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.海南马自达确实简称海马,但是海马不等于海马汽车 2.海南马自达也确实和日本马自达结束了合作,因为日本马自达长时间不给海马新车型导致 3.据所知,一些合资车型都是有使用年限的,当合同期满之后,车辆的生产商便拥有了该车的制造技术及相关,如果不使用原商标厂商的商标而使用自己的,那么继续生产也不违反规定。

马自达323似乎就是这种例子,此外桑塔纳4000也是这样。这类车普遍都是国外的一些老车型。(桑塔纳,323都够老的) 4.拥有一定实力才能搞这样的自主,以前马自达要给海马提供各方面的援助的,等自己搞个二代,人家马自达就不管了,全有海马汽车负责,价格虽然便宜了,消费者虽然高兴了,但是海马汽车的责任就比以前要大了,他所要提供的服务也比以前要多了。5.还有一点,品牌价值不能忽视,在家用车领域老百姓都认牌子,那公务商用车品牌的作用就更大了,人家公司的车好多都是为了显示实力的,不可能让车前头立着个国产汽车的标。福美来,普利马还继续生产(有一点要注意,福美来一代马自达叫他323,而海马叫他福美来,所以叫福美来2代…)以上乃个人观点,允许有错误。









虽然我不是海马的,但是在海马对面的公司工作了三年,海马的待遇真的算是郑州地区比较差的大型公司了,本科生一个月2000多,普工1200-1500,基本没加班费,效益又不好,内部房现在当成商品房卖,老板说这是以房养车,去海马的贴吧里看看就明白了, 这种公司千万进不得














What model does car of Zhengzhou sea horse produce?

Model of production of car of Zhengzhou sea horse includes blessing beauty to come, prince of M3, S7, Fu Shida, sea horse, Cupid, Pulima. Sea horse car ever was amounted to oneself with Japanese horse joint-stock, had rolled out " blessing beauty comes " , " Pulima " wait for classical model.

How much is the salary of car of Zhengzhou sea horse probably?

Hole is dead your, went to what you can regret, still go eaves opens car plant! It is famous brand enterprise then after all

Is plant of car of Zhengzhou sea horse the subway a few lines?

Plant of car of Zhengzhou sea horse is located in Zhengzhou city to run division of city the Hui nationality, belong to Zhengzhou subway the station limits of a line. Specific for, you can be in Zhengzhou subway takes the subway on a line, corresponding subway station chooses to get off in area of the Hui nationality tubal a city, undertake according to the specific place of the factory other vehicle heads for plant of sea horse car walk or be takinged next.

Ask an attention, the circumstance of subway route and site may have change, suggest you are in information of the subway route attempt with a newest inquiry before travel, site and relevant traffic program, so that plan better your journey. If you need more detailed or specific navigation how-to, the traffic department that suggests you seek advice from place or process of application of use map navigation get accurate traffic information. Wish you journey is happy! If still have other issue, the welcome continues to quiz.

What distinction do car of one steam sea horse and car of Zhengzhou sea horse have?

. Hainan horse is amounted to oneself really abbreviation sea horse, but sea horse is not equal to sea horse car 2. Hainan Ma Zida also ended cooperation with Japanese Ma Zida really, because Japanese horse is amounted to oneself,do not bring about for long to sea horse new model 3. Know according to place, a few joint-stock models have use fixed number of year, when termination of contract later, the manufactured business to have this car production technology of car and relevant, if do not use the label of original logo manufacturer and use oneself, so continue to produce also not deregulation.

Ma Zida 323 it is this kind of example it seems that, in addition Sangdana 4000 also be such. This kind of car is general a few old models that are abroad. (Sangdana, 323 quite old) 4. Have ability of particular actual strength to do such own, ma Zida should provide the support of each respect to sea horse previously, wait for oneself to produce a 2 generation, family horse is amounted to oneself without giving thought to, completely sea horse car is in charge of, although the price is cheap, although consumer is glad, but the liability of sea horse car is bigger than wanting before, the service that he wants to offer is more than wanting before also. 5. Still have a bit, brand value cannot be ignored, identify a brand in common people of field of family expenses car, the effect of brand of that official commercial vehicle is bigger, the car of family company a lot of be to show actual strength, let car thereinbefore impossibly establishing the award of a homebred car. Blessing beauty comes, general Lima still continues to produce (a bit want to notice, blessing beauty comes generation Ma Zida calls him 323, and sea horse calls up his blessing beauty, call blessing beauty to come so 2 generation... ) above is individual viewpoint, be patient of is wrong.

