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江苏索普(600746) 公司是国内较大的醋酸、ADC发泡剂、漂精粉和橡胶硫化促进剂生产企业,拥有年产120万吨的醋酸装置。

对于公司的经营情况,江苏索普相关负责人表示,从公司自身发展看, 目前产品结构仍不够丰富,抵御市场风险能力相对较弱;公司将进一步拓宽产品应用领域。完善上下游产业链战略布局,实现产业整合,构建新的盈利增长点。业内人士指出,江苏索普是比较典型的小上市公司、大集团的类型;目前索普集团大概只有十分之一的资产在上市公司,未来有望获得资产注入。此前,索普集团高管曾表示,普集团旗下有4个生产企业、6个生产服务型配套公司。生产企业中,甲醇厂、醋酸厂等已经实现盈利,未来计划加大下游产品的开发力度,向附加值高的产品发展。相关资料显示,索普集团目前拥有140万吨冰醋酸、54万吨甲醇、50万吨醋酸乙酯、110万吨硫酸、12万吨氯碱、4万吨ADC发泡剂等产品的年生产能力。其中,醋酸乙酯和ADC发泡剂生产规模位居国内同行业前列,冰醋酸生产规模已达到国内第一、世界第三。华鲁恒升(600426) 公司以煤为主要原材料,通过延伸拓宽产业链和多联产形成了以尿素、醋酸、己二酸、乙二醇等为主打产品。华鲁恒升年报显示,通过优化升级,公司醋酸装置已达到50万吨/年生产能力。在公司业务发展方面,华鲁恒升高管表示,公司在确保生产经营的同时,将继续推进在建项目建设,做到高质高效,总投资5亿元的10万吨/年醇酮装置节能改造、总投资10.2亿元的年产60万吨硝酸等在建项目力争二三季度建成投产,后续规划项目将相继启动。2014全年力争营业收入达到100亿元。值得一提的是,据公司高管介绍,公司自主研发的醋酸催化剂,无论催化效率还是单位处理利率,都有明显提高,这大大降低了醋酸产品的制造成本,单位产品的综合能耗比去年降低3%以上,对降低公司综合成本起到了关键作用。恒顺醋业(600305) 相关资料显示,恒顺醋业始创于1840年清道光年间,为“四大名醋”之一镇江香醋的代表,2001年上市以来,已从一家传统酱醋生产厂家发展成为一家现代化程度最高的食醋生产企业。数据显示,继续2013年成功扭亏为盈后,数据显示,今年一度,恒顺醋业实现营业总收入3.2亿元,同比增15.07%;实现净利润1384.79万元,同比大增157.06%。在资本运作方面,恒顺醋业成功以14.35元/股,非公开发行4706.90万股,筹资6.75亿元。在资本运作方面,4月份恒顺醋业成功以14.35元/股,非公开发行4706.90万股,筹资6.75亿元,分析认为,恒顺醋业作为四大名醋中品牌力保持最好的公司,此次增发将为公司的复苏和腾飞奠定雄厚基础。齐鲁证券研报称,未来恒顺醋业将持续聚焦主业,定增完成后,将通过营销改革等多种措施全面持续调动市场营销人员的积极性;通过市场网络和品牌店的建设,扩大恒顺产品的覆盖面;通过新品开发和技术进步提升企业的核心竞争力。另一方面,公司通过加快推进项目建设,增添企业发展的后劲。皖维高新(600063) 公司目前拥有醋酸乙烯产能50万吨。业内人士指出,我国醋酸乙烯生产线实际产能远低于名义产能,新增产能释放有限,在环保趋严背景下产能将进一步收缩,国内醋酸乙烯已现涨价趋势,景气开始向上。“公司作为醋酸乙烯行业最优标的,受益于醋酸乙烯价格上涨,业绩弹性巨大。”券商研报指出,广维年产10万吨的生物乙醇法醋酸乙烯已满足食品级要求,质量非常优异,而本部20万吨产能采用电石乙炔法工艺,公司对生产的工艺把握国内无出其右,产品质量能够满足海外市场要求。同时公司配套有完善的三废处理设施,产品已通过REACH认证,未来出口量有望快速增加。长江证券研报称,目前海内外醋酸乙烯具有较大价差存在套利机会,产品出口已逐步放量,并有望进一步拉高产品价格。目前出口醋酸乙烯盈利极为可观(国内7000 元/吨,出口1350 美元/吨折合近万元每吨),单月净利润推算在1600 万元左右。理论上公司全年外销醋酸乙烯量在15 万吨左右,盈利弹性极为可观,1000 元涨价对应每股收益年化为0.1 元。


General of Jiangsu all alone (600746) the company is company of production of vesicant of country's bigger acetic acid, ADC, pink bleaching essence of life and balata vulcanization accelerant, own the acetic acid plant that produces per year 1.2 million tons.

