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青少年心理健康教育? 青少年心理健康项目?英文双语对照


青少年心理健康教育? 青少年心理健康项目?英文双语对照















■参加体力活动,避免盲目节食12岁是青春期开 始,随之出现第二个生长高峰,身高每年可增加5~7厘米,个别的可达10~12厘米;体重年增长4~5千克,个别可达8~10千克。此时,孩子不但生长快,而且第二性征逐步出现,加之活动量大,学习负担重,对能量和营养素的需求都超过成年人。谷类是我国膳食中主要的能量和蛋白质来源,少年能量需要量大,每日约需400克~500克,可因活动量的大小有所不同。蛋白质是组成器官增长及调节生长发育和性成熟的各种激素的原料。蛋白质摄入不足会影响青少年的生长发育。青少年每日摄入的蛋白质应有一半以上为优质蛋白质,为此,膳食中应含有充足的动物性和大豆类食物。钙是建造骨骼的重要成分,青少年正值生长旺盛时期,骨骼发育迅速,需要摄入充足的钙。据1992年全国营养调查资料表明,我国中小学生钙的摄入量普遍不足,还不到推荐供给量的一半,为此青少年应每日摄入一定量奶类和豆类食品,以补充钙的不足。中小学生中缺铁性贫血也较普遍,有些青少年的膳食应增加维生素C的摄入以促进铁的吸收。青春发育期的女孩应时常吃些海产品以增加碘的摄入。近年来,我国城市小学生肥胖发生率逐年增长,已达5%~10%。其主要原因是摄入的能量超过消耗,多余的能量在体内转变为脂肪而导致肥胖。另外,青少年往往为了减肥盲目节食,引起体内新陈代谢紊乱,抵抗力下降,严重者可出现低血钾、低血糖、易患传染病,甚至由于厌食导致死亡。正确的减肥办法是合理控制饮食,少吃高能量的食物如肥肉、糖果和油炸食品等,同时应增加体力活动,使能量的摄入和消耗达到平衡,以保持适宜的体重。










1 守护青少年的心理健康非常重要。2 青少年的心理健康问题主要是受到社会环境、学校环境、家庭环境等多种因素的影响。为了守护青少年的心理健康,应该从以下几个方面入手:(1)加强对青少年心理健康问题的认识和了解;(2)建立完善的心理健康教育体系,促进青少年的心理健康发展;(3)加强青少年心理健康干预和治疗工作,及时解决青少年心理健康问题;(4)营造良好的社会环境和家庭氛围,给予青少年关爱和支持,培养其积极向上的心态和健康的心理状态。3 守护青少年的心理健康需要全社会的共同努力,只有通过多方合作,才能让青少年真正健康成长。











青少年正处于身心发展的 重要时期,随着生理、心理的发育和发展,社会阅历的扩展及思维方式的变化,特别是面对社会竞争的压力,他们在学习、生活、人际交往、升学就业等方面,会遇 到各种各样的心理困惑或问题。

因此,作为教育工作者的我们,应根据学生身体、心理发展的特点,运用有关心理教育的方法和手段,有针对性地开展心理健康教 育,培养良好的心理素质,促进学生身心全面发展和素质教育全面提高。















One, education of teenage mental health?

1, the country takes education of teenage mental health seriously particularly now, every high school school asks to deserve to compare mental health teacher according to student scale first.

2, every school has mental health center, have special funds safeguard, mental health teacher undertakes administrative, undertake to having the student of need psychology coachs.

3, mental health teacher must hold card mount guard, teenage mental health is the happiness that matters to child lifetime.

2, project of teenage mental health?

Project of teenage manage health is a plan that aims to help level of teenage tall mental health. This project includes a variety of forms move, like mental health education, psychology seeks advice, psychological support group. These activities aim to help adolescent understand his affection and act, raise ego acknowledge and ego to adjust force, enhance the ability that answers pressure and setback, promote positive human impact and gregarious skill, raise self-respect and self-confident heart.

Reasonable health teachs a respect, the project can provide the knowledge of concerned mental health and technical ability, be like mood management, pressure government, decision-making make etc. Psychology seeks advice can offer for adolescent individual psychology is held and coach, help them solve problem and answer carry. Psychology supports a group to be able to provide a safe environment, let adolescent share each other experience and feeling, support each other and encourage.

