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大良大良煎虾饼、大良污糟鸡、大良野鸡卷、大良双皮奶、明炉乳猪、大良硼砂、金榜牛乳、凤城鱼皮角、杏仁饼、秘制檀香骨、绉纱鱼卷、凤城酿节瓜、凤城四杯鸡…双皮奶用水牛奶作为原料的双皮奶拥有两层奶皮,一层甘香,二层清香,其状如膏,其色洁白,质感细腻嫩滑,口味甜香清淡。大良硼砂硼砂砂始创于清乾隆年间,初为脆硬薄片,其形似金黄色蝴蝶,后经改进,逐渐增加了其他口味,口感甘香酥化,咸甜适度。“流心” 芝士挞无忧岛各 门店 与 微商城同步上市刚刚烤好的芝士挞顶微微的焦黄散发浓浓的芝士香配上一杯咖啡,简直完美享受外面是酥脆的挞皮,包裹着软糯的芝士流心流心的芝士采用新西兰全进口的安佳芝士哦而且一个流心芝士挞,可以有三种食法站着吃、坐着吃、躺着吃哈哈,当然不是啦食法1、新鲜滚热辣(微波炉加热)刚出炉的时候,切开里面是有流心的哦买回家后放在微波炉里面加热就能享受和新鲜出炉一样的满满芝士浆食法2、常温一半是凝固香软的芝士,一半还保留着流动的芝士,两种口感加在一起刚刚好食法3、冷冻放冰箱冷藏后切开“流心”就变身为芝士冰淇淋外面的挞皮也变成了曲奇的味道呢!大良炒牛奶大良炒牛奶创于中华民国初年,是中国烹饪技术中“软炒法”的典型菜例,配料有鸡肝、鸡蛋、蟹肉、虾仁、榄仁、火腿等。成菜色泽洁白,奶味清香浓郁,嫩滑可口,营养丰富。金榜牛乳金榜牛乳始于明代,原产大良金榜村。在水牛奶或乳牛奶里混入食醋和食盐,使牛奶蛋白凝固,后再用模压制成比较脆的雪白圆状薄片,味略咸而甘甜可口。大良野鸡卷大良野鸡卷是粤菜中知名度较高的菜式之一,它以肥肉片制成,特点是甘脆酥化,焦香味美,肥而不腻,宜酒宜茶。美食伦教伦教糕、鸡洲滑鹅、羊额烧鹅、霞石鸡…伦教糕伦教糕用大米浆经发酵蒸制而成,其糕体晶莹雪白,表层油润光洁;内层小眼横竖相连,均匀有序;质爽软而润滑,味甜冽而清香。羊额烧鹅羊额烧鹅是顺德伦教传统工艺食品之一,创制于明末清初,距今已有360多年历史。羊额烧鹅,肉嫩皮脆,甘香可口,在烧煽的过程中,十分讲究火候、技术材料以及秘制特有的“烧鹅汁”。美食乐从乐从鱼腐、清蒸鲩鱼、鱼生、玉簪田鸡腿…乐从鱼腐乐从是广东顺德制作鱼腐技艺最为精湛的地方,乐从鱼腐属于粤菜系。它以色泽金黄,味道鲜美,幼滑甘香,诱人食欲而享有盛誉。美食均安均安煎鱼饼、均安蒸全猪、均安猪杂粥、密口蚬、七彩鱼蓉羹、均安烧猪均安蒸猪肉广东省传统的汉族名菜,吃起来肥而不腻,干爽清香。由于整猪蒸制过程中用钢针扎过,油脂通过圆孔滴入锅内,猪肉吃起来肥而不腻;特制的蒸柜可将多余的水蒸气吸收,因此猪肉干爽清雅。均安煎鱼饼均安煎鱼饼是顺德传统的地方名点,已有一百多年历史,将鲮鱼青压成薄饼形,用慢火煎至金黄,成品甘香爽滑,鱼肉有弹性,是佐酒下饭的妙品。美食勒流勒流乳香肉、黄连烧鹅、勒流水蛇粥、酿鲮鱼、煎焗鱼嘴、菊花水蛇羹、蚬肉生菜包、六味绘长鱼、家乡鱼肠…菜远炒水蛇片雪白的蛇肉搭配黄酱显得白里透红,菜远碧绿青翠,两者白绿相间,卖相极好。再配其他菜料相佐生炒, 别有一番风味。菊花水蛇羹菊花水蛇羹在熬汤的过程中加入猪脷,使得蛇汤的美味完整的体现出来,汤鲜味美,滋补养颜。美食陈村陈村咕噜肉、陈村粉、原个南瓜蒸肉排、凉拌爽鱼皮、陈村花宴…美食北滘北滘香芋扣肉、虾仔云吞面、百花酿蟹钳…碧江虾仔云吞面碧江虾仔云吞面,云吞皮薄馅鲜,内馅用原只新鲜小河虾混合猪肉胶包成,煮熟后只见肉色,鲜爽而味香。面质爽口弹牙有韧劲,汤底用猪骨和鲫鱼熬制,鲜甜浓郁。美食容桂猪脚姜、彭公鹅、鸽松生菜包、鸡仔饼、咸生菜干粥猪杂粥猪肝、猪心、猪腰等各式内脏组合而成的美味粥品,绵软的粥底,搭配新鲜美味的猪杂,大火生滚而成,猪杂生熟程度适中,粥底味道鲜美。穗香大头菜大头菜至少有百年历史,它口感独特,被称为“容桂鲍鱼”。淡口头菜作为配角发挥特色,搭配不同肉类都能使之更加好吃,味道鲜美,口感特别。美食杏坛乌醋浸扁鱼、顶骨大鳝、盘龙大鳝、家乡鱼肠…八宝酿鲮鱼全国金牌菜,融入了四荤四素,色香味俱全,营养丰富,嫩滑无骨,老少咸宜,上碟造型美观,栩栩如生,令人食指大动。黑毛节瓜黑毛节瓜也被称为“水影瓜”,是杏坛桑麻的特产。在黑毛节瓜宴里,它是当之无愧的主角。冰镇节瓜、瑶柱节瓜、咸蛋黄节瓜、鱼肉酿节瓜等等,口味各异,别有一番美味。美食龙江龙江煎堆、龙江米沙肉、家乡炒蚕蛹、龙虱、东头烧肉、顺德田鼠脯、集北水蛇粥、两龙鱼生龙江煎堆龙江煎堆是一种年宵食品,始制于明代。除了香口好食之外,其外形圆碌碌,也有“煎堆碌碌,金银满屋”之意。它皮脆、馅甜、质地酥化,是极具特色的传统美食之一集北水蛇粥水蛇粥里面放入蛇段、蛇皮、蛇胆、蛇肠、蛇肝、枣去煲,味道鲜甜。水蛇是即点即做,吃法任你选择:椒盐蛇、白灼、清蒸、煎焗、蛇火锅、炒蛇皮、各种美味,让人念念不忘!还有或许并不出名,但绝对地道的顺德美食米砂粥你可能会在千里之遥的北京吃到凤城双皮奶,但是有些美味,只能在顺德有,其他地方则不会有,米砂粥就是其中之一者。即使跟顺德仅相隔50公里,饮食同源的广州,也没有“米砂粥”的存在。但米砂粥对于顺德人来讲寻常不过,最喜欢在早餐的时候吃上一碗。顺德人所说的“米砂”,其实就是将大米磨碎成砂状。一般都会用到砂盆这个工具。当然现在想吃米砂不用那么麻烦,直接可以去超市买现成的“米砂粥料”。顺德人通常用米砂熬制各种粥:鸡粥、大鱼粥、拆鱼粥、菜心粥……喜欢吃米砂粥的顺德人,其实就是享受那种含在口腔的细细颗粒感。龙耳龙耳,有些地方又称“龙利”,是端午节吃的一种小吃,寓意吉利。苹叶角苹叶角,其实顺德的传统叫法是at(类似英语发音,无法用文字表述),一般用苹叶或冬叶包裹,故名。与北方的糍粑相似。水晶饼水晶饼,又叫晶饼,因为晶莹剔透的外表,所以用此名。


Cake of shrimp of decoct of old good people of old good people, old good people corrupt grouse of flooey chicken, old good people coils, cake of horn of skin of fish of breast, phoenix city, almond, secret makes borax of porket of grandma of double skin of old good people, bright furnace, old good people, Jin Bangniu white sandalwood bone, craped, a pleasant is sweet, 2 faint scent, if its shape creams, its color is white, simple sense is exquisite tender slip, taste is sweet sweet delicate. Borax of borax of old good people is arenaceous only then achieve Yu Qingqian grand year, fragile hard chip is first, butterfly of yellow of gold of its be similar in shape, hind via improving, added other taste gradually, mouthfeel Gan Xiang is crisp change, xian Tian is measurable. "Shed a heart " person whip carries the Zhi that Zhi person flogs without care island each inn and small store synchronism appear on the market to just had been baked on the head slightly brown send out thick Zhi person sweet mix on one cup of coffee, simply perfect enjoy outside the whip skin that is crisp, wrap up is worn the Zhi of soft glutinous person