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 2018 干石墙艺术,知识和技术 约旦的阿萨默尔 克罗地亚 – 塞浦路斯 – 法国 – 希腊 – 意大利 – 斯洛文尼亚 – 西班牙 – 瑞士 约旦 雪崩风险管理雪崩风险管理 瑞士 – 奥地利 布劳德鲁克/摩德罗提斯克/柯克费斯特/摩德罗塔拉克:欧洲 蓝印花布印染 斯洛文尼亚的棒槌蕾丝制作 奥地利 – 捷克共和国 – 德国 – 匈牙利 – 斯洛伐 克 斯洛文尼亚 布得斯拉夫圣母像纪念(布得斯拉夫节) 白俄罗斯 查坎:塔吉克斯坦刺绣艺术 塔吉克斯坦








1.克罗埃西亚东部的贝恰乐兹嬉唱 克罗地亚

2.仪式性的喀须喀克传统 土耳其

3.中国皮影戏 中国

4.法国传统马术 法国

5.法朵:葡萄牙城市怨曲 葡萄牙

6.阿尔结莫西的健康圣母节 西班牙

7.传统的韩国走绳索 韩国

8.比利时鲁汶年龄庆典剧 比利时

9.墨西哥街头音乐:马利亚奇 墨西哥

10.广岛县的壬生花田植 日本

11.尼杰莫克罗:达尔马提亚内陆的沉默圆圈舞 克罗地亚

12.科伊露莉提天主圣殿的朝圣 秘鲁

13.捷克东南部的国王游行马队 捷克共和国

14.岛根县佐太神社的神乐 日本

15.韩国传统武术:跆跟(脚戏) 韩国

16.尤露帕莱美洲虎巫师的传统知识 哥伦比亚

17.茨亚提斯塔赛诗会 塞浦路斯

18.寒山地区的麻织传统 韩国


















One, is the mankind immaterial culture bequest directory?

The mankind is immaterial culture bequest is to show Educational chooses classics U.N. to decide and include " the mankind is immaterial directory of culture bequest masterpiece " bequest project.

The contain of immaterial culture bequest that recording human society to produce the main character such as concept of lifestyle, custom favor, culture is worn the culture gene of world each nation, spirit is structure of sense of idiosyncratic, value, psychology, temperamental the core such as affection, it is complete mankind's collective precious fortune.

2, does immaterial culture bequest represent the mankind directory?

Miao Zu ancient song, white snake passes fabulous, bridge to wish fabulous, Meng Jiang female fokelore, Xi Shi fokelore, aid is official the story between fokelore, brighting villager, trot along on horseback press down folktale, Tan Zhenshan folktale, .

3, does directory of immaterial culture bequest have the mankind what?

 2018 dry stonewalling are artistic, the Er of A Sa silent of Jordan of knowledge and technology overcomes Luo Deya – risk of avalanche of management of risk of avalanche of Jordan of Switzerland of Spanish – of – of – Slovenian of Greek – Italy manages – of Cyprus – France Switzerland: The silk of wooden club bud of Slovenian of printing and dyeing of European blue allover makes republic of Austrian – Czech cloth of Slovak Slovenian of Hungarian – of – Germany – gets Si Lafu Madonna to commemorate (cloth gets Si Lafu red-letter day) White Russia checks bank: Dajikesitan is inwrought and artistic Dajikesitan

Masterpiece of immaterial culture bequest points to the mankind commonly the mankind is immaterial culture bequest. The mankind is immaterial culture bequest is to show Educational chooses classics U.N. to decide and include " the mankind is immaterial directory of culture bequest masterpiece " bequest project. The contain of immaterial culture bequest that recording human society to produce the main character such as concept of lifestyle, custom favor, culture is worn the culture gene of world each nation, spirit is structure of sense of idiosyncratic, value, psychology, temperamental the core such as affection, it is complete mankind's collective precious fortune. Beijing time is late on December 17, 2020, china declares alone " shadowboxing " , China and Malaysia combination declare " send Wang Chuan -- the ceremony that concerned person and ocean can contact continuously and relevant practice " two projects, via committee evaluation is passed, include U.N. Educational mankind directory of masterpiece of immaterial culture bequest.