Why does sea horse car move Zhengzhou?

Motor Corporation of 1. sea horse moves Zhengzhou is to reduce manufacturing cost, expand produce can mix widen the market. 2. Zhengzhou is located in mid area, having favorable situation and traffic traffic condition, development the look of things is better, also offerred better development opportunity for sea horse car. 3. Additional, zhengzhou municipal government provided policy of a lot of places and favourable measure to attract an enterprise to develop, this also is a when sea horse car chooses to move Zhengzhou main reason.

The distinction of sea horse Zhengzhou and sea horse?

Sea horse Zhengzhou and sea horse are two different ideas.

What sea horse Zhengzhou points to is the manufacturing base that group of sea horse automobile creates in Chinese Zhengzhou. A car that group of sea horse automobile is China creates a company, headquarters is located in Chinese Fujian Fuzhou, held water 1984. Base of production of sea horse Zhengzhou is his the branch in Zhengzhou, basically produce the car product with subordinate group of sea horse automobile.

And sea horse (Haima) it is the brand of a car with subordinate group of sea horse automobile. Sea horse car has many brands below group division, among them sea horse is its advocate make one of brands. The car product of sea horse brand covered the many models such as car, SUV, MPV. Sea horse car has a sale in domestic and international market, it is certain to and be in Chinese car market be had famous degree.

The place on put together is narrated, sea horse Zhengzhou is group of sea horse automobile the manufacturing base in Zhengzhou, and sea horse is the brand of a car with subordinate group of sea horse automobile. Both it is different idea, but concern couplet with group of sea horse automobile.

Pay of Motor Corporation of Zhengzhou sea horse how?

Although I am not of sea horse, but the company opposite sea horse worked 3 years, the pay of sea horse is Zhengzhou area to compare poor large company really, undergraduate students a month 2000 much, general labour 1200-1500, do not have overtime basically, benefit bad, in-house room regards as now commodity house sells, the boss says this is raise a car with the room, go of sea horse stick in look to understand, ten million of this kind of company is entered must not

Is sea horse mass of vehicle good? Is sea horse mass of vehicle good?

This car quality is very good, sea horse car saves oil quite.

The mark of sea horse:

The mark is the abstract falcon modelling in enchasing the circle in indicative sun, the implied meaning " the rising sun east rise, roc is volant " , exert oneself on behalf of sea horse car up, the company image that arrowy annals flies.

Produce strain interconnected system:

Sea horse car rolls out car of first HX6380 both sides to arrive from 1991 2006 " blessing beauty comes II " . Roll out 17 series 15 years, 30 breed.


Japanese horse comes from the blessing beauty that amount to is the prototype that blessing beauty comes to, blessing beauty comes is the car that amounts to basic and synchronous production oneself with Japanese horse. Blessing beauty will regard a family expenses that loves by consumer as the car, obtained a few years in the past perfectly sale outstanding achievement, and brand-new blessing beauty comes of the model roll out can satisfy more individuation, young the consumptive requirement that change.

Did plant of car of Zhengzhou sea horse want to be versed in with strange luck generation?

Yes, as it is said, plant of car of sea horse Zhengzhou has begun to be way of strange luck victory to undertake taking the place of is versed in manufacturing. What the foundation of this one collaboration depends on the vicinity on geography and traffic content flowing is convenient, unseal Jiruizhi builds factory and apart of factory of Zhengzhou sea horse only 30 kilometers, this offerred convenience condition to cooperate. Unseal strange luck mill-owner should produce luck and victory way two brands, as the growth of victory way sales volume, the factory is produced can face pressure. Below this kind of circumstance, with collaboration of sea horse Zhengzhou acting labour becomes a natural option. Sea horse car can have the rest in the yield of Zhengzhou, and the distance unseals recently. Such cooperative hopeful realizes win-win, promote the development of Chinese auto industry. Current, the acting class car that first assembly has gotten offline, send the 4S network toward the whole nation in succession. The develops auto industry of will farther stimulative China development of this one collaboration, also bring more choice and more excellent service for consumer at the same time.

Zhengzhou sea horse how?

Pay is belonged to in course of study of person of the same trade coarse, wait in be belonged to inside Zhengzhou city industry slant below, if you are proposal of staff of undergraduate course above,did not go, you can regret, if you go doing the worker's word to also suggest did not go, industry stream of people uses a sex inside very tall, work overtime do not have overtime, pay is very low.

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