The purpose of project of teenage mental health is to help adolescent build active mental health to be used to, the self-awareness that raises them and run ability oneself, promote their full-scale development. Problem of this teenage to precaution and cure psychology, be like angst, depressed, shut disease to wait oneself, have important sense.

3, does teenage mental health teach a literature?

" teenage mental health is taught " was November 2003 the books that press of Hua Dong Normal University publishs, the author is Mo Lei.

Whole book cent is education of topical, group, individual education 3 much. Main content has teenage mental health to teach overview, teenage psychology to develop characteristic, teenage mental health to teach academic, teenage mental health to teach content, teenage mental health to teach mentality of activity, group to coach, the method of the psychological behavior problem with common adolescent and processing and technology.

4, teenage prandial guideline?

■ have grain more, the energy with ample supply.

■ assure fish, flesh, egg, grandma, legume and vegetable absorb.

■ enter manual activity, avoiding to be on a diet blindly 12 years old is adolescence begins, appear subsequently the 2nd grows height, height can increase 5 ~ every year 7 centimeters, individual can amount to 10 ~ 12 centimeters; Weight year grow 4 ~ 5 kilogram, can amount to 8 ~ individually 10 kilogram. Right now, the child not only grow fast, and the secondary sex characteristic appears stage by stage, amount of together with activity is large, study burden is heavy, exceed adult to the demand of energy and nutriment. Corn is our country prandial in main energy and protein origin, amount of teenager energy need is large, daily need 500 gram of 400 gram ~ about, the volume that can measure because of the activity differs somewhat. Protein is composition organic growth and adjust grow development and the raw material of all sorts of hormone with mature sex. The growth that protein absorbs insufficient meeting to affect adolescent development. Adolescent is daily absorbed protein is due half above is high grade protein, for this, prandial in should contain enough animal sex and big legume food. Calcium is the important part that makes skeleton, adolescent is worth grow exuberant period, skeletal growth is rapid, need absorbs enough calcium. Raise investigation data to make clear according to complete 1992 state-operated, our country middle and primary school gives birth to calcic intake to be not worth generally, still be less than the half that recommends supply quantity, answer for this adolescent daily absorb certain amount to suckle kind with legume food, with the inadequacy of compensatory calcium. Middle and primary school is unripe in anaemia of the sex that be short of iron is more general also, those who have some of adolescent is prandial should increase vitamin C absorb with promoting iron absorb. Green budding girl should eat some of sea product to be absorbed iodicly in order to increase constantly. In recent years, year after year of fat occurence rate grows pupil of our country city, already amounted to 5 % ~ 10 % . Its are main the reason is absorbed energy is used up more than, redundant energy is in the change inside body adipose and bring about fat. Additional, adolescent often is on a diet blindly to reduce weight, cause the metabolism inside body disorder, resistance drops, serious person can appear to contract infection low blood Potassium, hypoglycemia, easily, because anorexia is brought about dead,die even. Right way reducing weight is reasonable control food, the food that takes high-energy amount less is like fat, candy and deepfry food to wait, should increase manual activity at the same time, make of energy absorb and use up achieve a balance, in order to carry appropriate weight.

5, what does knowledge of teenage mental health have?

Mental health little knowledge

1, understand oneself, admit oneself, him affirmation.

2, responsible to oneself life.

3, have a great dream, establish specific life target.

4, institutional ego control, overcome temptation, live between reality.

5, the society is slow the Shu Jie anger, low, blue, mood that be tired of.

6, should encourage constantly to oneself enhance self-confident heart.

6, the mental health that how guards adolescent?

The mental health of 1 guardianship adolescent is very important. The mental health problem of 2 adolescent basically is to get the influence of a variety of elements such as social environment, school environment, family environment. To guard teenage mental health, should from proceed with of the following respects: (1) the knowledge that enhances problems of pair of teenage mental health and understanding; (2) build perfect mental health to teach a system, the mental health of stimulative adolescent develops; (3) strengthen adolescent to mental health intervenes and treat the job, solve problem of teenage mental health in time; (4) build favorable social environment and domestic atmosphere, give adolescent care and support, foster its active up state of mind and healthy mentation. The mental health of 3 guardianship adolescent needs the joint efforts of whole society, pass much square collaboration only, ability makes adolescent truly healthy grow.

7, does teenage mental health teach national policy?

