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北京旅游情侣文案? 北京旅游攻略情侣必去?英文双语对照


北京旅游情侣文案? 北京旅游攻略情侣必去?英文双语对照







1、什刹海风景区(浆声灯影、泛湖游船) 4A景区:什刹海是北京最浪漫的地方。地址:北京市西城区地安门西大街49号。

2.黄花城水长城(鸳鸯戏水、约会圣地) 4A景区,夏日的水长城有着别样的情,这里不仅是避暑的胜地,更是亲水的天堂。地址:北京市怀柔区九渡河镇西水峪村。

3.北京欢乐谷(主题乐园) 4A景区,地址:北京市朝阳区东四环小武基北路。










1. 北京的交通真是太方便了,我从天安门走到故宫,结果发现我走错方向了,走到了北京站。

2. 北京的天气变化真是神奇,早上出门还穿着短袖,到了中午就得穿棉衣了。

3. 在北京要想吃正宗的烤鸭,还得先学会排队,因为排队的人比鸭子还多。

4. 北京的胡同真是迷人,里面藏着很多小吃店,只要你不怕走迷路,总能找到好吃的。

5. 到北京旅游,一定要试试胡同里的老北京炸酱面,一口下去,满嘴香气。

6. 到北京旅游,不去爬长城,就等于没来过北京。

7. 北京的夜景真是美丽,站在天安门广场上,看着周围的建筑和灯光,让人感受到浓浓的文化气息。

8. 在北京旅游,千万别忘了去颐和园,赏花品茶,感受皇家的优雅和恢弘。


























Table of article of Beijing travel sweethearts?

You can be mixed now I, walk into the historical a covered corridor or walk of the Imperial Palace together, along old hall to the top of one's bent full the Rong Hua that sees it.

Sometimes we also can stroll in palace backyard, there is floret to blossom ceaselessly beside, of the history a variety of adorn the love that writes us here narrative.

Occasionally perhaps our meeting ascend visits capital floor, always accompany write far the 4 hill scene that look and lake water, viewing and admire the beautiful scenery that is enveloped by the setting sun.

In the evening, out is quiet and romantic, sit in contain antediluvian Gong Li greatly, pull open a cup of tea, sniffing its scent slowly, enjoy the joy that in wrapping up annulus, encounters.

Does lovers of Beijing travel strategy go surely?

1, beauty spot of sea of assorted Buddhist templeput on the brakes (yacht of lake of shadow of oar sound light, extensive) 4A scene area: Sea of assorted Buddhist templeput on the brakes is Beijing's most romantic place. Address: Ground of the city zone installs Beijing on the west the door on the west ave 49.

Great Wall of water of 2. chrysanthemum town (sacred place of paddle of an affectionate couple, date) 4A scene area, the water Great Wall of summer is having another affection, here is the resort that be away for the summer holidays not only, it is the heaven of close water more. Address: Beijing is conciliatory area the 9 towns that cross a river on the west water valley village.

3. Beijing happy cereal (thematic Eden) 4A scene area, address: Area of Beijing rising sun east road of north of 4 annulus small Wuji.

Beijing travel special local product?

If come to Beijing travel, special local product of general Beijing travel is peach of smooth cereal big celestial being, beijing snow pear.

Beijing blast cake.

Moon cake of Beijing paddy sweet village.

Beijing Xiaoma is beautiful.

Face of Beijing fried bean sauce, beijing is small crisp cake. Beijing food cake.

Beijing travel ana?

The 40 many first time year ago comes to Beijing to travel, be in Beijing 10 days, about the same all tourist attractions went. Do not be not brave man to the Great Wall! This word is incentive like catchword I, must want to go. Ascended circle of the 8 Great Walls that amount to mountain oneself wish!

Beijing travel Duan Zi?

1.The traffic of Beijing is too convenient really, I walk along the Imperial Palace from Tian An Men, the result discovers I take wrong way, visited Beijing station.

2.The weather variation of Beijing is really magical, go out to still wearing short sleeve in the morning, arrived to have to wear cotton-padded clothes midday.

3.Want to eat authentic roast duck in Beijing, return so that learn to queue up first, return than the duck because of the person that queue up much.

4.The alley of Beijing is really attractive, there are a lot of snack bars inside, want you to not be afraid of inner ear only, always can find delicious.

5.Travel to Beijing, must try the face of old Beijing fried bean sauce in alley, go down readily, full mouth aroma.

6.Travel to Beijing, do not go climbing the Great Wall, be equal to had not come to Beijing.

7.The night scene of Beijing is really beautiful, stand on Tiananmen Square, look at the building all round and lamplight, let a person experience thick culture breath.

8.Travel in Beijing, must not forget to go the Summer Palace, admire the beauty of flowers taste tea, experience royal grace and extensive great.

Table of Beijing travel article?

Went at 4 o'clock in the morning gather of Tian An Men sees flag-raising ceremony, ramble next circuit Tiananmen Square, go Chairman Mao memorial hall, go the Imperial Palace is visited, boreal door comes out to go to park of the North sea, still can go the Summer Palace, perhaps go the 8 Great Walls that amount to mountain.

Beijing travel price?

I just came back from Beijing. Lodge probably in Beijing a week cost is 100 yuan between mark everyday, a week 700 yuan. The Na Chi on edge of the Imperial Palace child have a hotel, it is this price, the environment still goes. There is a hotel among big boom also is this price. Still have hotel of a Subo, between mark 80 yuan, nevertheless you should say you are of friend introduction, also not be this price otherwise.

Busy season of entrance ticket of the Imperial Palace is 60, going now is 40 yuan, the jewelry shop inside, horological house collects fees alone, two houses 25 yuan

People congress hall 70 yuan

The North sea 10 yuan

The Great Wall 140 yuan

The Summer Palace 40 yuan

Scene hill park 20 yuan

Central TV 50 yuan

Martial museum now is free

Park of the Temple of Heaven: 15 yuan

Round bright garden 40 yuan

Chairman Mao memorial hall is free, but must not take pron any thing, camera also gets check, cost is very high ah.

Gross these charge are 1160 yuan, knowing you is go to Beijing from where, plus the train ticket money that make a round trip, be Beijing place travel require cost.

Beijing travel bus?

Beijing has bus of a lot of travel to suit tourist to arrive very much tourist attraction amuse oneself. Swim like what have 8 to amount to mountain Great Wall swim bus, midway still can visit the Ming Tombs, climb the Great Wall again next very to one's heart's content.

Is case of Beijing travel article brief?

Always want to go to time of Beijing, go in the street of Beijing, the imposing manner extensive that appreciates Forbidden City grand, the peaceful elegance of the Summer Palace, the air of Great Wall of the 8 cities that amount to mountain is boundless.

Taste Beijing roast duck, ramble Beijing alley, visit museum of the Imperial Palace, view and admire beautiful scenery of sweet hill red autumnal leaves

Beijing travel area?

Beauty spot of nature of white careless bank, beijing on the west big gorge - Long Menjian, beauty spot of nature of You Lie of cloud caving cereal

, area of travel of lake of wild goose dwell, stone spends a hole, area of scene of pool of dragon of park of forest of mist clever hill, dragon celebrates gorge travel area, silver fox, cherry channel, 10 cross beauty spot, beauty spot of grand Yan lake, great Wall of admire cropland valley
