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集体太空葬! SpaceX火箭载100人骨灰飞上天!(英语双语阅读)


集体太空葬! SpaceX火箭载100人骨灰飞上天!(英语双语阅读)

One of the 64 small satellites launched into space aboard the SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket last Monday carried the cremated remains of 100 people, including veterans and space enthusiasts. 上周一,SpaceX公司的猎鹰9号火箭载64颗小卫星发射升空,其中一颗小卫星携带100人的骨灰,这些逝者中包括退伍军人和太空爱好者。 The space burial was provided by the San Francisco-based company Elysium Space. With a price tag of $2,500, customers can send a one gram sample of ashes into space on board a 26-square-centimeter satellite called a cubesat, reports thedailybeast.com. 据新闻网站《每日野兽》报道,本次太空葬由总部位于旧金山的“极乐太空”公司提供。价格为2500美元,顾客可以让1克骨灰样本随一颗26平方厘米的立方体卫星进入太空。 After the remains enter orbit, the families can track the coordinates of the satellite online in real time. 在骨灰进入轨道后,家属可在线实时追踪该卫星的坐标。

After four years, it will re-enter the atmosphere in an uncontrolled reentry, according to Thomas Cievit, the founder and CEO of Elysium Space. 据“极乐太空”创始人兼首席执行官托马斯·赛维特透露,这颗卫星将在4年后非受控再入大气层。 The first launch of human ashes into space took place in 1992, when the remains of Star Trek creator Gene Roddneberry were launched into orbit. 人类骨灰第一次被送往太空发生在1992年,当时《星际迷航》创作人金·罗丹贝利的遗骨被送入了太空轨道。 The cost of private space burial is expected to fall as the service becomes more popular in the future. 随着这项服务在未来变得越来越普及,私人太空葬的成本预计将会下降。

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