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费用: 8000-15000元 。




费用: 15000-20000元。















巴基斯坦临海地区气温高,气温差度小,西北高山区和俾路支高原气候多变,温差大,北部有些高山区甚至常年积雪。俾路支斯坦地区多山地和沙漠,气候炎热干燥。 习惯上巴基斯坦的气候分为四季:3月-4月为春季,这两个月的气候不热不冷,比较温和,但干燥;5月-8月为夏季,其中6月份的气温最高,有时高达45°;7、8两月多雨,因此通常又称7、8月为雨季;9月-10月为秋季;11月-次年2月为冬季,冬季昼夜气温变化比较大,白天气温可达25°,夜间有时会降至冰点。 其中每年7月至8月期间(具体时间每年不同)是当地的斋月,斋月期间商铺等很多地方只营业半天,建议尽量避免在斋月去。





1、常规团:大致费用: 8000-15000元 。优点:价格较低廉,全程有导游跟随,出行无忧,人多比较安全。缺点:旅行体验差,如赶鸭子一般走固定行程,旅行途中有大量购物安排,有大量自费项目。

2、自由行:大致费用: 15000-20000元。优点:旅行体验好,全程自由自在,完全按照自己想法旅行,旅行更有深度。缺点:如果不熟悉巴基斯坦,很难制定出优质的旅行计划,旅行途中容易迷路,容易出现问题。


建议游玩:3-8天人均花费:15000签证难度:易最佳季节:10月到次年2月是最佳旅游时间。 巴基斯坦临海地区气温高,气温差度小,西北高山区和俾路支高原气候多变,温差大,北部有些高山区甚至常年积雪。俾路支斯坦地区多山地和沙漠,气候炎热干燥。 习惯上巴基斯坦的气候分为四季:3月-4月为春季,这两个月的气候不热不冷,比较温和,但干燥;5月-8月为夏季,其中6月份的气温最高,有时高达45°;7、8两月多雨,因此通常又称7、8月为雨季;9月-10月为秋季;11月-次年2月为冬季,冬季昼夜气温变化比较大,白天气温可达25°,夜间有时会降至冰点。 其中每年7月至8月期间(具体时间每年不同)是当地的斋月,斋月期间商铺等很多地方只营业半天,建议尽量避免在斋月去。




贵州到巴基斯坦,需要先到北京 以贵阳到北京为例,火车票价是254块钱一个人。北京飞巴基斯坦首都伊斯兰堡机票价格是2700块钱左右。也就是说单程从贵州去巴基斯坦交通费单程是3000块钱一个人。

到了巴基斯坦以呆半个月计算,平均一天吃喝住费用算500块钱一天,半个月15天也就是4500块钱 。


















Travel to Pakistan how many money?

The travel expenses that Pakistan travels should be counted by the day of travel and give a means to decide, list Pakistan travel 10 days below roughly charge.

1, groovy group:

Charge: 8000-15000 yuan.

Advantage: The price is lower, whole journey has a tourist guide to follow, go out not to have care all right, the person compares safety more.

Defect: The journey experiences difference, if drive a duck to take fixed route commonly, there are a large number of shopping arrangements in viatic road, have a large number of at one's own expenses project.

2, free travel:

Charge: 15000-20000 yuan.

Advantage: The ride has experienced, footloose, according to oneself idea travels, the journey has depth.

Defect: If not be familiar with Pakistan, make hard decide a journey to plan, in road easy inner ear, easy occurrence problem.

3, custom-built swim:

Roughly charge: 20000-30000 yuan.

Advantage: The ride has experienced, become a group alone, him dominant travels, whole journey special guides only separate service, do not have any shopping, the travel means of high quality.

Defect: Cost is higher, be absent of average person bear limits and so on, the person compares be to one's profit many pieces all right.

Go to Pakistan travelling how many money?

Go to Pakistan travelling to need commonly 8000.

Pakistan is a very typical South Asia country, be located in the boreal end of Indian subcontinent, it is an old state that has long history.

Go to Pakistan travel expenses, concern with individual consumption ability. But Pakistan whole consumption level is not high, 7 days 8000 yuan of RMBs take room, have a meal, back and forth airline ticket is already enough, this is the charge below normal consumption level.

Go to Pakistan how many money should travel spend?

Proposal amuse oneself: 3-8 day average per capita costs: 15000

Visa difficulty: Easy

Optimal and seasonal: Will arrive in October second year Feburary is optimal travel time.

Pakistan faces Haitian area air temperature tall, air difference in temperature is spent small, area of northwest high mountain raises downy climate with road ining order to changeful, difference in temperature is big, north has some of high mountain area even all the year round firn. Much hilly area of area of Zhi Sitan of road ining order to and desert, climate is burning hot and dry. The climate cent of customarily Pakistan is the four seasons: In March - was spring in April, the climate of these two months is not hot not cold, gentler, but dry; In May - was the summer in August, among them the air temperature June is highest, be as high as 45 ° sometimes; 7, two months 8 rainy, because this says again normally 7, was monsoon in August; In September - will be autumn in October; In November - was winter second year in Feburary, change of air temperature of winter day and night is bigger, air temperature can amount to 25 ° by day, nightly can fall sometimes to freezing point. Came every year in July among them during August (specific time differs every year) the month of fast that is place, during the month of fast a lot of places such as business shop do business a long time only, the proposal avoids to go in the month of fast as far as possible.

Does Pakistan travel 7 days how many money?

With round 8000-15000

Free travel 15000-20000

The travel expenses that Pakistan travels should be counted by the day of travel and give a means to decide, list Pakistan travel 7 days below roughly charge.

