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什么是大自然的音乐? 大自然音乐家有哪些?英文双语对照


什么是大自然的音乐? 大自然音乐家有哪些?英文双语对照










01. The Journey 旅程

02. Mountain Majesty 山的尊严

03. Flight Of The Hawk 鹰飞

04. Appalachian Sunrise 日升

05. A Time Ago 往昔

06. Ghosts On Old Settler's Trail 小径怨魂

07. Trail Of Tears 泪痕

08. The Innocent Land 圣洁大地

09. Through The Veil Of Time 穿越时间的面纱

10. Settler's Waltz 殖民者的华尔兹

11. The Courage To Dream 梦的勇气

12. Napoleon's Retreat 拿破仑的撤退





























1. 鸟类:鸟类是自然界中最活跃的音乐家之一,它们的歌声为自然界带来了美妙的音乐。

2. 风:风声被认为是自然中最古老的音乐之一,它的演奏是由树木、沙地、草原等自然元素所共同创造出来的。

3. 海浪:海浪是大自然中最悠扬的音乐家之一,它的奏鸣是由海水的流动、冲击、拍击等各种自然元素与物质所创造的。

4. 河流:河流是自然中最神秘的音乐家之一,它的奏鸣是由河水倒灌、流动、瀑布拍打、河床沙石碰撞等各种自然元素所创造的。

5. 蝉声:蝉有着优美的叫声,蝉鸣声间断有节奏,美妙优美,是自然界中非常美妙的声音之一。

6. 动物:许多动物都会发出独特的咆哮、呜咽、吠叫、嘶鸣等声音,这些声音都是大自然独有的音乐。


































One, the music that what is nature?

What the musician of nature points to is all sorts of can sound things in nature.

In nature various the musician that the object that can sound is nature, including animal, plant is wind, stone, running water even.

Nature is musician can give out his distinctive voice, just like first one pleasant music, different sound interweaves together to resemble a concert.

2, what does nature musician have?

In nature, have a lot of musician: Wind, birdie, brook.

1, in the forest, leaf " rustle " the ground rang, it is wind puffed leaf, in the forest at a gallop. Lively wind it is musician, "Rustle " sound, let a person felt to be close to nature.

2, in the forest, "Chirp " sound rang, it is the sound that bird gives out, sing in bird's nest. Lovely birdie is musician, "Chirp " sound, make a person high-spirited.

3, nature music is there?

01.The Journey is itinerary

02.The dignity of Mountain Majesty hill

03.Eagle of Flight Of The Hawk flies

04.Appalachian Sunrise sun rises

05.A Time Ago is erst

06.Trail of Ghosts On Old Settler's Trail blames mood

07.Tear stains of Trail Of Tears

08.Holy earth of The Innocent Land

09.Through The Veil Of Time passes through the veil of time

10.The waltz of Settler's Waltz colonist

11.The courage of dream of The Courage To Dream

12.The backtrack of Napoleon's Retreat Napoleon

4, does the song of nature call what music?

" everythings on earth is unripe "

Cold in the winter once upon a time ah summer rain ah water

The sound that autumnal far transmits you is warm ah warm

You say to have at the back of house in those days white snow of boundless and indistinct ah

There is golden flag to wave in fresh gale in the valley

I see Shan Ying is in loneliness flies on two fish

Two fish cross the river water with euqally salty sea

Water of a river falls down to encounter people broken

People is walking the ash that Man Shanying falls on the body

Cold in the winter once upon a time ah summer rain ah water

The sound that autumnal far transmits you is warm ah warm

You say to have at the back of house in those days white snow of boundless and indistinct ah

There is golden flag to wave in fresh gale in the valley

I see Shan Ying is in loneliness flies on two fish

Two fish cross the river water with euqally salty sea

Water of a river falls down to encounter people broken

People is walking the ash that Man Shanying falls on the body

I see Shan Ying is in loneliness flies on two fish

Two fish cross the river water with euqally salty sea

Water of a river falls down to encounter people broken

People is walking the ash that Man Shanying falls on the body

I see Shan Ying is in loneliness flies on two fish

Two fish cross the river water with euqally salty sea

Water of a river falls down to encounter people broken

People is walking the ash that Man Shanying falls on the body

5, is there assorted musician in nature?