To the management circumstance of the company, jiangsu alls alone chief expresses related general, from company oneself development looks, at present product structure still is abounded not quite, resist market risk ability is relative weaker; The company will widen the product uses a field further. Perfect fluctuation swims layout of industrial chain strategy, realize industrial conformity, compose advocates new profit point of growth. The personage inside course of study points out, what Jiangsu alls alone general is to compare a pattern is small appear on the market the type of company, big group; At present group of all alone general has only probably very one of asset is in appear on the market company, prospective hopeful obtains asset infuse. Before this, round tall canal ever expressed Suopuji, general has company of service of 6 4 production company, production form a complete set below group division. In producing a business, methanol plant, acetic acid factory had realized gain, future plans to increase the development strength of downstream product, to additional cost expensive product develops. Relevant data shows, group of all alone general has ester of second of 500 thousand tons of 540 thousand tons of 1.4 million tons of glacial acetic acid, methanol, acetic acid at present, 1.1 million tons vitriolic, 120 thousand tons chloric year of productivity of the product such as vesicant of 40 thousand tons of alkaline, ADC. Among them, ester of acetic acid second and ADC vesicant scale of production rank front row of course of study of domestic person of the same trade, scale of production of glacial acetic acid already reached home the first, the world the 3rd. Hua Luheng rises (600426) the company is main raw material with coal, through outspread widen industrial catenary and much couplet are produced formed with urea, acetic acid, oneself 2 acid, glycol give priority to dozen of product. Hua Luheng rises annals to show, upgrade through optimizing, device of company acetic acid already achieved 500 thousand tons / year productivity. The field develops in company business, hua Luheng lifts the canal expresses, the company is in ensure production is managed while, will continue to advance in build project construction, accomplish pledge high efficient, 100 thousand tons when always invest 500 million yuan / year mellow ketone device is energy-saving transform, always invest 1.02 billion yuan produce per year 600 thousand tons of nitric acid to wait in build project force to contend for 23 quarters to build go into operation, follow-up program project will be started in succession. 2014 annual strive to do business income achieves 10 billion yuan. Be worth what carry is, according to the company tall canal introduces, the acetic acid activator of company own research and development, no matter catalytic efficiency or unit treat interest rate, dou Youming is shown rise, this reduced the production cost of acetic acid product greatly, the integrated specific power consumption of unit product reduces 3% above than last year, integrated to dropping a company cost had crucial effect. Course of study of Heng Shun vinegar (600305) relevant data shows, course of study of constant suitable vinegar only then achieve 1840 Qing Dynasty between light-year, for " 4 names vinegar " one of Zhenjiang are sweet acetic delegate, since appearing on the market 2001, already passed all sauce vinegar to produce manufacturer development to become the company of the production that feed vinegar with a modern top rate from. Data shows, continue to succeeded 2013 after make up the deficits and get surpluses, data shows, this year for a time, course of study of constant suitable vinegar achieves business gross earnings 320 million yuan, add compared to the same period 15.07% ; Implementation net profit thirteen million eight hundred and forty-seven thousand nine hundred yuan, soar compared to the same period 157.06% . The side is run in capital, course of study of constant suitable vinegar is successful with 14.35 yuan / , blame is open issue forty-seven million and sixty-nine thousand, raise fund 675 million yuan. The side is run in capital, course of study of constant suitable vinegar is successful April with 14.35 yuan / , blame is open issue forty-seven million and sixty-nine thousand, raise fund 675 million yuan, the analysis thinks, course of study of constant suitable vinegar serves as force of the brand in 4 names vinegar to retain best firm, add hair general this to be a company anabiosis and fly lay solid foundation. Qi Lu negotiable securities grinds the newspaper says, profession of prospective constant suitable vinegar will persist focusing advocate course of study, add surely after finishing, will wait for a variety of measure to arouse the enthusiasm of market sale personnel continuously in the round through sale reform; Pass the construction of market network and brand inn, enlarge what constant natural labor tastes to cover a range; Promote the core of the enterprise competition ability through tasting development and technical progress newly. On the other hand, the company advances a project to build through accelerating, add the reserve strength that the company grows. Anhui dimension is new and high (600063) the company has acetic acid ethylene to produce at present can 500 thousand tons. The personage inside course of study points out, product line of ethylene of our country acetic acid is produced actually can far produce under name can, new increase production can be released finite, produce below severe setting of environmental protection hasten can will farther systole, ethylene of domestic acetic acid already rose in price now trend, boom begins up. "The company regards industry of acetic acid ethylene as best mark, ethylene of acetic acid of benefit from benefit from rises in price, outstanding achievement flexibility is tremendous. " certificate business grinds the newspaper points out, the ethylene of acetic acid of biology alcohol law that An Weinian produces 100 thousand tons already satisfied provision level to ask, quality is very superior, and cadre is produced 200 thousand tons can use technology of law of calcium carbide acetylene, the company holds domestic second to none to manufacturing craft, product quality can satisfy overseas market to ask. At the same time company form a complete set has establishment of perfect treatment of three wastes, the product already passed REACH attestation, prospective exit measures hopeful increase quickly. Negotiable securities of the Yangtse River grinds the newspaper says, at present ethylene of global acetic acid has greater value to differ existence to cover profit opportunity, the product exports progressively already to the limit of one's capacity, and hopeful helps expensive product price further. Gain of ethylene of exit acetic acid is very at present sizable (home 7000 yuan / ton, export 1350 dollars / ton amount to is close 10 thousand yuan every tons) , profit of only month net is computative control in 16 million yuan. Capacity of ethylene of acetic acid of export of theoretic company annual is controlled in 150 thousand tons, gain flexibility is very considerable, 1000 yuan rise in price corresponding every accrual year melt into 0.1 yuan.
