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To the person of the fitness of 0 foundations, want to begin fitness, have bit of difficulty really. Experienced what to know above all, another do not know how to drill. This is the doorsill of the first pace that stops a lot of people to stride fitness. To everybody the answer is clear about today: To the person of 0 foundations, want how to begin fitness.

One, time of 5 minutes of warm up, mobile joint

The main purpose of warm up is to raise the body the temperature of main place, 2 it is to be able to make more blood flow to muscle, make the body undertakes the preparation of violent campaign thereby, the body after warm up will be more agile, avoid joint, ligament and muscle are injured.

2, force trains

Do force training first, exercise having oxygen is done after, because have oxygen,motion is used up to the body big, throw into confusion the fiber inside body, reduce ability of your nerve fiber collect and muscle fibrous force. The proposal puts force training in front of motion having oxygen to undertake.

I recommend abecedarian to drill first assorted appliance, of adscititious appliance help strength, opposite and character will be a few more relaxed. The meeting on a lot of appliance is tagged now treat correctly exercise a movement, and exercise place, must look carefully before take exercise, perhaps observe how others is done.

The schoolboy undertakes a little bit weight is great force trains general meeting, the time is little.

Schoolgirl, pursuit line, so force trains requirement little weight, much time.

3, training having oxygen

Everybody the first the likelihood that think of is ran, doing not have thick ran also is motion having oxygen, promote heart lungs the function, but if you master more to exercise a method to be able to try different exercise having oxygen,stimulate muscle, especially of core waist abdomen take exercise. Gym still has elliptical opportunity, use feeling bicycle, gem gal, military drill can try actually.

Every time train scheduling

Follow the gymnastical move above: Warm up, force, have oxygen.

OK system exercise program:

1, canter 5 minutes

2, appliance leg buttock takes exercise, abdominal muscle having oxygen trains + push-up

3, have drawing most

Notice finally: Want to take exercise appropriately

Training also should strike a proper balance between work and rest, do not train every day at the beginning, especially to the novice.

Above all muscle also is to need to rest, restore, muscle grows even if be in convalescence.

Novice period separates day of practice, or a week trains 3 times.

Just did not begin to drill oneself too bitterly, fitness is a kind of habit, need education.

4, fundamental fitness knowledge

1, muscle growth does not increase when take exercise, take exercise broke muscle fiber, in the convalescence later, the body complements through the protein that absorbs in food repair muscle Zu Hai, in repair process muscle fiber can increase, add the word of flesh so, food is important notice much complement is protein.

2, weight training is used commonly practice in group, generally speaking, every movement 4 groups, a group 8 go to 12. Already much scientific experimentation proves, practice can better exciting muscle growth in group.

Good, the method that begins fitness about 0 foundations and principle basically are told, the fitness that you begin after looking plans

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