There are a lot of musicians in nature, for instance:

1.Avian: Avian it is one of the most active musician in nature, their singing brought wonderful music for nature.

2.Wind: Rumour is considered as one of the oldest music in nature, its performance is wait for natural element place by arboreous, sanded ground, prairie joint creation comes out.

3.Ocean wave: Ocean wave is one of the most rising and falling musician in nature, its Zou Ming waits for all sorts of natural elements and corporeal place creation by briny flow, concussion, rap.

4.River: The river is one of the most mysterious musician in nature, its Zou Ming is by the river water flows backward, flow, chute flaps, what all sorts of natural elements such as Sha Shi collision create riverbed.

5.Cicada sound: Cicada is having beautiful cry, cicada song is discontinuous have rhythm, wonderful and beautiful, it is one of very wonderful sound in nature.

6.Animal: A lot of animals can give out distinctive growl, sob, bark, hoarse cries wait for sound, these sound are the music with particular nature.

The performance of these musician makes nature became a distinctive and wonderful music palace, those who let us feel life is magical with nature wonderful.

6, what musician is there in nature?

Snow, it is the performance home of nature, before snowing, he can play his game in the sky. Fall to roof when him, roof resembles a singer same, sing different music. Different house, have different voice; Different snowflake, have different music. Fall when light snow, that sound is swallowed slowly swallow, seem to reading, those who let a person experience nature is lovely; When blizzard flutter, whole city warms up, collective show a lively concert, that music is so ablaze, let a person feel the ' power of nature.

Rain, it is the singer of nature, he will be rotational in the forest his 8 sound box, a happy show began. Want to listen carefully only, can hear them to sing: That sound size, far and near, weight, people is heard may start dance comes, from wonderful street performance, to the symphony of unique.

Thunder, be nature accompany master, he can knock the frame work that has him to rouse aloof, this drum is how resonant, how was your person meaning still used up. Go on the road, need not fear to meet him let you frighten the sound that jumps, because he just is telling us: "I am being performed, I am very happy! I am very happy!!

7, the musician that who is nature?

Wind is the musician of nature, his accordion can be played in the forest. Flip through leaf, the leaf resembles a singer same, sing all sorts of different song. Different leaf, have different voice. Different season, have different music.

Pass when gentle breeze stroke, that sound light gentleness is soft, seem to be in mutter delicate language, let a person experience the tenderness of nature. Blow when fierce wind, in behavioral voice much more excited rise, concert gives the music of a behavior, that sound is energized, your person feels the power of nature.

8, what does the musician of nature have?

The musician without number of nature, want you to be listened attentively to attentively only, the musician that regular meeting discovers these are wonderful, lovely people.

You listen, what sound is in the sky: Chirp, chirp... well, be what sound has charm so after all? Oh! It is swallow elder sister so using that ringing the ditty that canorous singing is singing another first one grace. Her singing makes I am obsessed with, make I am intoxicated, make I... swallow elder sister is worthy of really is the most crackajack musician in the sky!

You listen, what sound is on the tree: Cicada, cicada, cicada... well, be what sound has daring and resolution so after all? Oh! It is cicada uncle is being used so fine and strong singing is singing another first one bright ditty. His singing makes me red-blooded, fill mind, be full of... cicada uncle is worthy of really is the greatest music gift on the tree.

You listen, it is what sound: Quack, quack... well, what sound be after all? Oh! I knew, it is the singing of frog little brother certainly! Is there still more not bad than frog little brother gold voice on this world? Be! The singing of frog little brother seems to have magic power like, the voice that hears him every time must not leave a step ceaselessly. Frog little brother is worthy of really is the gifteddest musician in the pond!

Still have a lot of like such musician! The small fish little sister in the earthworm elder brother in resembling clay, brook, mantis grandfather in still having open country...

