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Yuval-Yoni Dahan

亚帕斯科技(深圳)有限公司于2006年03月17日成立。法定代表人Yuval-Yoni Dahan,公司经营范围包括:一般经营项目是:电子产品的设计、开发及技术咨询;从事电子产品及其配件、五金制品、塑胶制品、印刷包装制品的进出口、批发及相关配套业务(涉及配额许可证管理、专项规定管理的商品按国家有关规定办理)等

三、亚帕斯 创始人?

Guy Colborne

APEX 亚帕斯由英国著名汽车设计师 Guy Colborne 领头,整体设计非常犀利,锋利拥有强烈视觉效果的线条由前扰流开始,绕过前宽阔的罩,以及由三部分组成的 LED 头灯,最后所有线条聚集于前李箱盖的中央。 除此之外在前叶板上也装有两个后观点视的镜头,随时关注车身后方,一对简单线条穿越面罩的两旁, 一直伸延车头灯下方紧凑型的进气口。



Apex Motors 亚帕斯汽车于 2018 年,由两位中国香港的赛车运动工程师及赛车爱好者创办,AP-0 由驻英国的设计师及工程师团队精⼼打造,直接切入纯电动超跑,零百加速2.3秒,专为驾驶爱好者设计,起步价145万AP-0将成为超跑市场新贵。

APEX 亚帕斯由英国著名汽车设计师 Guy Colborne 领头,整体设计非常犀利,锋利⽽拥有强烈视觉效果的线条由前扰流开始,绕过前⽅宽阔的⾯罩,以及由三部分组成的 LED 头灯,最后所有线条聚集于前⾏李箱盖的中央。 

除此之外在前叶⼦板上也装有两个后观点视⻆的镜头,随时关注车身后方,一对简单线条穿越面罩的两旁, 一直伸延车头灯下方紧凑型的进气口。




Guy Colborne

APEX 亚帕斯由英国著名汽车设计师 Guy Colborne 领头,整体设计非常犀利,锋利拥有强烈视觉效果的线条由前扰流开始,绕过前宽阔的罩,以及由三部分组成的 LED 头灯,最后所有线条聚集于前李箱盖的中央。 除此之外在前叶板上也装有两个后观点视的镜头,随时关注车身后方,一对简单线条穿越面罩的两旁, 一直伸延车头灯下方紧凑型的进气口。


澳大利亚位于南纬10度41’和43度39’之间,三分之一的地区处于南回归线以北,属于热带,而其余地区则属温带。澳大利亚春季为9月至11月,夏季为12月至2月,秋季为3月至5月,冬季为6月至8月。 由于受亚热带高气压和东南信风的影响,加之全国35%的沙漠地带,澳气候比较干燥。北部年平均气温约摄氏27度,南部年平均气温约摄氏14度。澳西部和中部因沙漠气候,年平均降雨量不足250毫米;北部半岛和沿海地区属于热带草原气候,年平均降雨量为750-2,000毫米,是全澳雨水最多的地区;东部新英格兰山地以南至塔斯马尼亚岛属温带阔叶林气候,年平均降雨量500-1,200毫米;在墨累河下游地区的半岛和沿海岛屿以及澳大陆的西南角属夏热干旱、冬温多雨的亚热带地中海式气候,年平均降雨量为500-1,000毫米。</FONT>


昂帕帕斯的意思是’on purpose’,昂帕帕斯(源于新一吻定情第二集中(27分04秒)两位主角背单词片段,小哥美式英语和日式英语的自由转换成为经典, 楠竹(古川雄辉)用英式口音说,女主听不明白,于是就要日式英文说就变成了昂帕帕斯。古川雄辉中国粉丝团的名字就叫做昂帕帕斯。







One, ability of Chongqing Paasche subfamily limited company how?

Brief introduction: Ability of Chongqing Paasche subfamily limited company (PatheaGames) it is company of research and development of a game, the company held water 2012, headquarters is located in in Chongqing city change area. Paasche subfamily ability basically is aimed at PC platform and stand-alone of research and development of lead plane platform and couplet net game. Had succeeded on STEAM at present put on sale a game -- " heavenly body explorer " (PlanetExplorers) . The setting set of game is on a distant heavenly body, be an open mode, market risk and part act the sandbox game at an organic whole. This game used the system of language of new open operation that is based on Unity3D engine (OpenCL) , can let a player be in anyplace, change any landform, create the thing of any configuration.

Legal representative: Li An

Establish time: 2012-09-05

Register capital: One million and fifty-two thousand seven hundred RMB

Industrial and commercial register name: 500103000170880

Enterprise type: Finite liability company

Firm address: Road of people of the division in Chongqing city change adds 1 123 numbers the 16th 8, 10

2, inferior Paasche author?

Yuval-Yoni Dahan

Yapasike ability (Shenzhen) limited company held water on March 17, 2006. Legal representative Yuval-Yoni Dahan, company scope of operations includes: Average management project is: The design of electronic product, development and technology seek advice; Be engaged in electronic product reaching its products of fittings, hardware, plastic products, presswork the imports and exports of the goods that pack, wholesale reach business of relevant form a complete set (the goods that involves government of quota licence management, special provision concerns a regulation to deal with by the country) etc

3, inferior Paasche author?

Guy Colborne

APEX inferior Paasche by England Guy Colborne of famous car stylist takes the lead, integral design is very biting, sharp the line that has effect of strong visual sense by before faze shedding begins, the broad cover before bypassing, and the LED headlight that comprises by 3 parts, all finally line gathers at before plum in the center of box builds. Besides the camera lens that the viewpoint after getting on two to also contain inspects advanced impeller, after paying close attention to automobile body at any time square, pass through to simple line the both sides of face guard, all the time elongate spotlight lower part is compact model the mouth that take energy of life.

