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“counterattack” 做你所爱,爱你所做,你就能“逆袭”成功!


“counterattack” 做你所爱,爱你所做,你就能“逆袭”成功!

  • "Counterattack"是一个由两部分组成的单词,"counter-"和"attack"。前一部分 "counter-" 表示反对或相反,后一部分 "attack" 则表示进攻或攻击。因此,整个单词 "counterattack" 意味着对某种攻击或进攻进行反击或反攻的行为。   在实际应用中,"counterattack" 通常用于描述在遭受攻击之后以相同或更强烈的方式进行回应的行动。这个词可能在军事、体育比赛、政治等领域中被使用。例如,如果一支足球队遭受对手的猛烈进攻,他们可能会通过发动反击来改变比赛的局面。

    逆袭 counterattack;counteroffensive

    “逆袭”这个新词来自日文,意为“反击、还击”,尤指本来处于防御转而进行反击,开始仅用于网络游戏,指NPC(non player character,即“非玩家控制角色”)向玩家聚集的城市或基地等地发动的进攻,而不是通常由玩家向NPC发动攻击,并在逆境中反击成功,即反败为胜(snatch a victory out of defeat; turn the tide)。这个词也常出现在动漫中,指一反常态的(depart from one's normal behavior)攻击行为。除此之外,此词多出现在报道娱乐的文章。有很多以“逆袭”为名的微电视和网络小说,如《逆袭》、《匹夫的逆袭》(Counteroffensive of the Ordinary)、《末世重生之炮灰逆袭》(Counteroffensive of the Reborn Cannon Fodder)、《赛尔号之圣者逆袭》(Counteroffensive of Sage on the Seer)等,还有“恶搞配音(spoofing dubbing)”爆笑百家讲坛之《十大逆袭情侣》(Ten Lovers that Take Counteroffensive)。还有一部名为《逆袭》的电影,但其英文译名为 Destiny。“逆袭”一词受到网民们的热捧(to the great acclaim of netizens),博客中出现了大量带有“逆袭”的表达,如:做你所爱,爱你所做,你就能逆袭成功!(Love what you do and do what you love to, and you'll win in the counteroffensive!)  


    n.&v.反攻,反击;逆袭 所属分类: TEM4  

    counterattack 的用法和双语例句

    When invaded by viruses or bacteria , the immune system usually launches a two-pronged counterattack .


    He named his third wife mary sue hubbard to direct his own counterattack from the los angeles headquarters .


    Then infantrymen separated for groups , ran about a km and occupied trenches for repelling an enemy 's counterattack .


    Nigeria has spearheaded an impressive counterattack , which by some counts has brought the share of fake medicines down from around half to a tenth in five years .


    After the revolt spread , col. gadhafi 's forces rallied behind tanks and airpower and launched a fierce counterattack .


    上一篇:文言文的英语翻译方法 英语翻译方法技巧总结