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Fans of the Harry Potter franchise are about to be transported back to Hogwarts, after JK Rowling revealed she's releasing four brand new books about the wonderful wizarding world. This is SO exciting. J.K.罗琳自曝要发布四本关于她奇幻魔法世界的新书,哈迷们又能回到霍格沃茨了,真是个令人兴奋的消息。 The author revealed the four digital short stories would be themed around the lessons Harry Potter, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley studied at Hogwarts, such as The Dark Arts and Potions. 罗琳说这四个数字版短篇故事是围绕哈利·波特、赫敏·格兰杰和罗恩·韦斯莱在霍格沃茨所上课程展开的,比如黑魔法和魔药课。 The announcement on Pottermore read: 她在Pottermore网站上这样说的: "Prepare to delve deeper into the rich history of magic with this new series of eBook shorts, inspired by the British Library exhibition and its companion books, Harry Potter: A History of Magic. “准备好跟随新的系列短篇电子书来深入研究一下丰富的魔法史吧,故事的灵感来源于大英图书馆展览和相关书籍《哈利·波特:一段魔法史》。” "The series features four bitesize reads, each themed by Hogwarts lessons, and will take you back in time once again to learn about the traditional folklore and magic at the heart of the Harry Potter stories, accompanied by some new, gorgeous line drawings from London-based artist Rohan Daniel Eason. “这几本书的特点是4个一口气就能读完的故事,都和霍格沃茨的课程有关,再次把你带回到过去去了解《哈利波特》故事核心的传统民俗与魔法,书中还配有伦敦艺术家Rohan Daniel Eason新画的极美的线条图。”

"These eBook shorts are adapted from the audiobook and are a chance to absorb the colourful characters and curious incidents of the real history of magic in a more compact form – perfect for the train or whatever Muggle transport you prefer. “这些短篇电子书改编自有声读物,让你能以更紧凑的形式看到丰富多彩的角色和真实的魔法史上发生的奇异事件,非常适合火车旅行或者任何你喜欢的麻瓜旅行方式。” "In addition to exploring the origins of magic through history and folklore, the eBook shorts will also feature notes, manuscript pages and charming sketches as previously seen in Harry Potter: A History of Magic." “这些短篇电子书除了通过历史和民间传说探索魔法起源之外,还有很多特色,包括之前在《哈利·波特:一段魔法史》中看到的笔记、手稿页和吸引人的草图。” The first two books, The Journey Through Charms and Defence Against The Dark Arts and The Journey Through Potions and Herbology will be released on June 27, with The Journey Through Divination and Astronomy and The Journey Through Care of Magical Creatures coming out later. 先在6月27日出版《魔咒学与黑魔法防御学探秘》和《魔药学与草药学探秘》这两本书,《变形术与占星学探秘》和《神奇动物护理学探秘》这两本随后出版。
