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部队集体游戏大全? 80后集体游戏大全?英文双语对照


部队集体游戏大全? 80后集体游戏大全?英文双语对照





















































1 躺在马路上,摆出忧郁的表情,从侧拍起。

2 躺在马路上,把头扬起,手放额头

3 坐在马路上,往后看,一只脚坐起一只脚侧放。

4 微微倾斜头发、手抱或摆在一只腿上。

5 双脚略起,双手置中

6 用手抱腿,手撑下巴

7 随意的盘坐和微笑也可以哦~

8 身体往前,双脚打开自然的大笑!


















One, encyclopedia of army collective game?

1, unconscious eye strikes gong

Game regulation: The player blindfolds eye, and place turns after be being encircled 10 rounds, environment of base area form falls in the condition that does not have any clew have the operation, knock noisy gong to be able to receive award.

2, blow a ball to pass cup

Game regulation: The paper cup of 5 replete water is set in all on the desk, put point-blank. A table tennis ball is put in cup of the first paper, the player can blow air with the mouth only, play the table tennis the last cup to be able to receive award all the time.

3, skip kicks shuttlecock sand to wrap

Perhaps organize by the teacher, cent becomes two groups, have track, two teams game, fold in the two end of track return run, amid sets answering question board directly, answer correct ability to run back to only, with team team member OK and mutual help is waited a moment, regular and OK oneself are designed, exercise to consolidate again again knowledge.

2, 80 hind collective game encyclopedia?

1, rubber band skipping of rubber band skipping, also make jump elastic, jump rubber rope, jump monkey skin muscle, be a kind appropriate the civilian game at children, make an appointment with popularity to be in 20 centuries 50 to 90 time.

2, dozen play bead dozen play bead, cry again " play vitreous ball " , " marbles " , " hit bead " , " hit vitreous bead " , a kind of popularity plays the children game of half leaf at 20 centuries. Play vitreous ball, should be game of a cosmopolitan children, each country children can play.

3, rope of magic flower of magic flower rope, the children game that Chinese folk circulates. In China's different district, have weigh a law differently, beat of the magic flower that be like a line, magic flower, carry stretch tight stretch tight, solution etc.

4, eagle catchs chickling eagle to catch a chickling, common says " yellow snipe eats chicken " , cry again " weasel eats chicken " , it is the increase that a kind of many person plays wisdom recreational play, outdoors or those who have certain space is indoor undertake.

3, encyclopedia of cookbook of collective dining room?

In the morning meal, millet pumpkin congee, black rice congee, congee of yam of red jujube the seed of Job's tears, congee of leather egg lean lean, introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad hot boiling water, tea egg, pickles, egg cake, steamed bun, midday, caldron dish, make bittern range, laver egg spends soup, face of fried bean sauce, the egg fries face of meal Zuo bake in a pan, confused evaporate flesh, dinner, hemp is hot very hot, hemp is hot sweet boiler, grail chicken, fish of pickled Chinese cabbage, shredded meat face, cool skin, decoct dumpling, fill boiling water is little basket bag, line of chicken broth rice, wonton, braise face, beef soup, braise dish,

4, children collective game?

I am small bedspring

Target: Can be behaved with limbs movement circle bedspring process and its bounce character, experience and companion collaboration, cooperate with the joy of game.

Preparation: Relatively capacious field

Play a way: Cheeper is surrounded into circle, the teacher reads aloud children's song: "We are small bedspring, by, jump. Press gently, jump lowly; Press again, jump high. Jump jump, jump jump, it is happy small bedspring really. " cheeper follows to read aloud and make bouncing motion. A cheeper reads aloud reelection children's song, other child follows to read aloud and make bouncing motion.

5, game of the collective inside children playroom?

Small monkey does not have a chair

Sing the last word when whole children's song " he " when, the children of game look for a chair to sit down rapidly, doing not have those who grab a chair is small monkey! Can make children very happy not only, still can let a child learn to abide by game regulation.

I am small bearer it is the team game that suits children most, this game, basically be to enhance the darling knowledge to graph and color. Different color is different the building blocks of appearance, put in a basket, father mother and darling sit together round basket.

Small bearer

Next father speaks an appearance and color, the building blocks that darling searchs the color that father place says and appearance to answer relatively in basket, mom is taken after by darling searchs next, with this analogize.

Lose handkerchief. Cheeper is surrounded into a circle, the parent is singing a song to jump at the back of of children, at the back of should sing ' to be put gently in the child when ' , cheeper puts handkerchief at the back of of a child immediately. When if the child discovers handkerchief,be being put at the back of him, he is about to take handkerchief to pursue the parent immediately.

6, is middle shift game outdoors and collective game?

Middle shift is outdoors game teaching plan " cross channel "

Design an intent:

Middle shift cheeper likes outdoors go activity, make game, to enhance the constitution of cheeper, enhance the cooperative consciousness of cheeper and synergic ability, I had designed channel game meticulously, carry this game, make cheeper obtains game fun, and in him harden oneself in game courage is mixed confidence, nurturance is not afraid of difficult habit and determination.

