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  • 1. 大连森林动物园:作为大连最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,大连森林动物园以其独特的风景和丰富多样的动物展览而闻名。
  • 2. 星海广场:作为大连的城市中心,星海广场集购物、餐饮、娱乐等功能于一体,是大连人休闲娱乐的热门去处。
  • 3. 大连圣亚海洋世界:这是一个集海洋动物表演、水族馆、游乐设施等为一体的综合性海洋娱乐场所。


  • 1. 波涛观音会:每年农历初一至十五,大连市庙会就会在大连海滨公园举办,各种民俗表演、游戏活动和美食摊位等等为游客带来无尽的乐趣。
  • 2. 渔家乐:大连以其丰富的海洋资源而闻名,到大连体验渔家乐将带您走进渔民生活,品尝新鲜美味的海鲜。
  • 3. 大连国际马拉松:每年十月,大连国际马拉松吸引了来自世界各地的选手参与,成为大连市一年一度的运动盛事。




Understand Dalian entertainment network

Dalian regards Chinese northeast as the main city of the area, have substantial recreational natural resources and distinctive culture color. Dalian entertainment network provides comprehensive Dalian public place of entertainment and mobile information for you, let you have a good swim the recreational world of Dalian.

Dalian public place of entertainment is recommended

  • 1.Dalian forest zoo: Regard Dalian as one of the most welcome travel tourist attractions, dalian forest zoo is famed with its distinctive scenery and rich and diversiform menagerie.
  • 2.Astral sea square: Regard the city of Dalian as the center, collect of astral sea square shops, the function such as meal, recreation at an organic whole, it is Dalian person recreational recreational is popular place to go.
  • 3.Dalian emperor inferior marine world: This is establishment of performance of animal of ocean of a collect, aquaria, You Le the omnibus ocean public place of entertainment that is an organic whole.

Dalian recreational activities is recommended

  • 1.Great waves avalokitesvara meets: Come every year at the beginning of the traditional Chinese calendar 15, dalian city temple fair can be held in Dalian seaside park, activity of all sorts of folk-custom performances, sport and cate stall are a tourist to bring endless joy etc.
  • 2.Yu Jiale: Dalian is famed with its substantial marine natural resources, experience to Dalian Yu Jiale will take you to walk into a fisherman live, taste the seafood with delicate delicacy of have a taste of what is just in season.
  • 3.Dalian international marathon: Annual October, dalian international marathon attracted the player that comes from world each district to participate in, become Dalian city's annual campaign great event.

No matter you are the dweller of Dalian still comes,Dalian travels, dalian entertainment network will help you disentomb the distinctive glamour of Dalian, the recreational resource of real knowledge Dalian, the recreational time that allows you more rich and colorful.

Thank you to read the article, the hope can think through the article you provide the useful information about Dalian public place of entertainment and activity, let you live in the recreation of Dalian more wonderful!

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