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1. **选择香炉**: 需要一个合适的香炉来供奉香火。可以选择金属香炉、陶瓷香炉或其他合适的材质。确保香炉稳固,并且能够安全地容纳香燃烧。

2. **选择香**: 选择合适的香来供奉。通常有很多种类的香可供选择,如沉香、檀香等。根据个人喜好和场合选择适合的香型。

3. **点燃香火**: 将选好的香放入香炉中,然后用火点燃香头。等待片刻,确保香头燃烧稳定后,将火吹灭,让香烟缓缓升起。

4. **摆放供品**: 如果有条件,可以在供奉香火的地方摆放一些供品,如水果、茶水或其他食物,以示虔诚和敬意。

5. **定期更换**: 需要定期清理香炉,以及更换已经燃尽的香头。保持香炉清洁,并确保供奉的香火时刻洁净。



Burning incense of dark hall consecrate needs to notice the following:

1.** chooses censer ** : Need an appropriate censer to come consecrate burning incense. Can choose censer of metallic censer, pottery and porcelain or other and right capable person to pledge. Ensure censer is firm, and can contain sweet blaze surely.

2.** chooses sweet ** : The choice is right sweet come consecrate. What have a lot of sort normally is sweet can offer an alternative, wait like agalloch eaglewood, the pride of China. What suit according to individual be fond of and circumstance choice is sweet model.

3.** ignites burning incense ** : What will chosen is sweet in putting censer, fire sweet head with fire next. Await moment, after ensuring sweet head combustion is stable, blow fire destroy, allow incense smoke slowly rise.

4.** puts offerings ** : If conditional, a few offerings can be put in the place of consecrate burning incense, be like fruit, boiled water or other edibles, mix in order to show piously devoir.

5.** changes regularly ** : Need clears regularly censer, and the sweet head that changes to had been lighted. Maintain censer cleanness, ensure the burning incense hour of consecrate is clean.

These are the basic measure of consecrate burning incense, need undertakes be adjustmented appropriately according to the individual's belief and habit.