1, groovy group: Roughly charge: 8000-15000 yuan. Advantage: The price is lower, whole journey has a tourist guide to follow, go out not to have care all right, the person compares safety more. Defect: The journey experiences difference, if drive a duck to take fixed route commonly, there are a large number of shopping arrangements in viatic road, have a large number of at one's own expenses project.

2, free travel: Roughly charge: 15000-20000 yuan. Advantage: The ride has experienced, whole journey is footloose, travel completely according to him idea, the journey has depth more. Defect: If not be familiar with Pakistan, make a high grade journey very hard plan, in viatic road get lost easily, appear easily problem.

Go to Pakistan how many money does travel want?

Proposal amuse oneself: 3-8 day average per capita costs: 15000 visa difficulty: Easy optimal season: Will arrive in October second year Feburary is optimal travel time. Pakistan faces Haitian area air temperature tall, air difference in temperature is spent small, area of northwest high mountain raises downy climate with road ining order to changeful, difference in temperature is big, north has some of high mountain area even all the year round firn. Much hilly area of area of Zhi Sitan of road ining order to and desert, climate is burning hot and dry. The climate cent of customarily Pakistan is the four seasons: In March - was spring in April, the climate of these two months is not hot not cold, gentler, but dry; In May - was the summer in August, among them the air temperature June is highest, be as high as 45 ° sometimes; 7, two months 8 rainy, because this says again normally 7, was monsoon in August; In September - will be autumn in October; In November - was winter second year in Feburary, change of air temperature of winter day and night is bigger, air temperature can amount to 25 ° by day, nightly can fall sometimes to freezing point. Came every year in July among them during August (specific time differs every year) the month of fast that is place, during the month of fast a lot of places such as business shop do business a long time only, the proposal avoids to go in the month of fast as far as possible.

Go to Pakistan travelling how to many fund use probably?

Go to Pakistan travel expenses, concern with individual consumption ability. But Pakistan whole consumption level is not high, 7 days 8000 yuan of RMBs take room, have a meal, back and forth airline ticket is already enough, this is the charge below normal consumption level. Recommend related: Pakistan travel expenses

How many money does Guiyang need to Pakistan travel?

Guizhou goes to Pakistan, need goes to Beijing to be with Guiyang to Beijing first exemple, train ticket price is 254 money a person. Capital of Beijing flying Pakistan is Mohammedan price of fort airline ticket is 2700 Qian Zun right. That is to say one-way go to Pakistan from Guizhou traffic expenses is one-way it is 3000 money a person.

Went to Pakistan with staying half month is calculated, smooth even season eats and drink charge calculates 500 Qian Yitian, half month 15 days namely 4500 money.

So traffic is expended 3000 add eat and drink 4500, go to Pakistan travelling groovy price is 7500 arrive between 8000 Qian Zhi.

Pakistan travel expenses?

Go to Pakistan travelling to need commonly 8000 to 100 million RMB.

Pakistan is a very typical South Asia country, be located in the boreal end of Indian subcontinent, it is an old state that has long history.

Go to Pakistan travel expenses, concern with individual consumption ability. But Pakistan whole consumption level is not high, 7 days 8000 yuan take room to 10000 RMBs, have a meal, back and forth airline ticket is already enough, this is the charge below normal consumption level.

Go to Pakistan is travel general how many money?

So if you go to Pakistan travelling, take 10 thousand yuan how long can you live? 10 thousand yuan of RMBs are equivalent to 160 thousand rupee, if go to Pakistan, the biggest expense is roundtrip airline ticket, have 2800 yuan, other expense are less.

Be in Pakistan, take a car to need 16 rupee only, namely one yuan of person name money, the accommodation of Pakistan is cheaper also, night 100 yuan, it is cheap also to have a meal, expensive word 20 yuan, cheap word can be done 5 yuan calm.

And if respecting wants to take a gift from Pakistan,go back to the motherland, you can discover, the thing here is very cheap also, if you go to a supermarket rambling, a big Luo Qiao that expend a row overcomes force, need 30 yuan only, it is much cheaper to be bought than China, say so, need a bit more beautiful money only, you can take a lot of gift to go back to the motherland.

Finally is the travel tourist attraction of Pakistan, that more cheap, be in Pakistan, a lot of tourist attractions and area are not open to Hesperian, but will tell to the Chinese, can't help stopping not only, and still offer free play, e.g. the petal of Pakistan, Bai Sha tile is waited a moment, tell here, calculate the sentence that come down, traffic of 10 thousand yuan of take out is expended, a month plays to be no problem absolutely in Pakistan

How Pakistan travels?

Method one:

1. gets ready passport, visa and enter a country formalities: The passport that the passenger needs to allow stock effect and period of efficacy exceed 6 months above to deal with travel visa, can have application in order to head for all sorts of travel windows, travel agent, consulate and online service orgnaization.

2. buys enough insurance: Viatic abroad when, buying international journey to be sure is very be necessary, choose to serve the insurance company with top quality and item with comprehensive insurance without fail, and special attention in the evening or it is nightly journey needs to have certain safeguard.

3. prepares a few necessary goods and materials: A few necessary goods and materials are carried when the journey, for instance medicines and chemical reagents, fight midge to prevent bask in, beverage of headlight, swimsuit, water, these can provide more effective safeguard for the passenger.

4. enquires local culture carries out: When entering Pakistan to travel, ought to culture of special esteem place is consuetudinary, do not eat pork for instance, do not drink, do not gather a crowd gamble, these are very important

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