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1、培养 [拼音] péi yǎng




[构成] 并列式:培+养


[拼音] zào jiù





[拼音] péi zhí





[构成] 并列式:培+植


[拼音] yǎng yù

[释义] (动)抚养和教育。

[构成] 并列式:养+育


[拼音] jiào yù




[构成] 并列式:教+育


[拼音] péi yù

[释义] (动)培养幼小的生物,使它发育成长。

[构成] 并列式:培+育


1. 选择适合当地气候和土壤的花卉,以确保它们能够生长得健康并获得足够的水和阳光。多观察不同花卉的特点,选择合适的品种。

2. 选择适当的土壤和肥料,以使植物能够生长得更好。花卉通常需要富含有机质的肥沃土壤,同时也会需要种类不同的肥料,以适应其生长所需的不同营养素。

3. 制定适当的浇水计划。大多数花卉需要保持湿润的土壤,但不要让花盆内水位过高。注意控制浇水量和频率,以避免过度浇水和水涝。

4. 经常修剪和修整花卉,以保持其健康和美观。修剪可以促进植物的新生长,并防止花卉变得过于凌乱。

5. 定期检查植物是否出现害虫和病菌,及时采取措施。例如在发现害虫时可以用虫害喷雾剂来灭虫,在发现病菌时可以用药粉或病害喷雾剂来治疗。








培育:培养幼小生物,使其发育成长培育良种. 培养:以适宜的条件促使其发生、成长和繁殖. 养育:经过抚养、教育使[人] 成长。




枸杞菜的培育方式包括种苗培育和扦插培育。种苗培育是指通过种子繁殖来培育枸杞菜的幼苗,而扦插培育则是利用枸杞菜的枝条进行扦插繁殖。其中,扦插培育是枸杞菜经常采用的繁殖方式,可以在春秋两季进行。扦插时要注意选取健壮的植株上带有种芽的枝段,长度约为 15 厘米左右,最好进行生根剂处理以提高成活率。

扦插后要注意保持土壤湿润,并给予适当的光照和温度,约 30 天左右即可生根发芽。

















How does Pokemmo demon breed house?

Spirit is put in raising house, meet those who begin pair of demon breed: Put individual demon to be able to promote the experience of demon, after raising house to breed proper time, the grade of demon when apparently effective promotion.

two when you the demon of different sexual distinction is put into when raising house, raise house to meet according to demon friendly degree, sentence calm moment to be able to lay an egg then, what demon should say here is friendly spend cent 3 kinds, it is to do not have interest respectively, have a bit interest, very have fun at, wanting two demon only is not to do not have interest, can undertake the egg is bred is born, this also is the key function that raises house.

Breed close justice word?

"Breed " close does justice word have: ? Does ⒔ of  of  of ill ⒀ of Di of lowing ⑴ of Yang of Piao  ⒃ escape  ?

1, foster [phoneticize] Ng of ǎ of P é I Y


① (move) make its progenitive with appropriate condition.

② (move) basic justice: Be taught by stated goal chronically and train; Make grow. Multi-purpose at spoken language.

[Form] paratactic type: Earth up + to raise

2, bring up

[Phoneticize] ù of Z à O Ji


① education makes successful.

② attainment; Achievement (point to young more) .

3, implantation

[Phoneticize] í of P é I Zh


① (move) grow is attentive management.

② (move) education (talent) ; Prop up (force) .

③ (move) make expand.

[Form] paratactic type: Earth up + establish

4, foster

[Phoneticize] ù of Y ǎ Ng Y

[Paraphrase] (move) bring up and teach.

[Form] paratactic type: Raise + Yo

5, education

[Phoneticize] ù of Ji à O Y


① (renown) the whole process that generation of education new life prepares to be engaged in a society living (basic justice) .

② (move) teach; Inspire.

[Form] paratactic type: Teach + Yo

6, breed

[Phoneticize] ù of P é I Y

[Paraphrase] (move) the live thing with little education, make its development grows.

[Form] paratactic type: Earth up + Yo

Is flowers bred?

1.The choice suits the painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style of local climate and soil, in order to ensure they can grow so that health obtains enough water and sunshine. Observe the characteristic of different painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style more, choose appropriate breed.

2.Choose proper soil and fertilizer, in order to make the plant can grow weller. Flowers needs to contain a lot ofnormally have the rich soil with qualitative machine, also can need phyletic and different fertilizer at the same time, the different nutriment that needs with getting used to its to grow.

3.Make water appropriately plan. Most flowers needs to maintain wet soil, but do not make the water level inside flowerpot exorbitant. Notice control waters quantity and frequency, in order to avoid excessive water and waterlogging.

4.Often clip and nap flowers, with maintaining its health is mixed beautiful. Clip can promote floral new student to grow, prevent flowers to become too messy.

5.Whether does regular examination plant appear pest and bacteria, take step in time. Can use agent of insect pest sparge to destroy when discovering a pest for example bug, powder or disease sparge agent can be used to treat when discovering a bug.

Anyhow, according to the flowers of different type need develops their different habit, the environment that understands flowers requirement adequately, soil and water classify element, inspect their healthy condition regularly, this is the key that cultivates healthy, beautiful painting of flowers and plants in traditional Chinese style.

Does is sapphirine bred and diamond breed distinction?

Sapphirine is bred and diamond breeds main distinction to give birth to senior technology to differ namely,

The sapphirine of the mainstream breeds unfamiliar senior technology is bubble strange law, diamond breeds commonly used high pressure / high temperature craft and craft of deposit of chemical gas phase.

