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  • 在英语中,表达“最后”或“结局”的词汇和短语非常丰富,它们可以根据不同的语境和文体来选择使用。以下是一些常见的表达方式:

    1. Finally

    • 例句: Finally, after months of hard work, the project was completed.
    • 翻译: 经过数月的辛勤工作,项目最终完成了。

    2. At last

    • 例句: At last, the truth came out after years of speculation.
    • 翻译: 经过多年的猜测,真相最终大白。

    3. In the end

    • 例句: In the end, it was her determination that led to her success.
    • 翻译: 最终,是她的决心导致了她的成功。

    4. Ultimately

    • 例句: Ultimately, the decision will depend on the results of the research.
    • 翻译: 最终,这个决定将取决于研究结果。

    5. Eventually

    • 例句: If you keep practicing, you will eventually master the skill.
    • 翻译: 如果你持续练习,最终你会掌握这项技能。

    6. Last but not least

    • 例句: Last but not least, we would like to thank our volunteers for their hard work.
    • 翻译: 最后但同样重要的是,我们要感谢我们的志愿者们的辛勤工作。

    7. To conclude

    • 例句: To conclude, it's important to remember the lessons we've learned.
    • 翻译: 总之,重要的是要记住我们学到的教训。

    8. In conclusion

    • 例句: In conclusion, the evidence strongly supports the new theory.
    • 翻译: 总之,证据强烈支持新理论。

    9. Finally, to sum up

    • 例句: Finally, to sum up, the main points of our discussion are as follows.
    • 翻译: 最后,总结一下,我们讨论的主要要点如下。

    10. In summary

    • 例句: In summary, the project was a success due to the team's collaborative effort.
    • 翻译: 总结来说,项目之所以成功,是因为团队的协作努力。

    11. At the conclusion of

    • 例句: At the conclusion of the symposium, the participants agreed on the next steps.
    • 翻译: 在研讨会结束时,参与者就下一步行动达成了一致。

    12. To wrap up

    • 例句: To wrap up, let's review the key points of the presentation.
    • 翻译: 总结一下,让我们回顾一下演讲的关键点。

    13. In closing

    • 例句: In closing, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone involved.
    • 翻译: 在结束时,我想向所有参与的人表示感谢。

    14. To end on a positive note

    • 例句: To end on a positive note, we have made significant progress this year.
    • 翻译: 以积极的音符结束,我们今年取得了重大进展。

    15. To bring it all together

    • 例句: To bring it all together, we have seen how technology has transformed our lives.
    • 翻译: 总结起来,我们已经看到技术如何改变了我们的生活。

