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圣墟里的诸天是什么 美食家小猪里的冰激凌怎么做?英文双语对照


圣墟里的诸天是什么 美食家小猪里的冰激凌怎么做?英文双语对照







作 者:法国蜗牛


穿越到一个玄幻世界,左沐有点慌。 但是觉醒了王者扮演系统。 可以扮演前世那款游戏中的所有英雄。 于是一个又一个的王者英雄在这个玄幻世界降临。 百里守约:无论何时何地,都会遵守约定。 花木兰:姐可是传说。 李白:十步杀一人,千里不留行。 马超:不必辨认我,识我的枪吧。 若干年后。 所有人都发现,这强大的王者势力背后,好像还站着一个更神秘的人物。















作为一位美食家, 《随园食单》是其四十年美食实践的产物,以文言随笔的形式,细腻地描摹了乾隆年间江浙地区的饮食状况与烹饪技术,用大量的篇幅详细记述了中国十四世纪至十八世纪流行的326种南北菜肴饭点,也介绍了当时的美酒名茶,是清代一部非常重要的中国饮食名著。



《随园食单》出版于1792年(乾隆57年)。全书分为须知单、戒单、海鲜单、江鲜单、特牲单、杂牲单、羽族单、水族有鳞单 、水族无鳞单、杂素单、小菜单、点心单、饭粥单和菜酒单十四个方面。

在须知单中提出了既全且严的二十个操作要求,在戒单中提出了十四个注意事项。接着,用大量的篇幅详细地记述了我国从十四世纪至十八世纪中流行的 326种南北菜肴饭点,也介绍了当时的美酒名茶。从选料到品尝都有所叙及。







口齿留香 垂涎三尺 望眼欲穿 食指大动 玉盘珍馐 秀色可餐 饕餮大餐 凤髓龙肝 回味无穷 唇齿留香 色味俱佳 垂涎欲滴 八珍玉食 其味无穷 脍炙人口 爽滑酥嫩 肉汁四溢 口感饱满 回味悠长 软嫩滑爽 入口即溶 酥脆香口 外酥里嫩 润滑可口 色香味具全 香气逼人 回味无穷 唇齿留香 入口即化 滑嫩爽口 味道香醇 肥而不腻 辣而不燥 鲜嫩多汁 满口生香、香鲜至极、香嫩爽滑、意犹未尽、回味无穷、浓香、香味四溢、陶醉其中、如此诱人、香甜而细腻、妙不可言、欲罢不能的美味、款款而起的香气、扇动鼻翼、刺激味觉。

堪称一绝、珍馐、 眼未见其物而闻其香等






One, what is the Zhu Tian in holy ruins

Zhu Tianmo bound, what point to in holy ruins is this world, include Xiaoyin, do not include God and land of weird be stranded

2, how is the ice cream in epicure piggy done?

Fresh Xian Guo puts freezer refrigerant 2 hours, take out put yoghurt half banana puts the Xian Guo that has frozen, arrange machine is hit into mud, put freezer is entered in container refrigerant 4 hours

3, does leading role pass through does Zhu Tian act a hunderd li to defend the novel that make an appointment with?

Leading role passes through Zhu Tian acts a hunderd li to defend the novel that make an appointment with, recommend " bureau act a hunderd li to defend about "

Author: French snail

Brief introduction:

Pass through world of a black unreal, zun Mu is a bit confused. But arousal Wang Zhe enacts a system. Can act preexistence all heroes in that game. Then an another Wang Zheying hero is in world of this black unreal to arrive. A hunderd li defends about: Whenever He De, can abide by an agreement. Spend lily magnolia: But elder sister is fabulous. Li Bai: 10 paces kill one person, a thousand li does not stay row. Ma Chao: Need not identify I, the gun that knows me. A certain number of after year. Everybody discovers, backside of this powerful Wang Zhe force, seem to still standing a more mysterious figure.

4, of epicure make a way?