Sapphirine is bred and diamond breeds cost different.

The cost that sapphirine breeds is to compare diamond to breed commonly taller, the cycle that breeds because of sapphirine is longer.

Breed, breed, foster the distinction of 3 words?

Breed: ? ? of  of ∩ of Piao  young makes its development grows breed thoroughbred. Foster: ? Does allow room say to suckle sand of ⒊ of  of ⑸ of Zhuo of a legendary venomous insect of Qiong  Ji does ず head our? foster: ? ⒔ of  of   а escapes  Geng person] grow.

Breed outside artificial bezoar body how to breed?

The fresh bile that bezoar is being bred outside body is ox of animal of the division that use an ox makes mother solution, join deoxygenate cholic acid, cholic acid, compound bilirubin calcium those who make. Bezoar flavour pleasant is bred outside body, property of a medicine is cool. Put in classics of liver, heart 's charge. The chemical composition that bezoar breeds outside body includes alcohol of steriod of D of pigment of biliary acid, bravery, peptide, vitamin, phosphatide, bravery, amino acid to wait. Among them, pigment of biliary acid, bravery is the part that basically produces effect. " pharmacopoeia of People's Republic of China " 2015 edition regulation, in bezoar is being bred outside body, the content of cholic acid is not gotten little at 6.0% , the content of bilirubin is not gotten little at 35.0% .

Is medlar dish kind of Miao Peiyo or cuttage are bred?

Of medlar dish breed means to include kind of Miao Peiyo and cuttage to breed. Kind Miao Peiyo is the seedling that shows through the seed breed breeds medlar dish, and cuttage is bred is to use the branch of medlar dish to undertake cuttage breeds. Among them, cuttage is bred is the progenitive means that medlar dish often uses, can in age two season undertake. The branch that should notice to choose the belt on hale plant to have kind of shoot when cuttage paragraph, length is controlled for 15 centimeters about, had better undertake rooted agent is handled in order to raise survival rate.

Should notice to maintain soil after cuttage wet, give proper illumination and temperature, about 30 days or so can rooted and gemmiparous.

How is loess bred?

Can employ nods bacterium fertilizer, undertake hill up reforms, bacterium fertilizer is a kind of bacterium that appears in last few years + fat product, increase the beneficial bacterium in soil on one hand, kill harmful bacterium, increase nutrition on one hand. The choice of bacterium fertilizer, have a variety of kinds, can choose according to need, I use all the time collect fertilizer of law spy bacterium, the effect is quite good still, I am being used all the time. I also grow rice, use still have fertilizer of face of blade.

How to breed a plant?

, seminal composition most outside is it is cortical namely seed coat, composition of embryo, albumen just is inside, take an egg to make contrast, seed coat is like is chorion, endosperm is like egg white, embryo is like yoke, endosperm is used provide nourishment, embryo is used gemmiparous, embryo is divided again for cotyledon, plumule, hypocotyl reachs radicle, seed coat uses the embryo that protects interior and albumen.

Fall in dry state all the time when seed coat, harder, the embryo inside, embryo won't break through seed coat exterior go, meet all the time sleep deeply, when seed coat bring into contact with water, meet slowly expand, molten, the embryo inside also can become because of water have energy, slowly outward development, break through seed coat and sprouted.

When the seed is gemmiparous most what grow first is a ministry, again good qualities bine and leaf, the rate of root minister is rapidder, what go up than the ground is faster, it grows downward.

Does dish seedling breed a method?

Reasonable control temperature and humidity

Before paragraph the farmer of time grow seedlings is very much encounter microtherm, connect shade weather, want to control good temperature and illumination not only, notice humidity even, the cloudy day waters cannot too too frequent. Solstitial now afterwards, sunshine time grows, the illumination when sunshine is enough, bu Guangdeng needs to be used when the cloudy day only. When temperature is low, a lot of farmer are added with line of the heat of the earth's interior lukewarm, but have the case that burns a root, this often is ground temperature tall cause. Line of the heat of the earth's interior needs the time in microtherm only paragraph open, do not need round-the-clock leaving, temperature is exorbitant bad also.

2, enhance seedling the way corp is growing

Seedling grows well, it is certain to have fight a gender, have the capacity that fights insect pest of cold, disease-resistant, this has very big concern with top application. Seedling top application we are a few more commonly used balance answer Hefei, for instance 3 15, dissolve of such 3 17 a few water are fat. Besides many NPK, what still need certain amount is medium microelement, boron resembling calcium is magnesian the microelement in these.

Top application uses the method that gush uses, a pail of water 30 jins, a large number of elements use 10 grams, microelement is used in arrive two grams, undertake spraying, below normal circumstance, every other chases after fertilizer 35 days. In microelement although dosage is small, but the growth that can promote seedling.

3, Yo seedling stage prevents disease

Stand withered falling with abrupt is the disease with Yo common seedling stage, two kinds of disease often are mixing to happen. Establishing withered disease is seedling only withered dead, not lodging, and damping off can be become piece lodging dies. In Yo seedling stage, precautionary disease is very important, can use spirit of evil mildew of nitrile of cough up bacterium and armour frost to come gush uses precaution, emphasize the ground to spray cauline radical ministry.

So, farmer is in winter or when early spring grow seedlings, must notice good above 3 respects. Illumination time grows now, temperature is some higher, use when adding lukewarm equipment, want to notice, seedling fastened flourishing to grow. More important is when seeing seedling has wilting, want to prevent disease.

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