4, inferior which country produces Paasche?

Inferior electric car home produces Paasche.

Apex Motors inferior Paasche car 2018, by the racing bicycle of two China Hong Kong athletic engineer reachs cycle racing lover to establish, does AP-0 reach engineer group spirit by the stylist that is stationed in England? Make, cut directly pure dynamoelectric super- run, 0 quicken 2.3 seconds, only to drive lover is designed, start 1.45 million AP-0 will make price super- run market parvenu.

APEX inferior Paasche by England Guy Colborne of famous car stylist takes the lead, integral design is very biting, sharp? The line that has effect of strong visual sense by before faze shedding begins, before bypassing? Broad? Cover, and the LED headlight that comprises by 3 parts, does all finally line gather at before? Plum in the center of box builds.

Besides advanced leaf? Board is the viewpoint after getting on two to also contain inspected? camera lens, after paying close attention to automobile body at any time square, pass through to simple line the both sides of face guard, all the time elongate spotlight lower part is compact model the mouth that take energy of life.

5, is science and technology of Paasche fine jade dry what?

Nanjing Paasche fine jade limited company of information science and technology, hold water at 2020-09-14, register capital to be 1.5 million RMB, the legal representative is Fei Yiming, management condition is put add, industrial and commercial register name for 320113000745723, register an address to be glow of Nanjing city dwell Ou Xianlin is street town of college of celestial being forest learns ferry way 8 achieve edifice B high 505 rooms, scope of operations includes to allow a project: Business of telecommunication of the 2nd kind of appreciation (the item that needs classics approval lawfully, sectional approval is rear related classics can develop management activity, specific management project allows with examining and approve eventuate)

6, inferior Paasche car author?

Guy Colborne

APEX inferior Paasche by England Guy Colborne of famous car stylist takes the lead, integral design is very biting, sharp the line that has effect of strong visual sense by before faze shedding begins, the broad cover before bypassing, and the LED headlight that comprises by 3 parts, all finally line gathers at before plum in the center of box builds. Besides the camera lens that the viewpoint after getting on two to also contain inspects advanced impeller, after paying close attention to automobile body at any time square, pass through to simple line the both sides of face guard, all the time elongate spotlight lower part is compact model the mouth that take energy of life.

7, what climate does Australian Paasche belong to?

Australia is located in south latitude 10 degrees 41 ' mix 43 degrees 39 ' between, the area of 1/3 is in tropic of carpricorn with north, belong to tropics, and the others area belongs to temperate zone. Australian spring is came in September November, the summer is will come in December Feburary, autumn is came in March May, winter is came in June August. Because suffer semi-tropical high-pressure the influence with southeast trade, the desert region of 35 % of together with whole nation, bay climate is drier. Upper year average air temperature is made an appointment with centigrade 27 degrees, the south year average air temperature is made an appointment with centigrade 14 degrees. Bay western and mid because of desert climate, year average rainfall is not worth 250 millimeter; Northern peninsula and foreland belong to savanna climate, year average rainfall is 750 - 2, 000 millimeter, it is complete bay the area with most rainwater; Country of new england of the eastpart part with south to Dasimaniya the island belongs to climate of temperate zone broad Xie Lin, year average rainfall 500 - 1, 200 millimeter; In Chinese ink tired river the peninsula of downstream area is mixed coastal islands and bay the southwest corner of the mainland belongs to Xiaregan drought, winter is lukewarm climate of rainy semi-tropical Mediterranean type, year average rainfall is 500 - 1, 000 millimeter. </FONT>

8, what is the Paasche that hold handkerchief high?

The means of the Paasche that hold handkerchief high ' On Purpose ' , the Paasche that hold handkerchief high (result from kiss calm affection newly the 2nd concentration (27 minutes of 04 seconds) extract of word of back of two leading role, the free changeover of English of beautiful type of little elder brother and day type English is become classical, nan bamboo (Gu Chuanxiong brightness) say with flower style accent, female advocate listen not to understand, be about then day type English said to become the Paasche that hold handkerchief high. Gu Chuanxiong brightness the name of group of Chinese vermicelli made from bean starch is called the Paasche that hold handkerchief high.

9, Changchun, is handkerchief Paasche in which ah?

: ? Does  of v/LIT an amphora-like jar return  of v/LIT an amphora-like jar of Gua tending or guard a gate to float Tuo She Shi just changes besmear of bad Qiao of Ji of fraud of muddleheaded ν  to blow agitate?

10, Australia what meaning is Palmerston?

The north that Palmerston is located in Australia is feudal, near Darwinian harbor, it is north feudal metropolis and a satellitic city with the biggest Darwinian city, for north feudal the 2nd big city. It is to be in at present north is feudal in the city with the rapiddest development, had all the time in the past " complete bay the city with the rapiddest development " title.

With respect to if he is located in the small towns of Australia top region, climate type of Palmerston is intertropical climate, have monsoon and dry season, during monsoon rainfall is very tall, and its grand lightning also is not constant famous. This city owns many 100 quiet and elegant park, offerred for the tourist swim, go angling, row, the main chance that ride a bicycle.

上一篇:有氧健身操是什么? 有氧健身操的好处?英文双语对照
下一篇:仓库建设需求指标? 党的建设必须实现什么需求?英文双语对照