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不过麻痹戒指可以弥补这个缺陷,麻痹戒指拥有麻痹的效果 非常的切合战士,在pk的时候只要触发了麻痹效果有时候都能扭转战局,虽然麻痹戒指非常的牛批,不过拥有麻痹戒指的却非常的少,价格也是高的离谱,据说第一个麻痹戒指阿紫当时卖出了46w的价格,46w对于现在来说可能不是太多,但在当时的话都可以在北京买套房了。




传奇永恒战士这个职业单练利:血多,平时PK的时候注意点不会经常挂,而且PK的时候冲在最前面,捡东西概率大. 无莜传奇 玩战战有什么利弊弊:装备相对而言贵了点,承受的攻击最多,所以红药的消耗,气血石的消耗也最大,还有一点,大药吃得多,红药和石头可以忽略不计,但是大药可是不便宜,没有大药的战战PK的时候两下就被打飞,关键时候都是靠大药硬顶的家家有本难念的经,战战有优点,也有缺点,玩的是心态,心态好玩什么都有意思,心态不好,玩战战带麻痹也有想骂娘的时候,现在的传奇已经不是一把棒子打天下的时代了,PK玩的就是兄弟多



1.职业选择答:土豪或长期玩请选战士,平民玩法师 ,狂人可体验道士(土豪概念V10及以上)堆法只有一个原则:注意别把号玩费了,只堆主号,副号后期或土豪双搞(1)平民推荐 法战道,全力堆法师,战士道士1战力堆无所谓(当然这是不可能的)(2)土豪战法道,所有资源全给战士,法师道士后期再抽(3)不太推荐道士主号,如果已经成型了没办法挽回的除外(狂人可尝试)具体原因分析:法师的优势在于盾和前期推关卡,玩久了什么职业都能通1万关的 不要为了关卡选择职业,出了觉醒功能和攻击卡以后,法师基本不行了随着玩的时间久了,战士觉醒等级高了战士的觉醒全方位调整职业平衡才出现的,基础攻击高了,伤害提升比法师狠太多


非战斗宠物1级就可以带战斗宠物里 猎人和术士1级就有宠物 但是猎人可以抓不高于自身等级的宠物 术士的只能到一定等级去学 死亡骑士的食尸鬼也需要到一定等级才可以有








1. 传奇3中,法师职业单玩是比较好的选择。2. 因为法师职业在传奇3中拥有强大的魔法攻击能力,可以远程攻击敌人,同时还具备较高的生存能力和控制能力,可以有效地应对各种战斗情况。3. 此外,法师职业还具备较高的爆发伤害和群体攻击能力,可以在团队战斗中发挥重要作用。同时,法师职业的技能树也比较丰富,可以根据个人喜好和战术需求进行不同的技能搭配和升级,提升自身战斗实力。因此,选择法师职业单玩在传奇3中是一个不错的选择。







One, doesn't legend fight is the belt paralytic is ring useful?


Use paralytic ring the paralytic time that organic rate creates 5 seconds to the target.

Paralytic ring is the equipment that suits a soldier to use, attribute: Attack 0-1, abiding 5, weight 1, need grade 15

Paralytic ring is the equipment that a lot of players long for day and night, although this equipment does not have too tall attribute addition, nevertheless however another very abnormal passivity, old player should know paralytic ring is right the soldier's importance, this profession has the soldier a blemish lack control skill namely, very easy by fly a kite.

Paralytic nevertheless ring can remedy this flaw, paralytic ring has paralytic effect unusual suit soldier, in Pk when should spark only paralytic effect can turn round war situation occasionally, although exceeding ox approves paralytic ring, what own paralytic ring nevertheless is exceedingly little however, the price also is tall unusual, allegedly A Zi of the first paralytic ring sells the value that gave 46w at that time, 46w is likely to now not be too much, but can buy flatlet in Beijing in the word at that time.

2, what legend gem does pet shedding bring?

Attendants is lapidary (had better not take together with pet head) , virulent and lapidary, this is the general gem of pet shedding witch doctor, next fractionize, the tape that plays arrow shedding ticks off jade, 6 ancestor those who cover is OK take ice crystal, convict person, too extremely (belt too extremely did not take main skill) , wicked god, 45 later of 51 live pressure can greaten, can consider to take at that time avoid dead add dog suction blood

3, is legend lasting which profession sheet is experienced?

