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历史上的今天 · 1883年-法国著名时装设计师香奈儿诞辰


历史上的今天 · 1883年-法国著名时装设计师香奈儿诞辰

  • Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel (1883–1971) was a pioneering French fashion designer whose modernist philosophy, menswear-inspired fashions, and pursuit of expensive simplicity made her an important figure in 20th-century fashion. She was the founder and namesake of the Chanel brand.   Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel (1883–1971) 是一位具有开创性的法国时装设计师,她的现代主义哲学、男装风格的时尚以及对昂贵简洁的追求,使她在20世纪时尚界成为一个重要的角色。她也是香奈儿品牌的创始人和命名者。   英语词汇: 1. Pioneering - 开创性的 2. Fashion designer - 时装设计师 3. Modernist philosophy - 现代主义哲学 4. Menswear-inspired fashions - 男装风格的时尚 5. Expensive simplicity - 昂贵的简洁 6. 20th-century fashion - 20世纪时尚 7. Founder - 创始人 8. Namesake - 命名者   Chanel's influence extended beyond couture clothing. Her design aesthetic was realized in jewelry, handbags, and fragrance. Her signature scent, Chanel No. 5, launched in 1921, remains one of the world's most legendary and best-selling fragrances.   香奈儿的影响远不止于高级定制服装。她的设计美学体现在珠宝、手袋和香水上。她标志性的香味,香奈儿五号,于1921年推出,至今仍是世界上最传奇且销量最好的香水之一。   英语词汇: 9. Couture clothing - 高级定制服装 10. Jewelry - 珠宝 11. Handbags - 手袋 12. Fragrance - 香水 13. Signature scent - 标志性香味 14. Remains - 仍然是 15. Legendary - 传奇的 16. Best-selling - 最畅销的   Chanel's early life was marked by tragedy and hardship. Born into poverty, Chanel was orphaned at a young age and spent time in an orphanage before becoming a cabaret singer. Her career in fashion began with the creation of hats, which she sold from her millinery shop in Paris.   香奈儿的早年生活充满了悲剧和困难。她出生于贫困家庭,年幼时成为孤儿,在孤儿院度过一段时间后成为了一名卡巴莱歌手。她的时尚生涯始于帽子的制作,她在巴黎的女帽店销售这些帽子。   英语词汇: 17. Tragedy - 悲剧 18. Hardship - 困难 19. Poverty - 贫穷 20. Orphaned - 成为孤儿 21. Orphanage - 孤儿院 22. Cabaret singer - 卡巴莱歌手 23. Career - 职业生涯 24. Millinery shop - 女帽店   Her designs were a radical departure from the opulent, corseted styles of the early 20th century. Chanel's vision of liberating women from restrictive fashion was revolutionary, and her designs allowed women to move freely and comfortably.   她的设计与20世纪初的奢华、束身的风格截然不同。香奈儿解放女性于束缚时尚的愿景是革命性的,她的设计让女性能够自由舒适地活动。   英语词汇: 25. Radical departure - 彻底的转变 26. Opulent - 奢华的 27. Corseted styles - 束身风格 28. Restrictive fashion - 束缚时尚 29. Revolutionary - 革命性的 30. Comfortably - 舒适地   Chanel's legacy is not only in the clothes she designed but also in the empowerment of women through fashion. She believed that fashion was not just about clothes but about living life to the fullest.   香奈儿的遗产不仅仅在于她设计的衣服,还在于通过时尚赋予女性力量。她相信时尚不仅仅是关于衣服,而是关于尽情享受生活。   英语词汇: 31. Legacy - 遗产 32. Empowerment - 赋予力量 33. Believed - 相信 34. Living life to the fullest - 尽情享受生活   Chanel's impact on the fashion industry is immeasurable, and her influence continues to resonate with designers and fashion enthusiasts around the world. Her story is a testament to the power of creativity and the enduring appeal of a well-crafted aesthetic.   香奈儿对时尚界的影响是无法衡量的,她的影响力继续在全球的设计师和时尚爱好者中回响。她的故事证明了创造力的力量和精良审美持久的吸引力。   英语词汇: 35. Impact - 影响 36. Immeasurable - 无法衡量的 37. Influence - 影响力 38. Resonate - 回响 39. Designers - 设计师 40. Fashion enthusiasts - 时尚爱好者 41. Testament - 证明 42. Creativity - 创造力 43. Enduring appeal - 持久的吸引力 44. Well-crafted aesthetic - 精良的审美