Surging it is an epicure, ate to go to the world the cate of each district. His figure is very fat, the face is round circle, plump. He does a program to be able to have every time female art member sample with him together cate, he is to introduce cate to have so that eat where, see him on TV every time when eating cate, want to eat. He is not to sample the epicure of the thing that tournament player boils, eat the epicure of the thing everywhere however. Compere he makes call surging, he is very lovely, see he can laugh.

The cate that he introduces but much, the very Beijing force-feed duck, disgusting standing grain bug, hotpot that bake waits a lot of cate a moment, he eats with pleasure, the cate that he introduces sells the photograph is already enough absorbing, the abdomen that sees me is hungrier and hungrier. I most remember him introducing that disgusting standing grain bug, standing grain bug boils to boil in the bucket, multicoloured, look really disgusting. Look to so disgusting thoroughlied cook dare still eat? My home also has cooked egg of evaporate of standing grain bug, I am poked with the chopstick, see standing grain bug is inside I dare not eat. He must eat big however mouth is big, have egg of omelette of standing grain bug, evaporate, still having is a kind of bug that copy standing grain, whole will copy, true thing appetite was done not have. I like the Beijing force-feed duck that he introduces most, leather fragile flesh is thin, I see dribble. Those female art member it is really good to follow him to make an item, can sample so much cate. Epicure is worthy of is epicure, can eat so good cate, envy him really.

It is much better to do epicure! Want to eat a thing to can pay is taken only, it is a relaxed profession really. But eat so fat, no-go and the operation is apt still sicken, eat a thing to want right amount, so abstemious that eat, can become an old fat person otherwise.

Although he is an epicure, but still should notice the body, eat oneself for the program bad that is bad, otherwise ill, how do you still introduce cate to give us.

5, the definition of epicure?

Epicure points to be good at comment on food, be good at offerring professional and original view from respect of color, sweet, flavour, form to cate, be good at recommending cate take money people person.

And the person that place dish of be a comprehensive expression of that all has deep understanding to if where manages,feeding skill of material, cooking, modelling.

6, China's biggest epicure?

Yuan Mei " all one's life is savoured be like judge a poem, acerbity salty world does not know. Acerbity salty world does not know..

Quiet day poet, epicure

Masterpiece " the notes on poets and poetry that follow garden "

Yuan Mei (on March 25, 1716 ~ on January 3, 1798) , word child just let garden old person. Qian Tang (today Zhejiang visits Hangzhou town) person, brook of kind of ancestral home Zhejiang. Commenter of quiet day poet, proser, literature and epicure.

Yuan Mei has Chinese ancient time " feed emperor " praise. Comprehensive system and the technical theory issue that discusses Chinese culinary art deep, should be begin from Yuan Mei.

As an epicure, " feed sheet along with garden " it is its 40 years the child that cate carries out, with the form of classical Chinese essay, exquisite depict Qianlong year the dietary situation of a Jiang Zhe area and cooking technology, with much space detailed record and narrate 14 centuries of Chinese come the meal of dish of 326 kinds of north and south of 18 centuries popularity is nodded, also introduced the beautiful wine well-known tea at that time, it is clear generation a very serious Chinese diet famous work.

" feed sheet along with garden " set out from cooking technology theory, from purchase treatment is installed to cook dish and dish is tasted with implement etc, made detailed treatise, right the cate of a lot of areas of domestic undertakes commenting on appreciate at that time, this book is an epoch-making cooking ancient codes and records. Accordingly, yuan Mei is the writer with clear well-known generation not only, also be the cate connoisseur with Chinese the famousest ancient time.

On firm sense for, yuan Mei is epicure, is not cook, how can he make food, but with respect to cate attainment however reach the limit, come nearly 300 years nobody give its right.

" feed sheet along with garden " publish 1792 (Qianlong 57 years) . Whole book cent is delicacy of sheet of notice sheet, Buddhist monastic discipline, seafood sheet, river odd, special sheet of animal sacrifice sheet, miscellaneous animal sacrifice, birds sheet, aquatic animals is squamate odd, aquatic animals does not have scale sheet of congee of sheet of sheet, miscellaneous element, cole sheet, mug-up sheet, meal and.