the Zhi that sheds a heart to shed a heart person the An Jiazhi that uses New Zealand to be imported completely person oh and a Zhi drifting a heart person whip, can 3 kinds feed a law to standing to eat, sitting to eat, lying to eat ha, not be of course feed a law 1, fresh roll heat hot (microwave oven heats) when just giving heat, it is to have those who shed a heart inside incision oh put inside microwave oven to heat to be able to be enjoyed after redemptive home and fresh person oar feeds the Man Manzhi like giving heat law 2, normal temperature half is caky sweet soft Zhi person, the Zhi that the half still is retaining flow person, two kinds of mouthfeel add in just just fed a law 3, refrigerant the incision after putting freezer to refrigerate " shed a heart " change as Zhi person the whip skin outside ice-cream also became Qu Ji's flavour! Old good people fries milk old good people to fry milk to achieve Yu Zhonghua at the beginning of the Republic of China year, it is Chinese cooking technology in " soft fry a law " typical dish exemple, burden has flesh of gallinaceous liver, egg, crab, shelled fresh shrimps, Lan benevolence, ham to wait. The colour and lustre that become dish is white, the faint scent that suckle flavour is full-bodied, tender slip goluptious, nutrition is rich. Breast of ox of a list of names posted up of gold of breast of ox of golden a list of names posted up only then Yu Ming is acting, produce village of a list of names posted up of gold of old good people formerly. In water milk or lacteal milk interfuse feeds vinegar and salt, make milk protein caky, reoccupy mould pressing makes chip of more fragile snow-white circle shape after, flavour slightly salty and Gan Tian is goluptious. Grouse of old good people coils grouse of old good people coils is dish of another name for Guangdong Province in famous one of degree of more expensive dish type, it is made with fat cutlet, the characteristic is pleasant fragile crisp change, jiao Xiang is delicious, fat and not be bored with, tea of appropriate wine appropriate. Cate Lun Jiaolun teachs forehead of slippery goose of cake, chicken continent, sheep to cook chicken of goose, nepheline... human relations teach cake human relations to teach cake to use rice to oar classics ferments evaporate is made and be become, its cake body is glittering and translucent and snow-white, surface layer fat profit is bright and clean; Lining is small in any case is linked together, even and orderly; Qualitative bright is soft and lubricant, smell is sweet cold and faint scent. Ovine forehead burns goose sheep forehead to burn goose is to arrange De Lun to teach conventional technology one of food, contrive at the beginning of Ming Moqing, be apart from already had 360 old histories today. Ovine forehead burns goose, fleshy tender skin is fragile, gan Xiang is goluptious, in the process that burns fan, material of very exquisite duration, technology and secret are made peculiar " the juice that burn goose " . Cate Le Congle is born from fish of piscine corrupt, steamed grass carp, fish, leg of frog of fragrant plantain lily... happy happy from piscine corrupt from it is the place with most masterly craft of corrupt of the fish of Guangdong suitable heart that make, happy belonging to dish of another name for Guangdong Province from piscine corrupt is. It with colour and lustre golden, flavour is delicious, young Hua Ganxiang, inviting appetite and enjoy high reputation. How does cate all all bring decoct fish cake, all An