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每日翻译:历史记载表明,到 16 世纪时,中国人已经发明了纸,并传入了欧洲,使欧洲人大感惊奇。


每日翻译:历史记载表明,到 16 世纪时,中国人已经发明了纸,并传入了欧洲,使欧洲人大感惊奇。

  • 每日翻译:

    历史记载表明,到 16 世纪时,中国人已经发明了纸,并传入了欧洲,使欧洲人大感惊奇。

    1. Historians have recorded that by the 16th century, the Chinese had invented paper and introduced it to Europe, causing great surprise among Europeans.
    2. According to historical records, by the 16th century, the Chinese had invented paper and brought it to Europe, causing great amazement among the Europeans.
    3. Records of history reveal that by the 16th century, the Chinese had invented paper and transmitted it to Europe, provoking great astonishment among Europeans.
    4. History tells us that by the 16th century, the Chinese had invented paper and spread it to Europe, leading to great surprise among the Europeans.
    5. The historical record indicates that by the 16th century, the Chinese had invented paper and introduced it to Europe, causing great amazement among the Europeans.

    Historical records show that by the 16th century, the Chinese had already invented paper and had it brought to Europe, causing great amazement among the Europeans.


    1. historical records:历史记录
    2. 16th century:16世纪
    3. Chinese:中国人
    4. invent:发明
    5. paper:纸
    6. have it brought:使其被带到
    7. Europeans:欧洲人
    8. causing great amazement:造成极大的惊奇


    1. "by the 16th century" 是时间状语,表示事件发生的时期。
    2. "the Chinese had already invented paper" 是一个过去完成时的句子,表示中国人在16世纪之前已经发明了纸。
    3. "had it brought to Europe" 是一个过去完成时的句子,表示纸被带到了欧洲。"it" 指代 "paper"。
    4. "causing great amazement among the Europeans" 是一个现在分词短语,用作结果状语,描述纸的发明给欧洲人带来的惊奇。