Mobile target:

1, the participation with education active cheeper consciousness and ability cooperates mediumly in collective.

2, enhanced cheeper to dare him conquer is enraged from confidence and brave, learned collective collaboration further.

3, make children feel joy, amused, be in imperceptible in should via learning knowledge.

4, in the activity, let child experience and companion in all the joy of game, willing with the companion a game.

5, master game through mobile cheeper, experience the fun of game.

Mobile preparation:

1, whistle, small red flag two

2, music " cheer together "

Mobile process:

The teacher takes cheeper to arrive outdoors playground, guidance makes simple warm up motion. Crouch, rise, canter, twist a waist to wait.

1, the regulation that the teacher shows game above all and process, and the clear view that with partial child an imitate has concealed channel. Other child looks seriously.

The teacher asks, inside channel black, are you afraid of be afraid of? (Cheeper replies, be afraid of) do you want not to want to play this game? (Cheeper replies, want) below who is we look together a young a brave and strong man good? (. Does teaching plan come from: ? Net of case of? of stew look forward to) (cheeper replies, good) right now cheeper with extremely anxious in wanting to play game, go.

2, game in group

whole class child cent becomes two groups, the half cheeper station of every group becomes two, press order grasper of hand of every two child, had lifted the top of head, the body tilts ahead a little, there is to grow long hole between two teams, this is the imitate of channel, cheeper of other in part should bend a waist fast go from inside channel, see that group most finish first, send them a small red flag. The cheeper after letting changes a part to have game.

3, begin game

After cheeper gets ready, chirp sound rings, game begins. In music cooperate to fall, cheeper is nervous and rise busily, propping up when what the child of channel tries hard, crying to cheer together in the mouth! ! ! The cheeper that crosses channel is nervous, orderly, pass through hurriedly channel, small eye still is not the little girl that sees another group, feared to be contended for by them first.

4, round after finishing, cheeper changes a part to have game.

7, does collective illuminate pose encyclopedia?

This basically sees you is to give what person to pat, if be formaller activity or circumstance, still want a few to stand in that way, the graduation when resembling going to school is illuminated.

If be close friends' word,have appearance of a lot of stations, this can get online oneself are checked, have a lot of.

8, does highway collective take a picture pose encyclopedia?

1 lie on the driveway, place blue expression, pat from side.

2 lie on the driveway, head raise, the hand puts forehead

3 sit on the driveway, in the future looks, side of a foot puts sit up of a foot.

4 tilt to hair, hand is held in the arms or be placed on a leg slightly.

5 pairs of feet rise slightly, in both hands buy

6 hold a leg in the arms with the hand, the hand opens the lower jaw

7 optional dish it is OK also to sit and smile oh ~

8 bodies forth, double foot opens natural yock!

9, what does collective game have?

1, " desert! Teenager "

" desert! Teenager " it is a recreational athletics is opposite definitely game, the player needs to be in what the person that chase escapes in game to chase after kill, at the same time game still supports much person one case group group is right battle, still can be opposite definitely in use all sorts of interesting game canal to provide help teammate to escape, play besides this kind still have beyond the law other and interesting play a law to be able to experience.

2, " cat and mice "

" cat and mice " it is an athletics to war game, the player will act different mice in game be opposite definitely in be not captured by the cat, also a few canal provide a help to escape and the teammate that rescue is captured, you are OK also with the good friend athletics of group of a group, tacit understanding cooperates the person that dally is chased, enjoy escape pursue new pattern.

3, " classes are over do not run "

" classes are over do not run " it is game of a recreational fire, every hero in game has distinct skill endowment effect, the player needs to use a skill to attack kill more enemies, upgrade the part also can make harm becomes taller, change all sorts of good-looking skins for the part, with good friend group team honour enjoys more pleasure.

4, " Ma Erzhuang garden "

" Ma Erzhuang garden " it is game of a recreational management nurturance, game besides can experience rich gut beyond, the player still can be decorated together cultivate fishing, become reconciled friend drives together expeditionary find treasure, enter all sorts of interesting activities, be in manorial in the life with carefree light feeling.

5, " joy is right definitely "

" joy is right definitely " it is a politic tower defends pastime, the player needs to place all sorts of puissant castle to defy the enemy's aggression, hold to finally, collect the castle part of different type, decorate a more powerful blast model, of course you also can open room and good friend PK to be opposite definitely, need not cost can experience boundless fun for long

10, collective game and dispersive game distinction?

The distinction of collective game and dispersive game:

Collective game: It is to show the teacher has target, in a planned way, well-regulated ground to carry out game, requirement cheeper should achieve stated goal.

Dispersive game: It is to show the teacher prepares enough toy to use cheeper of useless old stuff, guide cheeper freedom, own land to choose material to have game.

Game is for recreation, is not to have an opportunity later.