Zhengquan pig, all bring Xian of pig miscellaneous congee, close mouth, 7 cheer the food of Yu Rong a thick soup, name of the Han nationality that how all cooks a pig to all install evaporate pork Guangdong to save a tradition, taste fat and not be bored with, do bright faint scent. In controlling a process as a result of whole pig evaporate, with steel pinprick passes, grease enters boiler through round Kong Di inside, pork tastes fat and not be bored with; Tailor-made evaporate ark can absorb redundant vapor, because this pork does bright elegant. The local name that all installing decoct fish cake to all bring decoct fish cake is suitable heart tradition is nodded, already had more than 100 years of histories, press dace blueness into thin pancake form, come with slow fire simmer in water golden, sweet bright of finished product pleasant slips, cruelly oppress is bouncy, it is the fine quality goods of assist wine go with rice. Cate is strapped stream strap shed frankincense flesh, the rhizome of Chinese goldthread to burn goose, strap congee of running water snake, wine draw of bag of lettuce of flesh of a thick soup of hydra of mouth of fish of of dace, decoct, chrysanthemum, Xian, 6 flavour grows bowel of fish of fish, home town... dish is far fry water snake piece snow-white, dish far verdure is fresh and green, both white green alternate with, sell wonderful. Match other course to expect Xiang Zunsheng is fried again, do not have local color one time. A thick soup of hydra of chrysanthemum of chrysanthemum hydra a thick soup joins pig Man in the process that boils boiling water, make the delicate and whole system of anguine soup comes out now, shang Xian is delicious, grow take a tonic to build up health colour. Flesh of murmur of Chen Cun of cate Chen Cun, old village pink, former skin of fish of bright of a pumpkin evaporate steak, cold and dressed with sause, Chen Cun spends a banquet... sweet taro of of north of cate north buckles young of the flesh, shrimp Yun Tun face, 100 flowers make crab vice, the cloud swallows delicacy of leather thin stuffing, stuffing uses shrimp of former only fresh brook inside mixture pork glue is wrapped, after thoroughlying cook, see only incarnadine, xian Shuang and smell is sweet. The face plays a tooth to have interest of pliable but strong tastily character, soup bottom is boiled with pig bone and crucian carp fish make, xiantian is full-bodied. Cake of young of bag of fair goose of ginger of foot of pig of cate look laurel, Peng, columbine loose lettuce, chicken, salty lettuce does congee pig the various and splanchnic combination such as waist of heart of miscellaneous congee pork liver, pig, pig and become delicate congee is tasted, by the congee of soft, the pig with fresh and delicate collocation is miscellaneous, conflagration is born to boil and be become, the pig is miscellaneous moderate of crude ripe rate, the flavour end congee is delicious. Kohlrabi of spic sweet kohlrabi has hundred years history at least, its mouthfeel is distinctive, be called " the abalone that allow a surname " . Tasteless oral food produces distinguishing feature as costar, tie-in and different flesh kind what can make is more delicious, flavour is delicious, mouthfeel is special. Bowel of fish of flat fish of dip of vinegar of black of cate apricot altar, parietal bone big eel, Pan Long big eel, home town... dish of gold of whole nation of dace of eight treasures wine, blended in 4 meat or fish 4 element, lubricious fragrance completely, nutrition is rich, tender