Let us be listened attentively to attentively! Nature bestows the sound of the sounds of nature that our music is what kind; Nature bestows the wonderful tone that our music is what kind; Nature bestows the wonderful tone that our music is what kind. Ah! I am willing to pulling your hand, go hearing the news of all sounds of nature in this nature together!

9, what does the musician of nature have?

1, the musician that wind is nature, his accordion can be played in the forest. Flip through leaf, the leaf resembles a singer same, sing all sorts of different song. Different leaf, have different voice. Different season, have different music.

Pass when gentle breeze stroke, that sound light gentleness is soft, be like twittering delicate language, let a person experience the tenderness of nature. Blow when fierce wind, whole forest warms up, concert gives a grand music, that sound is energized, your person feels the power of nature.

2, the musician that water also is nature. When raining, he likes to play percussion instrument. Small drip-drop is knocked beat dozen, a lively concert began. Drip to with a tick answer... bite babble Dong... all woods, every leaf in the woods. All houses, the housetop of the house and window, give out different sound.

Gather together when small drip-drop rise, singing a song together: Brook gurgle, flow direction river, fluvial Chan Chan, flow direction sea, the sea clang, billowy. From the ditty in a light hill, sing the marine chorus of surging forward with great momentum.

3, the singer that frog is nature. It is crouching lotus leaf to go up " quack Gu " crying, seem to saying we sing together, cross all frog a little while " quack Gu " crying, the cry in the pond is noisier and noisier, a lively concert began.

4, laky the musician that also is nature. In lake face, light of lake face wave is crystalline, microwave ripples, have a few now and then not famous avian fall not slow not urgently from moon had flown, can see umbra only. Lunar Ming Rujing, if moon is washed, cool cool breeze is swaying surface, mixing the flap of the bank, appear what the world also sends is quiet and quiet.

5, the musician that the leaf is nature. The clang that unlike rain falls, what unlike snow falls is silent and breathed, the leaf falls is ringing rustle sound. Go in campus of new medical service, a fallen leaves waves coming back to descend to me beside, slight noise makes a person cheerful. If leisure, calm meeting stands to hear the voice of deciduous leaf here.

6, the musician that bird is nature. Spring arrived, the singing voice that they stand on branch to reveal their " chirp, chirp " , one also sings another accordingly again, the 3rd, the 4th... until became cantata by solo, there is happy heart in simple air.

10, what musician does nature have?

1, the musician that wind is nature, his accordion can be played in the forest. Flip through leaf, the leaf resembles a singer same, sing all sorts of different song. Different leaf, have different voice.

Different season, have different music. Pass when gentle breeze stroke, that sound light gentleness is soft, be like twittering delicate language, let a person experience the tenderness of nature. Blow when fierce wind, whole forest warms up, concert gives a grand music, that sound is energized, your person feels the power of nature.

2, the musician that water also is nature. When raining, he likes to play percussion instrument. Small drip-drop is knocked beat dozen, a lively concert began. Drip to with a tick answer? ? Bite babble Dong? ? All woods, every leaf in the woods.

All houses, the housetop of the house and window, give out different sound. Gather together when small drip-drop rise, singing a song together: Brook gurgle, flow direction river, fluvial Chan Chan, flow direction sea, the sea clang, billowy. From the ditty in a light hill, sing the marine chorus of surging forward with great momentum.

3, the musician that the animal is nature. Go in the park, listen to the bird that chirps on the tree to cry; Sit below a tree, listen to spurt spurt bug cries; Take a walk in pond edge, those who listen to Guo Guo is vocal.

4, laky the musician that also is nature. In lake face, light of lake face wave is crystalline, microwave ripples, have a few now and then not famous avian fall not slow not urgently from moon had flown, can see umbra only. Lunar Ming Rujing, if moon is washed, cool cool breeze is swaying surface, mixing the flap of the bank, appear what the world also sends is quiet and quiet.

5, the musician that the leaf is nature. The clang that unlike rain falls, what unlike snow falls is silent and breathed, the leaf falls is ringing rustle sound. Go in campus of new medical service, a fallen leaves waves coming back to descend to me beside, slight noise makes a person cheerful. If leisure, calm meeting stands to hear the voice of deciduous leaf here.
