜、百合、水仙的食用部分都是变态茎。 变态叶: 洋葱、百合的鳞叶; 菊花花序、玉米雌花序外面的苞片; 豌豆的也卷须; 仙人掌、洋槐的叶刺或托叶刺; 猪笼草的捕虫叶。






One, does edition of allergy of Trojan of armor of 3366 little game catch violet Luna animal?

Between that 3 the central Shaanxi plain that closes, many dozens a few, can have a violet Luna animal of the 2nd configuration, it is OK to beat dead.

Get the violet Luna beast that is the first configuration. Quite arrogant.

2, what plant has abnormal bine, abnormal root, abnormal part of a historical period?

Abnormal bine:

Cucumber, pumpkin the cauline cirrus that wait;

The bine that wait pricks black horn, orange;

The foliaceous bine of schlumbergera, broad-leaved epiphyllum;

The fleshy qualitative bine of cactus, lettuce, kohlrabi;

The edible part of potato, ginger, lotus root, water chest nut, garlic, lily, asphodel is abnormal bine.

Abnormal leaf:

The scale leaf of onion, lily;

The bud outside foreword of female flower of chrysanthemum inflorescence, corn piece;

Of pea also tendril;

The leaf of cactus, acacia is pricked or stipule is pricked;

The leaf catching bug of common nepenthes.

3, how does the most abnormal allergy on the world have allergy?

The individual thinks the most abnormal is the addiction that love cadaver is mixed addiction having dead body.

Still want to say the sort of hobby be eatinged originally, but as a result of after be being eaten, cannot continue abnormal, not be so inside the most abnormal limits, because the most abnormal individual considers as,do a few things and doing for a long time, such ability are the most abnormal. The person of the addiction that love cadaver loves to collect the body of all sorts of people and skeleton, return meeting and the responsibility that those bodies have a meal to do his to like together together, treat as simply aerate to baby is treated in that way and be cherished. And addiction having dead body, like to have a body of course, still cent eats to be mixed freshly Biedermeier, what distinction is there? Such saying, love to eat Durian like some people, some people do not love eating distinction. Of course, like to eat new risk to spend tall, on the ave that is passerby, what he sees is food, and want to eat immediately very much, fresh eat, department resembling birthday eats in that way, raw ingredient eats. If want to eat fresh, can buy only, do not have money, can look for prey only, the kill after finding, arrange here carry, won't kill immediately, it is anaesthesia hind is decomposed slowly, and the condition that prey or anaesthesia regain consciousness again. The prey that some of addiction having dead body still meets him takes a picture or video, now and then recall. The place that live is sure have penetralia, it is basement commonly, next OK and informal belly-worship, basement has glacial cabinet, can deposit those who do not eat, and install cadaver piece with bag, the sexual distinction on mark, butcher time, oneself are OK according to the mood, be fond of is being chosen will eat. Abroad has certain organization really, break the law technically to sin even to this kind of rich crowd offer cadaver piece, the price is high, the member is frequent visitor belt commonly book of initiate of frequent visitor ability. Once the police is done lie bottom, eradicated an organization, special to like to eat to offer living person freshly, and this living person is freewill, because he is,be eaten addiction, addiction be eatinged encountered addiction having dead body to match absolutely simply. Said so long, I am a bit hungry, I should go basement cooked.

4, the abnormal type of onion, be cauline allergy or foliaceous allergy?

It is foliaceous allergy. The leaf carnifies change, store up nurture is qualitative, the scale leaf of onion, it is the part of edible

5, complete allergy and answer abnormal distinction?

The insect of completely abnormal form, course egg, larval, aurelian with imago 4 bug period. There is very big difference on larva and configuration of imaginal and outer ministry and life characteristics. When pupate of larval old ripe desquamate, larval configuration disappears, and aurelian period configuration and imago are close to basically. Moth of eye of the wing that be like scale kind with butterfly, the antenna when larva and wing are devoid, mouthparts is masticatory type, and turn into after imago, larval about disappears entirely, not only the wing can flutter freely, mouthparts also turns into siphon type. Of as congeneric as scale wing eye completely abnormal form still eye of wing of elytrum eye, double wing eye, Hymenoptera, arteries and veins waits.

Some are completely abnormal of kind of larva in the insect each age between pattern is different also, this one abnormal phenomenon says answer abnormal,

6, the distinction of allergy and dead allergy?

Ask the distinction of these 2 groups of terms is in answer allergy and dead allergy on subject face, the answer is: 2 kinds of abnormal level are different. Say abnormal likelihood just is behaved commonly in some thing or on the perception of a certain person, think this individual shoulds not to often manage groovy, say then for allergy.

Dead allergy is not bureau be confined to temporarily the disagreement convention of be related often manages, however such always, your person cannot understand, cannot accept, be equivalent to allergy arriving the utmost, say then for dead allergy!

7, be abnormal root or abnormal bine tomato patch?

It is subterranean abnormal bine tomato patch

Root shape bine lies to be like the subterranean bine of the root at underground, appearance by the horizontal stroke that cauline allergy becomes vivacious floral. Clear part and red-letter day are had on root shape bine, have terminal bud and axillary bud, past contact has degrading scale shape part of a historical period on the section, submit velar form, go up to still have errant root with season, nutrient breed capability is very strong. Be like bamboo kind, iris, cogongrass and thistle.

8, is onion abnormal bine or abnormal leaf?

Abnormal bine: Cucumber, pumpkin the cauline cirrus that wait; The bine that wait pricks black horn, orange; The foliaceous bine of schlumbergera, broad-leaved epiphyllum; The fleshy qualitative bine of cactus, lettuce, kohlrabi; The edible part of potato, ginger, lotus root, water chest nut, garlic, lily, asphodel is abnormal bine. Abnormal leaf: The scale leaf of onion, lily; The bud outside foreword of female flower of chrysanthemum inflorescence, corn piece; Of pea also tendril; The leaf of cactus, acacia is pricked or stipule is pricked; The leaf catching bug of common nepenthes.

9, had seen allergy, play a way, had not seen how abnormal?

I had seen allergy plays a way, it is OK that nevertheless I think this kind hits a law to be used at bird of ace cruel dish, everyman encounters the share that ace sends only, specific be such: Go out tree of two nimble shoes, two branch, 3 classes adds a bottle of can (that medicine that answers 100hp) , one cooperates to make money madly remotely in next roads, 6 course are false

10, is the toad abnormal animal or changeless condition animal?

Completely abnormal: The insect of great majority, be like the toad such as beetle, butterfly, flying moth, bee, axolotl, frog, giant salamander to wait also is not complete allergy: Locust, dragonfly, cricket, mole cricket

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