4, is the mankind immaterial directory of culture bequest masterpiece?

" the mankind is immaterial directory of culture bequest masterpiece " was on June 1, 2008 the books that publishs by press of Hunan science and technology, the author is " world bequest is in China " TV set a series of books is made up appoint meeting.

5, directory of immaterial culture bequest?

Article of division of state religion of our country selected combination organizes directory of immaterial culture bequest to have 36.

1. Kunqu opera 2. The seven-stringed Chinese zither is artistic 3. Wood of Er of Xinjiang Wei Wu blocks Mu art 4. Mongolia grows tone folk song 5. Chinese traditional silk knits craft 6. Na Yin 7. Craft of Nanjing Yun Jin weaving 8. Rice paper tradition makes craft 9. Old song of the Dong nationality 10. Guangdong opera 11. Case Sa (this) Er 12. Craft of fire of tradition of dragon spring celadon 13. Hot tribute craft 14. Tibetan opera 15. Manasi 16. flower 17. Xi'an strains of music accompanied by drumbeats 18. Chinese the Chaoxian nationality farming happy dance 19. Chinese calligraphy 20. Chinese seal cutting 21. Chinese paper-cut 22. Chinese traditional timber structure builds craft 23. Dragon boat festival 24. Mom ancestor believes common 25. Chinese engraving pressworks craft 26. Breathe out wheat 27. Qiang year 28. Tradition of the Li nationality is spun acquire the skill that knit embroider 29. Tradition of Chinese arch bridge builds craft 30. Beijing opera 31. Chinese acupuncture 32. Maixirefu 33. Boat of blessing of Chinese watertight separation produces skill 34. Chinese letter is typographic 35. Chinese shadowgraph 36. Can of Ma of Yi of the Hezhen nationality

6, is the mankind immaterial 2011 culture bequest directory?

1. overcomes Luoaixiya the play of Bei Qia happy at present of the eastpart part sings Keluodeya

The noise made in coughing or vomiting of 2. ceremony sex needs noise made in coughing or vomiting to overcome traditional Turkey

China of 3. China shadowgraph

France of horsemanship of 4. France tradition

5. law: Portuguese city complains music Portuguese

The Spain of healthy goddess section of Mo Xi of knot of 6. A Er

The Korea of 7. tradition walks along rope Korea

Drama of celebration of age of 8. Belgian Lu Wen is Belgian

Music of 9. Mexico street: Maliyajimoxige

The Ren of 10. Hiroshima county gives birth to Japan of beautiful cropland establish

11. Nijiemokeluo: The silent circle dance of Dalmatia inland overcomes Luodeya

The pilgrim that 12. division Yi shows Li to carry All Souls'Day Temple of God is Peruvian

The republic of Czech of kingly and processional a train of horses carrying goods of ministry of 13. Czech southeast

The divine happy Japan of organized body of mind of Zun Tai of county of 14. island root

Wushu of 15. Korea tradition: Tai follows (the foot makes fun of) Korea

The traditional knowledge Colombia of koradji of jaguar of Lai of handkerchief of 16. You Lou

17. Ci Ya carries Sidasaishihui Cyprus

The hemp of region of 18. cold mountanious region knits traditional Korea

7, directory of bequest of culture of material of assist Yang Fei?

City of this world having help is protected greatly should courtyard of Hujia of city of puppet show, appropriate, south Zhang county is polyphonic the immaterial culture bequest such as word culture bequest is included national level and provincial directory. The reason is assist this world city history is long, culture inside information is solid, a lot of immaterial culture bequest are worth protection and inheritance. These immaterial culture bequest are bearing the weight of in historical endless flow the wisdom of assist in relief people and good memory, also be the main component of Chinese culture. Besides assist in relief city big Baodangmu makes fun of occasionally, courtyard of appropriate city Hujia, south Zhang county is polyphonic word culture bequest, assist this world still has bequest of a lot of other immaterial culture, wushu of door of clique of musical instrument of opera of this world that be like assist, Hanjiang, chaste tree, having outstanding artistic value and historical sense. The protection of these immaterial culture bequest and inheritance need our everybody joint efforts.

