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  • 成人常用日常英语口语怎么学?



    英语口语对话场景   1. 在餐厅点餐 A: Can I have a menu, please? B: Sure, here you are. A: What do you recommend? B: The steak is very good today. A: OK, I'll have that.   2. 在超市购物 A: Excuse me, where can I find the shampoo? B: It's on the second aisle on the left. A: Thank you. B: You're welcome.   3. 在医院看病 A: Good morning, doctor. I have a headache. B: Let me take your temperature first. A: OK. B: Your temperature is normal. Have you taken any medicine? A: Yes, but it doesn't work. B: I'll give you some pills. Take them three times a day. A: Thank you, doctor. B: You're welcome.   4. 在银行办理业务 A: Good morning, I want to withdraw some money from my account. B: How much would you like to withdraw? A: $500, please. B: Please enter your password. A: 123456. B: Here is your money and your receipt. A: Thank you. B: You're welcome.   5. 在学校图书馆借书 A: Hi, I want to borrow some books for my research paper. B: Sure, what kind of books are you looking for? A: History books about World War II. B: Here are some books you might be interested in. A: Thanks a lot. B: You're welcome.   6. 在机场办理登机手续 A: Good morning, I have a flight to New York at 10 am. B: Let me check your ticket and passport, please. A: Here they are. B: Your seat is in the middle row on the right side. Enjoy your flight! A: Thank you! B: You're welcome!   7. 在火车站买票 A: Excuse me, how much is a one-way ticket to Beijing? B: $200, please. A: Here you go. When does the train leave? B: At 8 pm tonight. Don't forget to arrive at the station at least 30 minutes before departure. A: I won't. Thanks! B: You're welcome!   8. 在健身房锻炼 A: Hi, I'm new here. What kind of exercises should I do? B: Well, it depends on your goals. Do you want to lose weight or build muscle? A: Lose weight, please. B: OK, let's start with some cardio exercises like running or cycling, then move on to strength training. Remember to warm up before exercising and cool down afterward. A: Got it, thanks! B: No problem!  


    1. "Excuse me, do you knowswheresthe Shuang'An Market is?"

    Answer: "Yes, as a matter of fact I do.Do you need directions? "

    Alternative sentence: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the Shuang'An Market?"Use this when asking for directions.


    问路的另一说法为: "Excuse me, do you know how to get to the ShuangAn Market?" (打扰一下,双安商场该怎么走?)这句话也可以用来问路。

    2."Is it far from here?"Answer: "Yeah, it's pretty far actually if you're going by foot."

    Alternative sentences: "How far is it from here?" and "Is it nearby?"Ask this to find out the distance toswheresyou want to go.


    它离这儿远吗?还可以说"How far is it from here?"(离这儿有多远?)或"Is it nearby?" (在附近吗?)通过问这句话,你可以知道你的目的地具体有多远。

    3."Can I take a bus there?"Answer: "You could take a bus, but a taxi would bemuch more convenient."

    Alternative sentence: "Can I go by bus?"When using the "go by" structure, bus can be substituted with other modes of transportation; i.e., "Can I go by taxi?" or "Can I go by foot?"


    我可以乘公车去那儿吗?还可以说"Can I go by bus?" (我可以乘公共汽车吗?)当用"go by..."这一结构时,可以用其他交通方式来替换bus。比如"Can I go by taxi?" (我可以打的吗?)或"Can I go by foot?" (我可以吗?)。

    4."Are there any landmarks nearby?" Answer: "Yeah, it's right across the street from a post office."

    Asking this can help you to clarify the directions. You can also ask "What's the closest major intersection?"


    那儿附近有什么标志性建筑物吗?这个句子使指引的方向更清晰一些。当然也可以问一下"What's the closestmajorintersection?" (最近的重要的十字路口是哪个?)。

    5."How long will it take by taxi?" Answer:"It should take about 20 minutes by taxi."

    To go someplace "by taxi" means to take a taxi there.You can also say that you want to "cab it"; i.e., "The club is too far to walk to, let's cab it!"


    打车去需要多长时间?打车去某地,是"go there by taxi"或"take a taxi there",也可以说"cab it"。例如:"The club is too far to walk to, let's cab it!" (那个俱乐部走着去太远了,咱们打的去吧!)。

    上一篇:四级单词快速记忆法 四级单词怎么记?