Put forward in notice sheet already complete and strict 20 operations requirement, 14 notes offerred in sheet of Buddhist monastic discipline. Then, with much space detailed ground record and narrate our country comes from 14 centuries the meal of dish of 326 kinds of north and south that 18 centuries midstream goes is nodded, also introduced the beautiful wine well-known tea at that time. From choose expect to sample somewhat appraise and.

Can see from which, chinese dish does not have the change of how many nature hundreds of years, the cate of his praise highly, wide still nowadays suffer chase after hold in both hands, very practical.

" feed sheet along with garden " it is to raise dot of dish of tradition of cooking technology, research and the guiding history that cook a method. Since come out, this book is long-term by fair those who identify the person that it is hutch is classical, flower, the big language such as law, day all has translation

Yuan Mei of review of square world of Wen Xiangxi of Ceng Yongying of Mr Lin Yutang: "Great poet and scholastic Yuan Mei wrote a large book to discuss cooking method.

7, alone epicure director?

" alone epicure " it is the cate theatrical work that Japanese Tokyo TV station makes, by department of channel mouth constitution, Bao Laizhong clear hold guide, tian Koujia grand, board slope still playwrite, song Chongfeng acts the leading role. This drama basis is long live the homonymic cartoon that the creation of prosperous, Gukouzhilang makes a picture is adapted, the first be homonymic series drama, 5 man are in the head that tells about a man well that manages entrance haberdashery alone the story that cate enjoys toward cafeteria before workshop is unoccupied place.

8, the sentence that describes epicure?

Enunciation leaves sweet covet forefinger of looking forward to with eager expectancy changes 3 rule greatly show of Yu Panzhen dainty is lubricious but eat is gluttonous liver of phoenix marrow dragon recalls big eat boundless lip tine accepts fine of all of sweet lubricious smell 8 precious jade feeds lick one's chaps its flavour is boundless bright of win universal praise is slippery crisp tender bovril 4.

Can says a special skill, dainty, eye did not see its thing and Wen Jixiang

9, does alone epicure act the leading role?

Eat really. When loose heavy abundant states he is inferior to 229 years old now, the main actor can eat, film won't have a meal in the evening before today. The cate that the meeting when filming the following day endeavors to give the play staff dispose of. Can maintain occasionally think beg for mercy.

10, the catalog of alone epicure?

The first collect: Knight trio cate: Lardy mix bittern of meal, Chinese cabbage, self-restrained scented tea of god of salty pork, the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces the 2nd collect: Press the old person cate that schedule lives: Choose boiling water of Ceng of flavour of raw slices of fish meat, fishbone especially, piscine salt burns Qiu Dao, on stretch leg of crab of the department that grasp birthday, monarch, string burn the 3rd volume: Square cate of a thousand pieces of gold: Dew of bone of strong-smelling preserved bean curd of the medical chop that stew, blast, ground, Zhi person is lovely cake, soup of maw of eye of hemp Ji , cootie the 4th collect: The cate of father that fry a meal: White behead chicken, Qing Dynasty fries bead green, stuffed dumplings masse of glutinous rice flour served in soup the 5th collect: Cate of pearl · tea with milk: Dish of pearl tea with milk, the daily life of a family the 6th collect: The brand cate that grow: Yellow smooth ocean is handy the 7th collect: The dream cate below spotlight: Ground rice of goose thigh meat the 8th collect: Addressee is unspecified cate: Choose prawn of raw slices of fish meat, , steamed arctic especially Chinese cabbage of of shellfish, the ovary and digestive glands of the crab, seasonal shrimp of fresh fish, sweet crisp delicacy coils the 9th collect: Not old affection cate: Assorted cold dishes of crab of soup of cucumber of chow mien, cold and dressed with sause, 4 treasure, evaporate, meat, large meatball the 10th collect: Aspic of formula of coffee of black rice of coffee and canvas, coffee, coffee, old pineapple is crisp eleventh collect: Mortal involuntary discharge of urine holds Beijing University in the palm travel is small basket bag is dozenth collect: Forever friend cate: Stew of dry idea side, Hun, shelled fresh shrimps coils (in be being updated continuously oh ~ )