8, directory of bequest of countrywide immaterial culture?

1, Kunqu opera

Kunqu opera is one of the Han nationality is the oldest type of drama in traditional opera, also be art of culture of tradition of Chinese the Han nationality, especially the curiosa in opera art, be called one of 100 gardens " orchid " . Kunqu opera was labelled by U.N. Educational 2001 " the mankind is nuncupative with immaterial bequest masterpiece " . Does immaterial culture bequest have Chinese world-class what? Does immaterial culture bequest have Chinese world-class what?

2, Gu Qin is artistic

Art of seven-stringed Chinese zither reflects the solo art form that plays stringed instrument for a kind of smooth buy, also include to sing additionally, concert of the musical instrument song that plays give attention to two or morethings and musical instrument, xiao. Art of seven-stringed Chinese zither is afterwards be included after Kunqu opera " the mankind is oral with immaterial bequest " class of culture of the 2nd China. Musical instrument is happy it is the origin on Chinese history most ages ago and form of continual a kind of instrumental music, its but the history of textual research has 3000 long. "High mountain running water " , " burn musical instrument to boil a crane " , " choose the wrong audience " the idiom that child waiting for Fu all knows the literary quotation that out and musical instrument concern.

3, dragon boat festival

Dragon boat festival, it is the folk-custom political integrity with the oldest the Chinese nation, by totem of antediluvian times dragon sacred evolve and come, because of the Warring States the person bends the Chu Guoshi of period to hold stone in the arms to jump in dragon boat festival formerly commit suicide of Mi collect river, primary red-letter day also bends dragon boat festival as souvenir after. In September 2009, u.N. Educational is discussed formally and approval includes Chinese dragon boat festival " the mankind is immaterial directory of culture bequest masterpiece " , dragon boat festival becomes first selected world of Chinese to be not the festival of involuntary discharge of urine.

4, Chinese seal cutting is calligraphy (basically be seal character) and engrave (include authentic, casting) union, will make the art of seal. Archaic seal is mixed with distinctive scene high artistic quality, laid good foundation for seal cutting art. So go against the river of Shi Ke above goes to seal cutting art the times of 2000 many age the Warring States year ago.

5, Chinese calligraphy

The writing that credential law is an old Chinese character in is artistic. Chinese calligraphy is a kind of very distinctive vision art, the Chinese character is the main factor in Chinese calligraphy, because Chinese calligraphy rises in the generation in Chinese culture, development, and one of main essential factor that the Chinese character is Chinese culture. It is with the Chinese character rely on, it is Chinese calligraphy distinction basically indicates at other and phyletic calligraphic. The generation that Chinese calligraphy is accompanying a Chinese character and evolve and develop, all previous classics 3000 old, what already became Chinese culture is representative

9, is comic dialogue immaterial culture bequest directory?

Specific for, comic dialogue is to be in level of the 2nd batch of selected states is immaterial 2008 culture bequest is representative of directory, among them 3 units make comic dialogue trade the protective unit of immaterial culture bequest, it is Chinese broadcast art respectively round, Beijing quyi group and Tianjin quyi group.

10, is Yan city immaterial culture bequest directory?

Beat of phut of dance of the fokelore of fokelore of the benefit below willow, Confucius division Xiang Tuo, fokelore of big the reputed founder of the Ix Dynasty, beautiful rod, phut, merchant wild duck beats state of word art, Yan on the west big sesame seed cake, ask clever boy, be included folk literature, folk dance, quyi, traditional manual craft and folk-custom respectively kind directory.