Legend eternity soldier: of experienced benefit of this profession sheet?  ? at ordinary times PK when notice the dot often won't be hanged, and PK when strong in foremost face, collect thing probability big. : of fraud of what advantages and disadvantages does battle employing war have without You legend? Ammonia is driven far  is complained crack say? susceptive attack is most, so of red medicine use up, of gas bloodstone use up the biggest also, still have a bit, old drug eats more, red medicine and stone are negligible not plan, but but old drug is not cheap, when doing not have the war war PK of old drug two be hit to fly, crucial moment is to rely on the domestic home that old drug carries on the head forcedly to have the classics that reads aloud hard originally, war war has an advantage, faulty also, those who play is state of mind, state of mind is amused what is interesting, state of mind is bad, zone of war employing war is paralytic also have when wanting to condemn a woman, present legend is not the period that a club makes the world any more, what PK plays is brother much

4, the profession that legend suits sheet to brush?

The profession that suits sheet to brush can choose a soldier.

1. profession chooses to answer: Local tyrant or play for a long time to choose a soldier please, civilian plays a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest, maniac can experience Taoism priest (V10 of local tyrant concept and above) caboodle law has a principle only: The attention fastens a date to enjoy cost, pile only advocate date, deputy date later period or local tyrant double do (1) civilian recommends law battle course, pile rabbi with all one's strength, lot of 1 battle strength is indifferent to soldier Taoism priest (of course this is impossible) (2) way of way of local tyrant war, all resource give a soldier completely, later period of rabbi Taoism priest is smoked again (3) not quite recommend Taoism priest advocate date, if had shaped to do not have the except that method redeems (maniac can try) specific case study: The advantage of rabbi pushs toll-gate in Yu Dun and early days, play long what profession can be connected 10 thousand those who close do not choose a profession for toll-gate, after giving arousal function and charge card, a title of respect for a Buddhist or Taoist priest is radical washed-up as the time that play long, soldier arousal order and degree became high the soldier's arousal is all-around adjust a profession to just appear evenly, fundamental charge is high, harm promotion is more too much than rabbi firm

5, what profession can take pet? What pet does take?

1 class can take blame battle pet 1 class has the hunter in battle pet and magician pet but the hunter can be caught not it is certain that the goes can learning dead knight only to certain order and degree ghoul of the pet magician of grade of prep above oneself also needs grade

6, the profession that can you take pet to go to work?

Pet store clerk: Offer concerned pet food, health care to taste, the proposal of toy, things and other articles for use, communicate with the client. Pet beautician: Offer pet hairdressing to serve, include to wash clip of hair of bath, clip, hairdressing, fingernail to wait. Pet doctor: Provide the service such as checkup, cure and medicaments management for pet.

7, do 4 sheet brush legend professional choice?

Sheet brushs soldier of professional first selection to had been compared!

" legend 4 " 4 big professions are respectively: Rabbi, soldier, Taoism priest, cavalier.

Soldier: " legend 4 " medium soldier is use bolo, the soldier's output is very tall, but their output means is fighting at close quarters, want to having more powerful vitality and physical power than them with the profession of other. "If somebody is blocked before, no matter who he is, can be chopped by my knife " this is " legend 4 " in the soldier's actor's lines, this also revealed the dauntless drive of the soldier's press forward with indomitable will

8, sheet of 3 what profession has played legend?

1.Legend 3 in, rabbi profession sheet plays is better choice. 2. Because rabbi profession is in legend 3 in have powerful blackart to atttack ability, can atttack the enemy remotely, still have taller viability and control capacity at the same time, answer all sorts of war situations effectively. 3. In addition, rabbi profession still has taller outbreak harm and group attack ability, main effect can be produced in group action. In the meantime, tree of rabbi occupational skill is richer also, the technical ability that can have differring according to individual be fond of and tactical demand matchs and upgrade, promote oneself battle actual strength. Accordingly, sheet of choice rabbi profession plays in legend 3 in it is a right choice.

9, which profession suits 1.76 legend does sheet play?

Taoism priest profession suits sheet to play

Because Taoism priest has treatment. Call. Use poison. Concealed body these a few crucial skill. No matter be sheet carries Boss,so Taoism priest is in in game. Still upgrade making gold is an ace. . Come integratedly in saying Taoism priest is 3 professions develop the most easily.

10, the legend sport that takes pet baby?

I am not clear. Because legend game is the game mode of PVP commonly, those who emphasize is the antagonism between the player and competition, not too much the element that involves pet. Only a few change the legend game of type may add pet system, but whether to involve pet darling to need to understand specific game content further. The proposal seeks advice from platform to aspirant travel inquires and understand in game forum or game.