On December 26, website of Ministry of Education is announced " healthy China acts -- program of action of children adolescent mental health (2019, 2022) " . Put forward among them, begin mental health to promote the action. Various and of all kinds school should be carried out listen attentively to quarter, motion one hour " two one " the action, promote a student to communicate communication effectively 15 minutes with classmate, family everyday namely; Guide a student to attend athletic sports 1 hour at least everyday.

Begin professional career to plan to teach to the student, active arrangement student experiences to concerned unit inspect and learn each other's work.

Door of Ministry of Education should begin state of student mental health and state of education of school mental health to investigate regularly, supervise and urge the school perfects mental health to teach a mechanism, feedback the result with directing actively student parent.

" action program " still put forward, begin operation of mental health care.

The school wants those who face pressure of enter a higher school to be opposite first 3, Gao Sanxue is unripe reach the parent to begin psychology to coach.

To poverty, stay behind, flow, odd place of degree of relationship of ride roughshod over of campus of close, deformity, experience, funeral is adverse the student offers a key care, launch psychological intervention when necessary.

To the children of mental obstacle patient, begin domestic care education, complementary furtherance to grow. Undertake to adolescent of general and bad behavior psychology coachs to be taught with criticism. Appear the student of problem of intentional manage behavior or mental obstacle to doubt, door of Ministry of Education should coach the parent accompanies a student to seek professional help to medical establishment.

The student of invigorative to sufferring from obstacle, door of Ministry of Education ought to build perfect illness to stabilize mechanism of patient go back to school. Average school should concern legal laws and regulations to recruit the enter a school of mental obstacle children that can accept common education according to the country.

8, shallow how to talk to strengthen education of teenage mental health?

Adolescent is in the important period that body and mind develops, as the development of physiology, psychology and development, of social experience patulous the change that reachs thinking kind, face the pressure that the society competes especially, they wait for a respect in obtain employment of study, life, human association, enter a higher school, can encounter various psychological bewilderment or problem.

Accordingly, serve as a teaching staff we, answer to send the characteristic that exhibit according to student body, psychology, use the method that teachs about psychology and method, specific aim ground begins mental health education, foster good psychological quality, stimulative student body and mind develops in the round and quality education rises in the round.

9, content of law of rules of work of teenage mental health?

Current, because our country is in economic society fast transition period, competitive pressure is increased ceaselessly, minor gets used to the problem that waits for a respect to encounter in study, life, society increasing, problem of individual psychology behavior and the social problem that its cause are highlighted increasingly. In recent years, especially adolescent because parental rebuke, scold and domestic structure is short of break, devoid care, the psychological problem incident that the reason such as sexual relationship of school work pressure and classmate, teachers and students, different causes shows ascendant trend. " this year two meetings, delegate of countrywide National People's Congress, inside Chen Lang of deputy mayor of government of river city people was referred to congress " the proposal that works about strengthening minor mental health " , she suggests the State Council comes on stage " rules of work of teenage mental health " , refine working measure, strengthen teenage mental health to serve systematic construction. It is to suggest to make clear working principle. Teenage mental health works according to " the government takes the lead, sectional efforts, the society is participated in, precaution is given priority to, comprehensive interpose " the principle is begun.

2 it is to suggest to make clear working orgnaization. National level should establish corresponding job orgnaization, make clear leading unit to coordinate concerned branch to begin the work as a whole.

3 it is to suggest to make clear working job. Education of clear conduct propaganda, platoon checks a sieve, interpose cure, monitor superintend wait for main job job.

4 it is to suggest clear responsibility divides the work. Make clear government, society, family, school, judicatory to wait for unit function duty.

5 it is to suggest specific work is ensured. Clear and various government should give construction of scientific research of job of teenage mental health, orgnaization, job to begin wait for necessary funds safeguard, ensure the job is begun effectively

10, what content does education of teenage mental health basically include?

Education of teenage mental health basically includes the following field:

The mental health that 1 individual character develops: Self-respect, self-improvement, self-love, self-improvement, free-standing.

2 adolescence should know the change of the body and the psychology that cause from this correctly to react.

The mental health of 3 study respect, develop the interest of study, increase study interest, the target that studies clearly;

The mental health of 4 lives respect, get used to school environment, the human relation that gets along with other;

The mental health that 5 future career develops is taught.