slip without bone, old little Xian Yi, go up dish modelling is beautiful, lifelike, forefinger making a person is moved greatly. Melon of section of black hair of melon of black hair section also is called " water shadow melon " , it is the special local product of hemp of apricot altar mulberry. In banquet of melon of black hair section, it is the leading role of be worthy of. Iced section melon, precious jade melon of division of wine of melon of column item melon, salty yoke section, cruelly oppress is waited a moment, taste each different, do not have one time delicate. Sanded flesh of caboodle of decoct of river of dragon of cate dragon river, dragon polished glutinous rice, home town fries silkworm chrysalis, predacious diving beetle, east river decoct piles congee of hydra of north of chest of field mice of head carbonado, suitable heart, collect, two Long Yusheng dragon dragon, only then make Yu Ming take the place of. Good besides sweet mouth feed besides, its appearance round busy, also have " decoct piles busy with miscellaneous work, bullion houseful " meaning. Its skin fragile, stuffing sweet, texture is soft change, it is one of traditional cate that have distinguishing feature extremely the snake is put inside congee of hydra of congee of collect north hydra paragraph, liver of bowel of bravery of snakeskin, snake, snake, snake, jujube goes Bao, flavour delicacy is sweet. Water snake is to be nodded namely do namely, eat a law to hold the post of you to choose: Snake of a condiment made of roast prickly ash and salt, Bai Zhuo, steam, chaffy dish of decoct , snake, fry snakeskin, all sorts of delicate, bear in mind constantly letting a person! Still have do not became famous probably, but you may be in the arenaceous congee of rice of suitable heart cate of absolutely tunnel the Beijing of the Yao of a thousand li eats milk of phoenix city double skin, but some are delicate, can have in suitable heart only, other place won't have, rice arenaceous congee is among them one of person. Although follow suitable heart only be apart 50 kilometers, food is the same as the Guangzhou of the source, also do not have " Mi Sha congee " existence. But Mi Sha congee tells common not to pass to arranging heart person, like to be in most breakfast when eat on one bowl. Place of suitable heart person says " Mi Sha " , it is actually rice molar into arenaceous shape. General metropolis uses arenaceous tub this tool. Want to eat Mi Sha now of course need not so troublesome, can go to a supermarket buying directly off-the-peg " Mi Sha congee expects " . Suitable heart person boils with Mi Sha normally make all sorts of congee: The gallinaceous congee, big fish congee, congee that tear open a fish, dish heart congee... the suitable heart person that likes to eat meter of arenaceous congee, enjoy the sort of in buccal fine grained containing that feel namely actually. Ear of dragon ear dragon, some places say again " Long Li " , it is dragon boat festival eats a kind fastfood, the implied meaning is auspicious. Xie Jiao of Ping of Ping Xie Jiao, actually the tradition of suitable heart makes a way is At (similar English pronunciation, cannot state with the character) , use Ping leaf or wintry leaf package commonly, friend name. With likeness of northward cooked glutinous rice pounded into paste. Cake of crystal cake crystal, call brilliant cake again, what appear because of glittering and translucent get rid of is outside, use this so.

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